SWISSCOM STOPPP HALT Serious problems with Beta 15.00.46!!!!
Existing static IP configurations and forwarding configurations are thrown overboard!!! Plus after a while there is a freeze in the browser and you can no longer access the IP of the IB3 box but Internet is still available. A firmware update from Swisscom, with customer service on the phone, has not helped so far, I still have the 15.00.46 on it and still the same problems.
First launch a beta firmware and then eliminate the old firmware on the Swisscom site for security reasons, so that you can’t even help yourself to repair the infrastructure. Super GAU in the deployment and release process! The customer is not your guinea pig! Unfortunately, I had accidentally clicked on the firmware update because beta is only mentioned there in passing. Normally there are beta programmes where you can sign up if you want to and not just roll it out. I am not a beta customer!