
This morning I have the same problem, 5G booster failure and after restarting the Internet box only LTE.

5G booster failure.


LTE only.



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Did it work again without you doing anything yourself?

In any case, there is 5G reception, so that can’t be the problem.

I reported the error further.


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Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.


I now have 20 seconds. I disconnected the 5G booster from the power supply and switched it back on and 5G was OK again on the IB3.
There is still an error somewhere.


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No, no, that’s not a mistake. After a certain period of time, 5G is gone and can come back again, depending on whether the 4G bands are more powerful than 5G. This is absolutely normal. Don’t always get hung up on whether 5G is there or not. The main thing is that the booster provides enough bandwidth when it is needed.

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Roger G.
Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, Product Manager Wireline Access


@Roger G is absolutely right, it can even be seen explicitly in the diagnostic data of your line:


The NSA at the end of the 5G name means “Not stand alone”.

Your 5G connection is the 5G version of “piggyback 4G” and experience shows that this is actually rather slower than pure 4G.

So everyone be happy that the 5G booster itself is apparently intelligent enough to select the fastest technical connection for itself, regardless of marketing.


Since the terminology surrounding 5G is already completely confusing in terms of marketing, here is another short attempt to classify the variants of 5G already used by Swisscom:

- 5G, 5G wide, 5G NSA —> everything runs piggyback on the 4G infrastructure and is comparable or slower to classic LTE

- 5G+, 5G fast, 5G SA —> requires its own antenna cell tower technology and is (assuming short distances) quite capable of significantly exceeding the speed of previous LTE connections

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Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom


Then you have to explain to me if it should automatically switch from 5G to 4G, why is the error message displayed on the Internet box with a reference to a restart for both devices?

During this time of the fault display, there was no booster support for the Internet at all on the Internet box, although 4G and 5G had already been available on the 5G booster for over 10 minutes.

The 5G booster only had a brief 5G outage and the iPhone 12 had none at all in the same place with 5G.

My opinion is that switching the Internet box from 5G to 4G or vice versa from 4G to 5G doesn’t work properly and it doesn’t have to be the case that you have to switch both devices off and on manually.

The whole thing should work automatically.

The exact same thing happened with the link below.

[https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Router-Hardware/Internet-Booster-5G-Fastmile/m-p/691697#M37133](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Router-Hardware/Internet-Booster-5G -Fastmile/m-p/691697#M37133)


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Also give my error picture for discussion.

Use the Nokia wireless app to set up. Positioning confirms 5g reception (-95dbm).

I confirm this and once the process is complete it always jumps to 4g (100dbm). Speed ​​test is unchanged at 100 down 30 up.

Phone (Samsung s21+) gives me 5g with 400 MBit download at the exact same location.

(2nd level support pending)

Can m.m.n. not due to the signal. Can reproduce the problem exactly the same almost every time. Already tried reboot/reset.

Have any of you been able to find an extended cable? Dad cable that goes directly out of the booster for the window feedthrough? That’s too short for me. Currently I had to push the network cable into the window instead…

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What is the reason that the special flat cable is too short? Normally the 5G booster is installed on the edge of the window. but be careful about the window closure?

The longer cable is not suitable for clamping between the window.

In any case, if you have the “M” subscription (300/100Mbit/s) you should also get the target value with 4G, see the picture below of the speed for me with 4G, currently only occasionally 5G.


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I have now also received the 5g booster. But mine is sometimes online and sometimes offline. Although it is always well connected at least 4G, it no longer boosts. 5g seems to fail every now and then, when it’s there I can get over 100mbit, but that’s only for half an hour, then it drops out and is no longer able to support over 4g. It should switch automatically, right?

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It’s best to contact support and mention the matter. I’m also of the opinion that this should happen automatically from 5G to 4G or from 4G to 5G and not after 30-60 minutes, or not at all.

Or the message appears telling you to restart the Internet box and the 5G booster and if you don’t do that then nothing will happen at all.

My opinion is that it still needs to be clarified, I myself keep having 5G interruptions even though the 5G connection quality is around 95dBm and, as already mentioned, with the iPhone 12 and a 5G Huawei mobile router, no such interruptions.

N.B. I’ve already reported it.

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Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

@Javallon wrote:

I have now also received the 5g booster. But mine is sometimes online and sometimes offline. Although it is always well connected at least 4G, it no longer boosts. 5g seems to fail every now and then, when it’s there I can get over 100mbit, but that’s only for half an hour, then it drops out and is no longer able to support over 4g. It should switch automatically, right?

@Javallon Please connect the booster directly to the IB, without a switch in between. But I also take a look at the line, because if ADSL is not OK, then bonding is also affected.

Edit: it’s not ADSL, but a problematic VDSL connection. In the house there is at least 1 branch in the line to one or more rooms that is responsible for the poor internet connection. These branches MUST BE removed. You can’t make a bad line better with the booster. These branches are a problem for the homeowner and have to be removed at their expense (you can do it yourself with a little skill). No support can help with the booster beforehand.

Best regards

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Roger G.
Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, Product Manager Wireline Access

@MGede wrote:

Also give my error picture for discussion.

Use the Nokia wireless app to set up. Positioning confirms 5g reception (-95dbm).

I confirm this and as soon as the process is completed it always jumps to 4g (100dbm). Speed ​​test is unchanged at 100 down 30 up.

Phone (Samsung s21+) gives me 5g with 400 MBit download at the exact same location.

(2nd level support pending)

Can m.m.n. not due to the signal. Can reproduce the problem exactly the same almost every time. Already tried reboot/reset.

Have any of you been able to find an extended cable? Dad cable that goes directly out of the booster for the window feedthrough? That’s too short for me. Currently I had to push the network cable into the window instead…

@MGede: Do you have a window that goes all the way to the floor, or why do you need such a long cable? Also note that the plug should not be outside when there is moisture. So simply stick the booster on the outside so that there is space for the plug for the longer cable at the bottom of the window. If you have other issues, you are welcome to contact us internally and we will take a look at it.

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Roger G.
Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, Product Manager Wireline Access

Hi Roger, thanks for the feedback. I had the booster on the WiFi box (which should work and the reception is much better here). But I’ll put it forward as a test.

The thing about the junction. It’s a MFH. I don’t have a branch (socket goes to the router, from there it’s finished). Does that mean someone else has a branch somewhere? Because the problem that I only have 10/12 or sometimes only 4mbit without a booster is quite new (and is sometimes accompanied by short interruptions). I’ve suspected since the beginning that the problem was “out of the box” somewhere… Because the home network is fast…

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Yes, it should be, the 5G booster had 4G displayed in blue and there was no reception in the 5G menu, but I have relatively good 4G reception with 95dBm, with you I saw 100dBm and that’s borderline, the less “dBm” the more better.

I don’t have a measuring device myself to see exactly whether this menu data was really correct?

In any case, 4G should also provide good speed, of course always depending on the reception quality.

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Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.