mikofr Cases like @Dude33 are the exception rather than the rule. It usually has to do with an old configuration not being processed 100% correctly during the update. You cannot test all constellations. You can usually solve this by performing a reset and reconfiguring everything. It’s stupid, but it can happen in individual cases.
I did a reset today and had the latest config put back on via mySwisscom. I had to reset 2 times (buttonhole under the IB3) and each time I couldn’t access the box again. With the GW IP the browser was constantly spinning and could not see the GUI. I even tried with 2 browsers. Then I installed the latest config 2 more times and only after this 2nd time did it work.
Either the IB3 is broken or the software. It can’t be that I only have problems with it. Yesterday the Bluewin TV wouldn’t even connect after I wanted to watch something on YouTube that was controlled from my mobile phone. Had to completely reboot the TV box without this procedure, no more TV watching was possible.
Called customer support 3 times today and am still waiting for a call back ….. They are probably all busy with IB3 and firmware 15.00.46 problems 🙁.
Dude33 If you do a reset and then wait until the LED on the IB is constantly white again and without restoring the old configuration, then you won’t be able to access the GUI? It may be that the old configuration has a problem. As I said, there are no known problems with the IB3 and 15.00.46. Therefore, the hotline is not burdened by this ;-)
If none of this helps, then the hotline should install 14.xx.xx again. If it then works again, then something in your setup seems to be triggering a bug in 15.00.46.
I did all this yesterday and today there was another outage (can no longer access the GUi) I had to restart the box with a cold start. In the static IP settings suddenly 2 devices appear that do not belong there but are not active and have no assigned IP. I changed the active DHCP range so that hopefully these suspicious devices are no longer on it next time. But I don’t really believe it. It is more likely that there is still corrupt data in the configuration memory that suddenly appears.
I’ll probably have to call …. again tomorrow because nobody is calling back.
Dude33 You can forget about the suspicious devices. It is probably about the device This is an internal process that should not actually appear, but sometimes does. Unmanaged switches are often reported in the device list, but they do not obtain an IP address because they are unmanaged. I also have an Apple TV, which is connected via LAN, but also recognises WLAN access via the Apple ecosystem. The device is also regularly listed in the Wi-Fi list without obtaining an IP address. Now you could argue that the IB should recognise this and not display these devices. Yes, that is the case. But it’s more of a flaw and probably won’t be fixed any time soon (if at all possible with the software module).
On the subject of accessing the GUI. Do you only have the problems from one device (PC?) or also when you want to access the GUI from another device (mobile phone connected via WLAN)? Have you installed ad blocker software (AdGuard or something similar) on the device (PC?)? If so, then define an exception for
Many thanks for all the answers and explanations.
I also had GUI hang-ups with other devices and at least once a day.
In the meantime I was able to replace the IB3, which is now back to version 14.?????. So the box is stable again but without the fixed problems which are in the 15.00.46. e.g. .ch domain resolutions from the LAN do not reach my NAS under 14.????? but with 15.00.46 they do.
In the meantime, a large number of IB3/4 users have upgraded to version 15.00.46. There are a few findings that will probably lead to a new version being released. As the version contains a new version of the basic operating system, this was to be expected. However, the GUI theme from @Dude33 is not included. This is really an edge case.
Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.
WalterB Of course, that’s why I use the 2.5gb port of the router 🙂
illetschiller please report the error via the error tool, thank you.
user109 Where can I find this? I have now performed a factory reset and will observe whether the error still occurs.
Hello everyone,
I have also updated to 15.00.46 and now I can no longer establish external contact to my 2 Wireguard servers behind the IB3.
It still worked before.
I also made a direct connection to another router on one Wireguard server and this connection can no longer be established.
The ports are not the standard Wireguard ports (51820). I thought this might be the problem because Wireguard is already available.
But with only 3 profiles in the IB3 you can’t get anywhere
Does anyone have any ideas?
Addendum: for example, if I release one server on a Fritzbox as an “Exposed Host”, it runs perfectly again