Advanced Calling, VoLTE VoWIFI wifi calling Essential Phone

  • After I’ve never been able to benefit from Advanced Calling with my Google Pixel for two years now and there have been various unfounded excuses from Swisscom in this forum on a regular basis, at some point I’ve given up on the idea that Swisscom can somehow manage it. Recently, WIFI calling or VoWIFI suddenly started working on my Essential Phone, bought 2 months ago from Amazon US. I also have the Infinity 2.0 M subscription. However, VoLTE still doesn’t work, and texting “start” to 444 returns: “This option is not available for your subscription.” However, the Advanced Calling product page clearly states that inOne and Infinity subscriptions are supported: []( Telephony knowledge box/WiFi-calling-better-telephone-connection-with-WLAN-calling/ta-p/692302)

    Has anyone experienced something similar or has more information about it? (Please no answers from Samsung or iPhone users, as Advanced Calling has already been working for these manufacturers for a long time).

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    • Hli and Preitzajeu45 like that.
    • Hello

      Why VoWIFI doesn’t work on various devices was also explained in the article: [] (

      1. At Swisscom, devices that are either included in the sales portfolio or have the corresponding technical functions implemented and, above all, activated are approved for advanced calling. In the case of Google Pixel devices, this is not the case. Google currently only activates the IMS settings for providers who actively sell the phone model.

      All relevant device settings that are necessary for the correct functioning of Advanced Calling Services (VoLTE, VoWIFI, SMSoIP, ECoIP) are entered in the GSMA database. All device manufacturers worldwide have access to this DB and can implement the operator settings (Carrier Config) in their devices based on it. Google is not currently following this approach. Swisscom has taken appropriate measures to change this.

      2. Carrier config can be done either by the manufacturer or by a trusted app. Possibilities for this were examined by Swisscom but rejected due to processes and lifecycle processes that were too complex. Swisscom follows the approach based on the GSMA Device Database (see details at point 1).

      The prerequisite for subscription is still the same:

      - All inOne mobile and NATEL® infinity subscriptions

    Actually, I’m not allowed to write at all because I have a Samsung smartphone. But still: What “unsound excuses” do you mean? In principle it is very clearly described how it behaves. See here: []( Topics/Advanced-Calling-VoLTE-and-WiFi-Calling/td-p/388332)

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    • Doc likes that.

    Hmm… Yes, you’re right, it’s pretty much described. But… it doesn’t specify which devices are exactly supported, nor what the exact requirements are.

    In various forum entries, Swisscom has always blamed the manufacturers without explaining in more detail why Advanced Calling doesn’t work.

    Android has theoretically had VoLTE built in since Android 7 via the carrier app, so the manufacturer no longer needs any adjustments.

    Funnily enough, the PH-1 even has the feeling that VoLTE is working, but if I set it to “LTE only” via *#*#4636#*#*, calls hang up as soon as I dial.

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    Why VoWIFI doesn’t work on various devices was also explained in the article: [] (

    1. At Swisscom, devices that are either included in the sales portfolio or have the corresponding technical functions implemented and, above all, activated are approved for advanced calling. In the case of Google Pixel devices, this is not the case. Google currently only activates the IMS settings for providers who actively sell the phone model.

    All relevant device settings that are necessary for the correct functioning of Advanced Calling Services (VoLTE, VoWIFI, SMSoIP, ECoIP) are entered in the GSMA database. All device manufacturers worldwide have access to this DB and can implement the operator settings (Carrier Config) in their devices based on it. Google is not currently following this approach. Swisscom has taken appropriate measures to change this.

    2. Carrier config can be done either by the manufacturer or by a trusted app. Possibilities for this were examined by Swisscom but rejected due to processes and lifecycle processes that were too complex. Swisscom follows the approach based on the GSMA Device Database (see details at point 1).

    The prerequisite for subscription is still the same:

    - All inOne mobile and NATEL® infinity subscriptions

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    4 months later

    Wow! I was only ever active in the “main thread” linked by @whoever and therefore didn’t see it. The point there was always that the VoLTE/VoWiFi settings for the Swisscom network had to be implemented by the manufacturers in the device firmware and, understandably, this only happens with devices that Swisscom sells in its shops and whose manufacturers they are therefore in contact with (the GSMA’s universal approach was only mentioned a few times but not discussed further).

    I had actually already written the whole thing off, but was brought back to it when your sub-brand Wingo surprisingly announced Advanced Calling a month ago and there was no longer any talk of device restrictions. I thought of a trial balloon for the parent company, but obviously something had been in the works for a long time. Your answer @DaisyB was what I had been waiting for over the years in the other thread - thank you very much for that, for the change of course and for your commitment!

    Unfortunately, VoLTE still doesn’t work on my second Essential Phone (Ocean Depths:hearteyes:). not (WiFi calling is somehow difficult to test, I still have reception even in the basement and with airplane mode + WiFi on it doesn’t work, does it?). Since it’s been working for you @madejackson since October, it can’t be anything major anymore. I will point out this thread to my colleagues at Wingo and hope they find the button:friendly_grin:

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    8 months later

    As an addendum to the topic: As of this week, both VoLTE and WiFi calling (including preference settings, so routes via WiFi despite reception) have been working on my Essential Phone in the Wingo network 🎉😃

    I can’t say what caused it or what ultimately made this possible - it definitely wasn’t Android 10 (after the update and a subsequent VoLTE patch a month ago, I checked it and it still didn’t work). Now I’m just happy that I can finally fully use my beloved Essential Phone on the best network with the fairest provider 🤘😊

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    5 months later
    11 days later
    24 days later

    Need information about Google Pixel devices and VoLTE/Wifi calling.

    According to the last two answers, VoLTE is now apparently available on the Pixel 4.

    Is there any official information about this or information when other models will follow? The option is not yet available on my Pixel 3 XL.

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    20 days later

    I would like to know what the actual reasons are why it still doesn’t work on Google devices like Pixel 2 after almost 2 years…

    There is no actual technical reason, the device meets all the requirements to be able to use VoLTE / Wi-Fi calling…

    discussed many times in various forums, among others. daisyb 1.5 years ago I can’t take “it’s our turn with Google” very seriously…


    [/t5/Mobile/Advanced-Calling-VoLTE-VoWIFI-wifi-calling-Essential-Phone/td-p/550797]( -wifi-calling-Essential-Phone/td-p/550797)

    [/t5/Android/Wi-Fi-Calling-mit-Pixel-2-XL/td-p/531692]( -2-XL/td-p/531692)

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    @zik73 take a look at the main thread.


    - In short, Swisscom provides the settings for each manufacturer

    - Not every manufacturer implements SC’s data (for whatever reason)

    - Not every firmware version has the SC settings in it (Samsung AUT -> unbranded and SWC -> Swisscom branding) have them in it. The DBT version (Germany) doesn’t have this in it. It used to not be available in AUT either

    - Swisscom speaks to the manufacturers from time to time and asks them to record their settings

    Ultimately, the manufacturer decides whether and in which firmware he wants to integrate it. When it comes to branded devices, it is clear that Swisscom still has a hand in it.

    For example, Google Pixel devices were never officially available in Switzerland. Only through import from MZ, Digitec and co. That’s why it’s possible that Google, for example, doesn’t have it on the tracker at all.

    In contrast to iOS, there is no standard for Android devices to implement network operator-specific settings. Apple, on the other hand, has these in their carrier bundles which the network operators can push via Apple software distribution.

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    OK. Exciting. I once heard that something like this is being planned. But whether this also works with branded devices is pre-installed in all junk.

    But let’s see what the future brings. I think if it had been that easy, Swisscom would certainly have implemented it that way.

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    The app solution is ancient if I don’t remember correctly. However, this requires a special SIM card, which is not used in Switzerland.

    It’s really up to the manufacturers or Google. But it’s getting better.

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    I’m sticking with it… it’s been going around for years.

    Unfortunately, unfortunately, I don’t know anything about this topic. If SC wanted to and finally made the great advertised functionalities (VoLTE, Wi-Fi calling, VMM etc.) available to their customers, they could have done that.

    I’ll stick with this opinion until someone proves otherwise. According to Google Android developer this would be possible. at least vmm has been working for a few months (but ev is still pilot)

    I can’t hear all the recurring “arguments” and “pseudo reasons” anymore… yes, we still have to test everything, blah blah…

    Google Pixel devices are absolutely AndroidOne-compliant devices without any bloatware crap, so just activate them and you’re done (which is also the same as Nokia AndroidOne devices.

    Guido T is now only listed as “anonymous” here in the forum… he has presumably left SC. In general, his answers were mostly unsatisfactory and involved back and forth banter. Specific questions were not answered by him or others.

    If certain pixels of the newer generation now work… wow… congratulations to everyone who works. But I would like to know the reasons why it should now work at least partially and, for example, on Pixel 2, which still has the latest Android and device support, not. Nobody could tell me yet.

    2 years since I’ve been following the topic… and 300m as the crow flies from swisscom headquarters in Eyfeld Ittigen, I don’t have a mobile ¾/5g in my apartment, but actually the best WiFi, but SC still doesn’t make it possible to use the functionalities that I do I even received an SMS message on my pixel…

    welcome 2020

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    When I (admittedly, unfortunately I don’t have the necessary knowledge to look through it) analyze my phone for active services, I always see that VoLTE and Wi-Fi calling are grayed out.

    and these are sorry, provider-controlled settings. Just like via IMS, no services can be registered/activated. So SC has not activated this device even though the functions are supported and usable

    So it’s too simplistic to say that the problem is Google.

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    Yes, because the phone doesn’t know how to connect because the provider settings are not stored in the phone and that is the responsibility of the manufacturer/Google. The network operator only has to announce the settings what happened.

    It’s that simple. You can always doubt that, but it stays that way. Likewise, the providers are dependent on the manufacturer/Google integrating the settings for VVM or RCS. Collaboration with Google is getting better. That was my last stand. I would have to ask my ex-team discreetly 😉

    Samsung is a special case in the Android universe, but simpler.

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