Sorry, but what the fuck 😷 Are you actually so upset about OS4, as I already said, it’s not a big deal, you’d better get upset with yourself about making such a fuss about SC and OS4. You should think about it (including them carefree boys) what’s going on with Covid-19 what can happen anyone can get sick with the virus yes yes I know nothing will happen to me anyway these non Chalon, hey a lot of people die because of that and you argues about a damn update what’s wrong with the world. Go and help those who can no longer make it on their own, support them, do your best so that everything gets back to order and we all survive. Maybe OS4 will be ready to go again after that.

I’ve finished.

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@ThiloTech I think the employees who control need to be in contact with each other, for example to check on each other. (Compare with pair coding)

Then the priority of upgrading our network was certainly set higher than upgrading the TV boxes.

Because it’s harder to live with network failures than with a postponed update…

I think soon there will be people on Tutti selling their EOS4 box… 🤦‍♂️😂

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Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

@compu @ThiloTech no, but the technicians who have to be on site because of the update (1st priority as few customer contacts as possible (safety first!!!), only basic supplies at the moment !!!) and the hotline is also bombarded with unnecessary questions because of the update.

1. The priority of the hotline / technician is to maintain basic services, the rest is currently unimportant.

See thread by @5018:

[] (

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@ThiloTech wrote:

What does a software rollout have to do with Corona? @RomanE

- Use resources where they are now more urgently needed (and this is certainly not a rollout of OS4)

- Avoiding calls to the helpdesk, as the helpdesk also has more important tasks at the moment (a rollout leads to many calls from unsettled customers)

- Reduction of risk (every change and rollout can lead to breakdowns in the worst case, and you definitely want to avoid that now)

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Thank you, then we hope for all of us that the extraordinary situation will calm down soon and can be steered into clear directions. Thank you to all Swisscom employees who are certainly not having an easy job at the moment!👍

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@s.giaffreda wrote:


Until yesterday I could live very well without a black background, I don’t like it at all! If you continue like this, then I’ll have to keep looking.


Doing right by everyone is an art that no one can do! 😉

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Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

@s.giaffreda wrote:

I’m definitely not the only one who doesn’t like this.

A black background is just shxxxx.

I didn’t like it at first either, but you can get used to it and there are certainly worse things in life.

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Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

That has nothing to do with the background. The option to sort by channel has been omitted in the new version. But I want these again because I have my favorite channels and I want to be able to search through them individually.

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I received the update to EOS4 today. After watching Netflix for about 10 minutes, my UHD box suddenly crashed and can no longer be switched on. I hope the problem can be resolved as quickly as possible because I watch a lot of TV due to the current situation.

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