Hi, you seem to have installed the [new software 4.0](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Nutzung/Update-EOS4-Neue-Software-Version-f%C3%BCr-die-UHD-TV-Box-verf %C3%BCgbar/td-p/605871).
No, it doesn’t work anymore, it stays black (based on Netflix).
Greetings, Thomas
@Serien-Mensch wrote:
Now the only question is whether the new release also recognizes which episodes of a series you have already recorded during series recordings. This doesn’t always have to be recorded twice or multiple times, which ultimately only costs valuable storage space. I’m excited and doubtful!
It would also be interesting to see whether the ‘already seen’ flag is no longer reset when a repeat is broadcast^^
@Kevauvoth39 you cannot download the update yourself, this happens automatically in the background, very important leave TV-Box in standby mode and never switch off the router.
At some point you will notice the dark mode interface, then you have received the update.
Hello, yes, because of impatience, does anyone know how exactly the rollouts are issued? Is it arbitrary or does the system have it? I’m only asking because my Eltern have had OS4 since Monday and I don’t and I live about 10 km away from them, so it’s not issued cantonally So regionally but arbitrarily, sorry, I’m not that impatient, I’d just be interested to know how it works??
thanks for info
happy weekend
hello @compu this question has been asked several times, you could ask Google for example and then click on this thread [here](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Nutzung/Entertainment-OS3-2-Neue -Software version-f%C3%BCr-eure-TV-Box/m-p/570919#M41478) Come across it is described that swisscom does not structure geographically but rather according to logical groups