For WiFi calling (VoWLAN) and SMS via WiFi (SMSoIP), see the information below (also note page 2!):
[]( im-Minergiehaus-bad/td-p/569594)
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@Rosseiwu53 wrote:
(assuming that the Internet Anschluss works, which is not always the case thanks to the permanent construction in Riehen).
If the end customer relies on a reliable Internet connection (e.g. home working), the Internet connection must be redundant via two different, independent Internet providers (for example: Swisscom <-> UPC-Sunrise). See also:
[]( what-that-means/3)
It is common for an internet connection to be implemented for a Swiss private household via:
1.) Fiber optic (FTTH -> AON)
2.) Fiber optic (FTTH -> PON)
3.) Television cable network (EuroDOCSIS)
3.) Telephone cable (ADSL, VDSL, G.Fast)
4.) Mobile communications
5.) Long-distance WLAN (WLAN radio link)
6.) Satellite communication via LEO satellites (for example: Starlink)
7.) Satellite communication via GEO satellite(s)
The number indicates the order in which connection technology is to be preferred.
See also:
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[]( what-that-means/3)
The advantages and disadvantages of an Internet connection via the television cable network (EuroDOCSIS) versus an Internet connection via telephone cable ( are as follows:
described in detail.
The differences between AON and PON are below:
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described in detail.