
  • Iscrizione
  • Livello6
  • Punti7371
  • Post751
  • Soluzioni9
  • @Anastasie hello!

    and also welcome back to the Community 🙂

    _What is an asset? The dictionary definition reads: “an asset belonging to a person or company, considered to have value”. For a company, this may include tools, equipment, machines, returnable transport items (pallets, bins), vehicles, etc.

    in the case cited it is the recording in question which must have gone wrong, as indicated “because it was never broadcast and therefore could not be recorded

    this sometimes happens unfortunately, in general these defective recordings are indicated by a lightning bolt = corrupted

    Mostra lingua originale (Francese)

    “On apprend parfois plus d'une défaite que d'une victoire” — José Raúl Capablanca

  • @Anastasie wrote:

    Let’s say: I preferred to speak directly to a person rather than having to first click on a link sent to me on my mobile phone, etc….. It was much simpler and more pleasant!!!

    In what context, which person? From Swisscom? We cannot understand it like this.

    Mostra lingua originale (Francese)

    Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé

  • Hello @Anastasie,

    happy to hear from you again on this forum 😀

    concerning the subject raised, it will be complex to say the least to find an explanation for this confusion

    here is an interesting reflection from Pastor André Gounelle:

    " To distinguish itself from Catholicism, French Protestantism has adopted a vocabulary whose accuracy can be contested. For example, “temple” normally designates, in classical language, the residence of the divinity. This word would be well suited for the Churches Catholics in which consecrated hosts are kept (becoming corpus Christi, corpus Dei). Protestants, who do not sanctify their places of worship and refuse to consider them as dwellings of God, really didn’t choose a good word. The same goes for “worship” which means “adoration”, “honor given to God”. saying “sending” would be preferable. That said, it seems unlikely to me that we will one day arrive, for the sake of accuracy of vocabulary, of speaking of Catholic temples and Protestant masses ".

    Mostra lingua originale (Francese)

    “On apprend parfois plus d'une défaite que d'une victoire” — José Raúl Capablanca

  • @Anastasie Hello

    No, it’s not Swisscom’s incompetence! The explanation for receiving this email in German is very simple: you went to the forum in German and you disconnected without returning to the forum to the French section. I have the same situation when I consult the Italian forum, the email received is in Italian.

    To summarize, before logging out, return to the forum in French, and the emails will be received as you wish.

    Cordialement Doremi

    Mostra lingua originale (Francese)
  • @Anastasie The problem seems to be with the auto-login mechanism which takes place when opening the page and which bugs if there is a message with the same reference number in the German forum . The information has been passed to support but I know from experience that seemingly simple problems can be difficult and take a long time to resolve.

    Mostra lingua originale (Francese)
  • Hello @Anastasie

    thank you for the contributions and reactions which are perfectly understandable 😀

    the RTS and the SRF are part of the same group the SSR

    the French-speaking, German-speaking, Italian and Romansh editorial offices are distinct

    Who we are | SRG SSR

    The SSR brings together five business units – RSI, RTR, RTS, SRF and SWI – to which is added the General Management, located in Bern. It also has two subsidiaries: Swiss TXT and Telvetia.

    With a workforce of 6,957 employees, an annual turnover of 1.55 billion francs, 17 radio stations and 7 TV channels as well as Internet sites and teletext services, the SSR is the most large electronic media company in Switzerland.

    it is possible to contact the SSR, with a non-zero probability of hoping for a response 🙄

    Contact | SRG SSR

    Mostra lingua originale (Francese)

    “On apprend parfois plus d'une défaite que d'une victoire” — José Raúl Capablanca

  • @Anastasie In fact, it’s simple, for everything that appears on the screen or on teletext in sound and image, it’s the channels themselves, as far as the guide is concerned, it is the data provider who, as we know, is not particularly careful. Having a Catholic priest appear at a Reformation service is already a failure. On SRF 1, where the same worship was broadcast from Bellinzona, we did better.

    Mostra lingua originale (Francese)

    Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé

  • @Anastasie Hello

    "-the two languages ​​overlapping! Why not do a two-channel broadcast?

    A little rigor, please! -"

    Small reminder: Swisscom, like any other service provider, retransmits the broadcaster’s signal. Swisscom has nothing to do with it. If that doesn’t suit you, I can understand, but for that you have to contact the RTS directly!

    Cordialement Doremi

    Mostra lingua originale (Francese)
  • @Anastasie I use what’s called a workaround to adapt to an abnormal situation 😉

    The development team has still not succeeded in defining and implementing a reliable strategy for managing the language of the interface. I even had cases where the page was rewritten by itself, changing to German while I was reading the text in French 😩

    Mostra lingua originale (Francese)
  • @Anastasie ce badge est déjà prévu 😀

    Albert Einstein.png

    “On apprend parfois plus d'une défaite que d'une victoire” — José Raúl Capablanca

  • @Anastasie hello 😀

    YES the management of these 4 languages ​​(FR, DE, IT, EN) in the various Communities is sometimes abstruse or even abstruse 🙄

    compartmentalization sometimes undergoes osmotic pressures hence the problems described 😠

    BUT progress has been made for some time to make this forum more secure and user-friendly 🔐 🤠

    SI SI SI… this is not necessarily transparent at first glance and still requires some refinement 🛠⚙️

    it’s about getting used to and adapting to these modes of operation

    Mostra lingua originale (Francese)

    “On apprend parfois plus d'une défaite que d'une victoire” — José Raúl Capablanca

  • Hello @Anastasie,

    It’s true that it’s very annoying to always find yourself in German when you have selected French.

    I noticed one thing:

    As long as you stay on the main Community page, you stay in French. But as there are only a limited number of messages, the very latest ones, you have to click at the bottom, below the latest messages, on OTHER to obtain the older messages.

    So far, no problem. But if you leave while remaining on this page, the next time you come back, you refresh it and it is in German!

    The trick is to always return to the main page (the one that contains only the most recent messages) before leaving. When you come back, it will still be in French. And you can then continue on OTHERS which will also be in French. But don’t forget to return to the main page before leaving.

    A little difficult to explain all this. I hope you were able to follow me.

    Good day.

    Ps: if any developers read this message…. please take it into account!

    Mostra lingua originale (Francese)

    Cordialement, Prelude

  • @Anastasie hello 😀

    >… It’s been the same story for many years…

    YES like the seasons:

    Summer burning makes heavy wheat.
    A year does not have two summers.
    From a very hot summer comes an autumn during which it often thunders.

    Beautiful autumn comes more often than beautiful spring.

    Autumn in bloom, winter full of rigor.

    In winter it rains everywhere, in summer when God wants it.

    Mostra lingua originale (Francese)

    “On apprend parfois plus d'une défaite que d'une victoire” — José Raúl Capablanca

  • @Anastasie hello 😀

    Thank you for the explanatory lines, indeed it is hot but storms are expected ⛈

    followed by a pleasant freshness ⛄

    >… Have you noticed that the screen regularly fills up with small diamonds (written in gray on a white background) or small circles of different colors with letters, etc….

    it is not easy to understand this screen filling with diamonds or circles 🤔

    🔷🔶🔹🔸📍⚫🔴⚪⭕🔵 🔷🔶🔹🔸📍⚫🔴⚪⭕🔵🔷🔶🔹🔸📍⚫🔴⚪⭕🔵

    When do they appear and how long does it last?

    -> when starting TV-Box

    -> currently watching a program

    -> on which channels if this is specific

    -> in what viewing mode: live, replay, recording, other

    -> during a specific manipulation

    -> randomly

    -> other?

    a photo could help to better understand this disturbance📱 🖼

    as well as a detailed description of the installation:

    - model of TV-Box and Internet-Box (or other router)

    - their connection mode: Ethernet cable, WLAN-Box, WLAN

    __Questions, additional remarks:*

    - does a change of channel/program make them disappear?

    - to test a reset/reboot of the TV-Box and also of the Internet-Box (router)

    - thanks for feedback

    Mostra lingua originale (Francese)

    “On apprend parfois plus d'une défaite que d'une victoire” — José Raúl Capablanca