@millernet wrote:
My colleague once said that he had the feeling that the whole thing works like this:
Swisscom builds and pays, Fredy says how it should be built and would ideally like to use the infrastructure for free.
He doesn’t care that a lot of time is wasted.
That’s not true. Fredy rents Layer 1 or dark fiber to the end customer and the space required in the headquarters for his Swisscom equipment. Of course, a backbone connection to other headquarters is also required. POP’s. You can find a detailed invoice here: https://blog.init7.net/de/rentabilitatsrechnung/
The link you provided says: “Our Fiber7 services are available in large parts of Switzerland, but unfortunately not everywhere. As much as we would like to offer Fiber7 to every household - the expansion is not feasible in all localities. Technical challenges or a too Low market potential can mean that developing an area is not worthwhile.”
With P2MP the calculation would look a little different. It would also be worthwhile to expand areas that would not be worthwhile with “pure, genuine” P2P. Bullying and bullying so that the best solution has to be implemented, but you don’t want to put a meter of fiberglass in the ground and then complain that it’s just not worth it everywhere… I find that a bit shabby.
January, so be it. If someone still doesn’t have a glass connection in 10 years, they’ll know where to thank…