Advanced Calling: VoLTE und WiFi Calling

  • Dear members,

    Does VoLTE mean anything to you? It is the latest telephony technology. It will be introduced gradually from today and is the first part of the latest Swisscom Advanced Calling telephony experience. Swisscom has made its 4G/LTE network ready for Voice over LTE technology. Thanks to voice transmission via the LTE network with a corresponding smartphone, VoLTE ensures even better quality when making calls. Until now you have always made calls with 2G or 3G. You can benefit from the following advantages:

    • Constantly high surfing speed even during phone calls

    • Super fast call setup

    • Best voice quality

    • Saving the cell phone battery because there is less switching between 4G/3G/2G

    Another milestone will follow in the summer with the launch of WiFi calling, which enables telephone calls via any WiFi access.

    You can find further information about the technology here: Media release.

    Have fun exchanging ideas with other users!



    Editor’s addendum:

    You can find the most important information about Advanced Calling (VoLTE and WiFI Calling) from Swisscom on this page:

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    • Unglaublich, eben ein Blick auf mein Handy, nun erscheint hier “VoWIFI”.

      Nun kann ich via WLAN problemlos telefonieren…

      Vielen dank für die Freischaltung im Hintergrund!?!


    Super! I’m glad that Swisscom doesn’t sleep when it comes to introducing new services!

    Now my question! I have an iPhone 6 with iOS 8.4 Beta 4. Now I see Voice & Data for 4G under the “Mobile Data” setting. IMG_0014.PNG

    Does this mean that VoLTE is supported from iOS 8.4? This update would come out on June 30th? Or will it only be supported with iOS 9?

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    Ah ok! Thank you for the answer. I didn’t pay attention in 8.3.

    For WifiCalling I understand that you need a software update, but do you also need this for VoLTE in this case? Or does the network operator software just need to be updated to support VoLTE?

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    Hello everyone

    To benefit from VoLTE you need:

    • a 4G/LTE-capable device of the latest generation and a software update from the device manufacturer: this year, devices from Apple, HTC, Samsung and Microsoft, among others, will support Advanced Calling
    • one of the following subscriptions: NATEL® (xtra) infinity, NATEL® (xtra) infinity plus or NATEL® entry
    • Activation of Swisscom; Swisscom informs all customers who will now be able to benefit from “Advanced Calling” via SMS

    Best regards


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    @Googlook wrote:

    Let’s see if the devices in the Swisscom network use VoLTE (my Windows Phone is currently still using 3G (CSFB)).

    According to a press release, only the Samsung Galaxy S5 has currently been activated for VoLTE by Swisscom (June 10, 2015).

    LTE-capable Windows Phones with operating system version 8.10.14147.180 or higher support VoLTE, but have not yet been activated for VoLTE by Swisscom. That’s why VoLTE works with Windows Phone in the USA, but not yet in Switzerland.

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    Thanks for the answer, although it doesn’t really answer my question. Are you only enabled for Advanced Calling if you support both Volte and WifiCalling or is just one of the two sufficient?

    I’m assuming now that the iPhone will receive support with iOS 9. Since you won’t get an answer otherwise…

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    “Advanced Calling” is the marketing department’s collective term for VoLTE and WiFI calling.

    - If a mobile device supports telephone calls via IP data packets via LTE, we are talking about VoLTE.

    - If a mobile device supports telephone calls via IP data packets over WLAN, this is called WiFi calling.

    VoLTE and WiFi calling are activated individually by the mobile operator. The mobile device/SIM card can be enabled for VoLTE but blocked for WiFi calling.

    IPhone 6 and 6 Plus with the current operating system version as of today (June 10, 2015) supported VoLTE, but have not (yet) been activated for VoLTE by Swisscom:

    Currently (June 10, 2015) no mobile device has been activated by Swisscom for WiFi calling.

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    Is there already technical information about which IP addresses the smartphones communicate with for the WiFi calling function?

    I imagine that there are situations in the business sector where one does not want to release the network for this purpose for various reasons, just as there are good reasons for WiFi calling. (But that’s a different discussion and doesn’t interest me…)

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    I type IPv6 (in the background).:smileywink:

    And if I understand the concept correctly, it doesn’t really matter. Because VoLTE and Wifi calling is nothing other than VoIP.

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    It would be interesting to know whether Wifi Calling also works abroad, for example in a hotel, and whether you could then use it to make calls via Wifi instead of the IO app.


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    @dxbruelhart wrote:

    I have a Samsung Galaxy S5 LTE+ SM G901F

    Swisscom wants to send an SMS to all activated customers, I haven’t received that yet.

    Will be introduced gradually, so just be patient…

    @membear wrote:

    What does it look like for prepaid customers? Will this service also be activated?


    @mitsui wrote:

    It would be interesting to know whether Wifi Calling also works abroad, for example in a hotel, and whether you could then use it to make calls via Wifi instead of the IO app.


    No, you can’t.

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    @mitsui wrote:

    It would be interesting to know whether Wifi Calling also works abroad, for example in a hotel, and whether you could then use it to make calls via Wifi instead of the IO app.


    Unfortunately not “yet”. However, this should also be activated at a later date.

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    Hello everyone

    Also for prepaid?

    - An expansion to prepaid is planned, without being able to specify a date at the moment.

    Why is WiFi calling not possible abroad?

    - With the introduction of WiFi calling, we are aiming for better reception quality in buildings. In a further step, we would like to offer this expansion abroad as well. The technical requirements for this are being worked out. Free telephony and messaging abroad is already available to our customers today with our communication app iO.

    Best regards

    Matthias M


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    Thanks for the answers Swisscom. Another technical question that surprises me.

    If I understand it correctly, the best network should be selected automatically, even if you are in a call (without interruption). Where I live, I practically only have 2G reception around the house. What happens when I leave the house? Will the connection continue with 2G without interruption or is there an interruption because there is no 4G?

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