Fiber optic connection of an Internet box using a media converter and Ethernet cable
Fiber optic connection of an Internet box in the event of a greater distance between the OTO socket and router using a media converter and Ethernet cable
In the thread “Fiber optic connection in a closet” some posts deal with the Swisscom proposal for adapted network cabling with fiber optic connection and media converter. Different observations were reported: there were both successful and unsuccessful attempts. No cause for the observed behavior could be found. This post summarizes some previous posts in the thread and also contains my own experiences. It may be of interest to people who also want to use this solution. The conclusion is mentioned at the very end of the post.
Swisscom proposal (fiber optic connection):
Note: In the diagram shown, the network sockets in the “living room” are labeled incorrectly (LAN1 and LAN2 swapped). An analog error is present with “Sleep” and LAN7/LAN8. To implement this proposal, two additional components are required:
1) TP-Link MC220L - Gigabit Ethernet media converter
2) Skylane SGT00P10DR00 SFP Copper (or Cisco Transceiver Module SFP 1000BASE-T)
The TP-Link MC220L media converter poses no problem: it is clearly identified and available from several sources in Switzerland. The second component (the 1000Base-T SPF module) is not so easy. The product “Skylane SGT00P10DR00 SFP Copper” seems to have been identified with sufficient precision, but it is probably not easily available in Switzerland. Several Cisco products for which the name “Cisco Transceiver Module SFP 1000BASE-T” could apply are available in Switzerland. But not everyone seems to be suitable. This is the reason for this slightly longer post.
A) Summary of some previous posts in the thread mentioned above:
@Tux0ne mentions in his Post as a possible source of supply for the 1000Base-T SPF module :
According to the link provided, this is the product “Cisco MGBT1 Ethernet 1000Base-T Mini-GBIC SFP (Transceiver)”.
Note: I assume that all users who posted in the specified thread about using a Cisco 1000Base-T SFP module sourced from Digitec are using the “MGBT1” module.
@Rattenjunge mentioned in his post as a source of supply for the 1000Base-T SPF module:
According to the link provided, this is the product “Cisco Transceiver Module SFP 1000BASE-T, Cisco GLC-T, Copper Gigabit Module RJ-45”. Rat boy mentioned in the Post: “… I have the whole thing now Used, no problems so far…”
Summary: The Cisco SFP module “GLC-T” has been successfully deployed. It is not clear from the thread whether an IB Standard, IB Plus or IB 2 is in use.
@Studermarc009 mentioned in his Post: "I have exactly the same thing:
- TP-Link MC220L - Gigabit Ethernet media converter
- Cisco Transceiver Module SFP 1000BASE-T
It really drives me crazy that it doesn’t work. I don’t understand why."
Studermarc009 mentions in his Post: “And I have the components on ordered.”
Studermarc009 mentions in his Post: ""The problem is when I use the converter plug between the IB2 and the glass connector:
Swisscom socket with glass -> converter with the glass SFP from Swisscom -> ethernet cable to the IB2 in the glass port with the Ethernet SFP. And then suddenly there’s no internet anymore."
Summary: Studermarc009 uses the IB 2 and the Cisco 1000BASE-T SFP from Digitec. I assume that this is the “MGBT1” (see post by Tux0ne). The connection to the Swisscom network does not work."
@fami18 mentioned in his Post: “I have the same problem as Marc, that The IB2 doesn’t work. I also have Cisco and TP from Digitec… but now when I connect my old IB boxa it doesn’t work wonderful.”
Summary: fami18 uses a Cisco 1000BASE-T SFP from Digitec. I assume that this is the “MGBT1” (see post by Tux0ne). The connection to the Swisscom network does not work with the IB 2. However, the connection to the Swisscom network seems to work if a different Internet box model is used. It is not clear whether this is an IB Standard or an IB Plus.
@user109 mentioned in his Post: “I’ll be able to test it in a few days. SFP Ethernet has been ordered.”
user109 mentions in his Post as a source of supply:
According to the link provided, this is the product “Skylane SGT00P10DR00–RJ45 transceiver copper 10/100/1000Base-mini-gibic SFP”
Note: The thread mentioned has not yet mentioned whether the mentioned test was carried out.
B) Own tests with the Internet-Box 2, the media converter MC220L and the two Cisco 1000Base-T SPF modules “MGBT1” and “GLC-T”
Components used in the test:
- Router: Internet-Box 2 FIBER,
Source of supply: Swisscom,
Firmware version 08.01.08/08.01.00 - Gigabit Media Converter, TP-Link MC220L,
Source of supply:
Slide switch position AUTO/FORCE: AUTO (Note: a change in the slide switch position only becomes effective the next time the converter is switched on. Some tests were also carried out with the FORCE position; no difference in behavior was found. Einige Tests wurden auch mit Stellung FORCE durchgeführt; dabei wurde kein Unterschied im Verhalten festgestellt. This means that the switch position should not be relevant for this application.) - 1000Base-BX SFP module: Siligence, SGA 441SFPO-1Gb, 1.25G T1310nm/R1490nm 10km DDM, OST-1000BX-S34-10DI, 1000Base-BX SFP module with LC socket
Source of supply: Swisscom, supplied with Internet-Box 2 FIBER - 1000 Base-T SFP Module: Cisco, GLC-T, 30-1410-03
Source of supply: []( Transceiver-Module-SFP-1000BASE-T-14184709.aspx “”)
Additional Information:
Cisco SFP Modules for Gigabit Ethernet Applications “”)
Data Sheet
[End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Announcement for the Select Cisco 1000BASE-T SFP Modules]( modules/eos-eol-notice-c51-737325.html “”)
[End-of-Sale and End-of-Life Document]( -737325.pdf “”) - 1000 Base-T SFP Module: Cisco, MGBT1, Gigabit Ethernet 1000 Base-T Mini-GBIC SFP Transceiver
Source of supply:
Additional Information:
[Cisco MFE and MGE SFP Transceivers Cisco Small Business Network Accessories]( html “”)
Data Sheet - Connection cable between TP-Link MC220L (RJ45, 1000BASE-T) and Internet-Box 2 (RJ45, SFP module 1000Base-T in SFP slot): Gigabit Ethernet cable, Cat. 6
Photo of the three SFP modules used:
General procedure:
1) Insert the 1000Base-BX SFP into the SFP slot of the MC220L
2) Connection between the OTO socket and the 1000Base-BX SFP (in the MC220L) with fiber optic cable (LC/APC-LC)
3) Insert the 1000Base-T SFP into the SFP slot of the IB
4) Connection between the 1000Base-T Anschluss of the MC220L and the RJ45-Anschluss of the 1000Base-T SFP (in the IB) with Gigabit Ethernet cable
5) Switch on the MC220L (connect to power with power supply, LED “PWR” lights up constantly green, LED “LINK FX” lights up constantly green)
6) Turn on the IB
1) Test with the Cisco SFP module_ “MGBT1”:
A little more than 10 seconds after switching on the IB, the LED of the MC220L “LINK TP” begins to glow constantly green, after a little less than 30 seconds after switching on the IB, the LED “LINK TP” turns dark (a little before that, the LED flashes “ RX TP” briefly green), the LED of the IB flashes slowly red. The IB is not connected to the Swisscom network. Even after a longer period of time (e.g. 15 minutes) no further change can be noticed.
Summary: The test with the Cisco SFP module “MGBT1” and the IB 2 was not successful.
Screenshot “Internet Box/Diagnosis/Internet Diagnosis”:
2) Test with the Cisco SFP module “GLC-T”
A few seconds after switching on the IB, the LED of the MC220L “LINK TP” lights up green. The “LINK TP” LED briefly goes dark and then lights up constantly green again. The “RX TP” LED starts flashing green. Almost 50 seconds after switching on the IB, the LED of the IB lights up constantly white. The IB is connected to the Swisscom network. Normally the IB is also connected to the Internet. Registration may be necessary (
Summary: The test with the Cisco SFP module “GLC-T” and the IB 2 was successful. Screenshot “Internet Box/Diagnosis/Internet Diagnosis”:
C) Conclusion:
I assume that the Cisco 1000Base-T SFP module “MGBT1” cannot be used successfully with an IB 2 (at least for now, perhaps later with a different IB firmware version). All such attempts mentioned so far in the thread and the test described in this post were unsuccessful. However, the IB 2 was successfully connected to the Swisscom network in combination with the Cisco 1000Base-T SFP module “GLC-T”. However, there is also an indication that the SFP module “MGBT1” can perhaps be used successfully with other Internet boxes (IB Plus, IB Standard). The question naturally arises as to the cause of the different behavior of the two Cisco SFP modules “MGBT1” and “GLC-T”. I have to pass here. Maybe someone in the community has an idea.