I am currently having the most trouble with the double posts, it often happens that I answer/post something, then it takes ages to load or at some point an error message appears, but my post was posted anyway. If I click on publish again after the error, the post is then duplicated

In the meantime I always check in a 2nd tab if the whole thing has already been posted, if the 1st tab has already been closed and that’s it.

Other users are probably experiencing the same thing with the duplicate posts that keep appearing

It doesn’t really bother me that there are sometimes long loading times, the old platform wasn’t perfect either

I use Chrome on my Mac and Firefox on my Android phone, the same behaviour on both browsers

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    If this error message appears, you can safely cancel your post without checking with X and refresh the site (F5). My posts have always been published and nothing has been lost, despite the error message.
    Then delete the draft by the disc symbol.

    The error has been reported to development.

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    changed by GuidoL

    Lesen, was auf dem Bildschirm steht.

    Hello NilsL

    I encountered this bug for the first time today. I have recorded it and am trying to get it resolved as soon as possible.

    @Doremi this view has unfortunately reappeared in the go-live of the product questions, but should no longer occur.

    Best regards


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      As intensive users, we’ve developed workarounds for many of these problems. But you have to put yourself in the shoes of occasional users, who must be a bit lost!

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        a month later

        @TamaraA I have a few basic questions that I can’t answer myself at the moment;

        Product not available (at the moment) or somewhere cheaper
        Is it allowed, or rather should it be allowed, to insert a competitor’s shopping link in an online shop? That would be like a Coop employee standing in Migros and saying it’s better and cheaper there…
        Would it make more sense to link to a Google Shopping link or Toppreise.ch?

        What’s more, the status of a product changes from time to time anyway. Not available today, maybe in two to three weeks… But the posts about this are probably no longer updated. Then it simply says under a product in the questions that it is not available (possibly even written by an SC-MA) although it would be available…

        One should not forget that the product questions are questions from customers who want to buy something in the Swisscom online shop.
        I realise that Digitec also displays such questions, but the clientele at Swisscom is definitely different ;-)

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        Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

          DomiP In addition, the status of a product changes from time to time anyway. Not available today, maybe in two to three weeks…

          I was also wondering today whether it’s in the spirit of the inventor to answer questions about delivery dates in an online shop with “we’re just customers like you and therefore can’t provide any information”. Some fine-tuning is certainly still required.

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          DomiP I’ve always tried it here:

          please contact ☎ 0800 800 800 or here: https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/hilfe/kontakt.html#cascadingTabs%5Binner%5D=tab_1655472474247&cascadingTabs%5Bouter%5D=tab_1643985838606

          Unfortunately we can’t answer your question directly as we are also customers like you, thank you for your understanding.

          or have a look at our competitors (electronic equipment dealers), it is available there.

          Google is your friend: Apple iPad Pro 13′' (2024) (linked on Google search)

          I think it’s very fair that way. The customer has the choice.

          For one product I made a direct link for the first time because it was the only supplier in Switzerland that still offered the product.

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            if I have a question about an offer in an online shop and ask it there, I expect first and foremost that someone will give me an answer who can also say something about it. The customer<->provider relationship is clearly there. In the shop, I am directly in the living room of the provider, in this case Swisscom. So if I ask a question there, I expect a competent answer and not “we are customers like you, ask Swisscom”.

            oops, it says “Our community answers your questions. ” That’s almost like me selling something but not knowing, or worse, not caring what I’m selling. Ouch.

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            if I have a question about an offer in an online shop and ask it there, I expect first and foremost that someone will give me an answer who can also say something about it. The customer<->provider relationship is clearly there. In the shop, I am directly in the living room of the provider, in this case Swisscom. So if I ask a question there, I expect a competent answer and not “we are customers like you, ask Swisscom”.

            oops, it says “Our community answers your questions. ” That’s almost like me selling something but not knowing, or worse, not caring what I’m selling. Ouch.

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              kaetho just realised that a customer asked a question 3 days ago and it was only visible now.

              In addition, customers have asked the same question 5 times for a Sony wireless headset whether it can be paired with the TV,

              There is still a lot of room for improvement, I would say…

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              It has many questions under products why it is no longer available and there is not very easy without then giving a hint where the product is still available without adding a link, it is already under behaviour rule that you are not allowed to create a link to competitors in the sale and just pointing to “Google” is not a correct answer in my opinion either.


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              Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.


                It’s actually quite simple:

                There are questions among the products which really only Swisscom itself can answer.
                Either Swisscom employees who have the relevant information do this themselves, or not.
                If Swisscom itself doesn’t answer the relevant questions, then that’s just the way it is, and as another customer who can’t contribute anything to the specific question, you simply shouldn’t write anything at all. Certainly not that you’re just a customer and can’t say anything about it, because that’s guaranteed not to help anyone 🙂

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                Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom