WiFi calling filter disappeared from shop --> Is this no longer supported?

  • SC has quietly and “secretly” removed the “WiFi Calling” filter function from the shop in the last few days:


    I would love to know what this means for customers…

    The web admins haven’t been very thorough yet. At least to this day there are still traces of it on the web:


    …even if the link no longer works.

    It would be interesting to find out whether SC supports WiFi calling and in particular for which devices.

    In poorly supplied areas or in-house, it was previously possible to use an alternative solution (limited to a very few models and manufacturers).

    In addition to the fact that it is not yet clear that SC has obviously actively blocked the function from various manufacturers and models (even though the device had the technical functionality), this would again be a strange “change in direction” after Wi-Fi calling was heavily promoted in addition to VoLTE just a week ago became.

    Does anyone know?

    - Where can I find a constantly updated list of manufacturers and device types regarding WiFi calling?

    - why SC is so restrictive and unprogressive here?

    - What is or could be moving in the future regarding WiFi calling?

    Thank you for insightful feedback.

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    • Bea26 likes that.
    • @zik73:

      1. At Swisscom, devices that are either included in the sales portfolio or have the corresponding technical functions implemented and, above all, activated are approved for advanced calling. In the case of Google Pixel devices, this is not the case. Google currently only activates the IMS settings for providers who actively sell the phone model.

      All relevant device settings that are necessary for the correct functioning of Advanced Calling Services (VoLTE, VoWIFI, SMSoIP, ECoIP) are entered in the GSMA database. All device manufacturers worldwide have access to this DB and can implement the operator settings (Carrier Config) in their devices based on it. Google is not currently following this approach. Swisscom has taken appropriate measures to change this.

      2. Carrier config can be done either by the manufacturer or by a trusted app. Possibilities for this were examined by Swisscom but rejected due to processes and lifecycle processes that were too complex. Swisscom follows the approach based on the GSMA Device Database (see details at point 1).

    Hi @zik73

    I would rather assume that people simply didn’t search for it as much anymore and the filter may even have been removed automatically. Most customers probably don’t know what that is 🙂

    Swisscom benefits from this through less load on the mobile network and indirectly through better coverage (customer satisfaction).

    That’s why they don’t lock devices maliciously. It’s rather different: the function is quite complex and there are various configurations that have to match (an encrypted connection to the Swisscom mobile network must be established via the WLAN). That’s why every model has to be tested and the manufacturer often has to make adjustments so that everything runs smoothly. It just takes longer.

    So, even without having insider knowledge, I would assume that WiFi calling will remain and be expanded to other models.



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    So far I have understood that the 2 functionalities have no direct connection. They are/were also intensively advertised separately.

    If that’s the case, I’m surprised and wonder why it’s not called that. e.g. VoLTE/WiFi calling

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    hi @NotNormal

    Well, guessing won’t get me anywhere.

    The fact that SC does not block devices is an assertion. I argue the opposite. My device supports WiFi calling, and an SC employee has so far failed to provide a factual answer to two very specific questions.

    [https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Android/Wi-Fi-Calling-mit-Pixel-2-XL/td-p/531692](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Android/ Wi-Fi Calling with Pixel 2 XL/td-p/531692) (08/07/18, message 16)

    Since the mobile network coverage is very poor in my specific case, I actually depend on getting concrete answers regarding WiFi calling.

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    Your question was about the filter and not which devices Swisscom supports.

    And your device does not appear to be supported by Swisscom. Otherwise you could select the option.

    I assume that’s your real problem…

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    OK… I have to learn that you can’t get anywhere with direct, simple questions that can be answered with yes or no, but neither can you with questions that help you achieve a goal.

    I would like to repeat the questions I asked at the beginning again, in the hope that there will be someone who can answer the questions

    Does anyone know?

    - Where can I find a constantly updated list of manufacturers and device types regarding WiFi calling?

    - why SC is so restrictive and unprogressive here?

    - What is or could be moving in the future regarding WiFi calling?

    …because I have a mobile reception problem in the middle of the agglomeration (500m) from the SC headquarters, which WiFi calling could easily solve.

    Thank you very much for the relevant information…

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    The WiFi calling filter was gone due to an error. We apologize for that.

    This error has already been fixed in the Swisscom online shop and the WiFi calling filter is now included:

    [https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/mobile/devices.html#/products?query=::categories:MO\_L2\_MOBILE\_PHONES](https://www.swisscom.ch/de /private customers/mobile/devices.html#/products?query=::categories:MO_L2_MOBILE_PHONES)

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    Hi @DaisyB

    So I can now see again which devices are supported. Thank you very much for the feedback.

    Can you help me with the open, unanswered questions?

    1. Has Swisscom, as a provider such as the Pixel 2 in this case, explicitly blocked it, or has the provider implemented measures that prevent the Pixel 2 and other devices from using the “WiFi calling” “VoLTE” function even though these devices support the functions?

    2. What are the reasons why Swisscom (if at all necessary and in keeping with the times) doesn’t already “input” these directly into android.com via carrier.config so that every device per se already has the necessary settings?

    https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/carrier related to the demand of [@POGO 1104] (https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/65)

    Thank you very much

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    1. At Swisscom, devices that are either included in the sales portfolio or have the corresponding technical functions implemented and, above all, activated are approved for advanced calling. In the case of Google Pixel devices, this is not the case. Google currently only activates the IMS settings for providers who actively sell the phone model.

    All relevant device settings that are necessary for the correct functioning of Advanced Calling Services (VoLTE, VoWIFI, SMSoIP, ECoIP) are entered in the GSMA database. All device manufacturers worldwide have access to this DB and can implement the operator settings (Carrier Config) in their devices based on it. Google is not currently following this approach. Swisscom has taken appropriate measures to change this.

    2. Carrier config can be done either by the manufacturer or by a trusted app. Possibilities for this were examined by Swisscom but rejected due to processes and lifecycle processes that were too complex. Swisscom follows the approach based on the GSMA Device Database (see details at point 1).

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    2 months later

    Hi DaisyB

    Question regarding your point 1 “Swisscom has taken appropriate measures to change this”:

    Until when can this change be expected, i.e. when will the Google Pixel Phones be supported? Or even included in Swisscom’s sales portfolio?

    I look forward to your feedback.

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