Kocoxegh54 Cań‘t resist to add my 2 cents here, too.
First, there‘s no such service as „Swisscom Wifi“. From what I understand out of this conversation, what you bought is a mobile hotspot that uses the cellular network for providing a Wifi network whereever you happen to be. Whichever device this was, it is only common sense that it comes at a cost which is paid by your monthly fee. So this device clearly is worth something - so why for heavens sake did you just leave it at your old place and didn“t try to sell it at least? It could have bought you two warm meals.
Second, you are complaining about a lack of morale from Swisscom‘s part. You‘re calling it „stealing“ if they would charge you for what you rightfully owe them as a result of a contract that you signed too hastily. At the same time you consider stealing yourself out of the situation by quietly leaving the country with unpaid bills. You even publicly ask for advice whether this could work. Seriously, who is lacking morale here?
Maybe the University of Life is trying to teach you a few lessons here. Such as there‘s no such thing as a free lunch, regarding that router. Or that signing a contract in a great hurry can result in bad surprises. But also that mistakes are a part of life that can be seen as opportunities to learn and progress. This won’t be your last one, and not all of them will be as (relatively) cheap as 300 CHF. Another lesson could be that time spent on working out a solution with someone you‘re having a dispute with is never wasted. And finally, that being honest might sometimes not pay off immediately, but always in the long term.
Choose wisely.