Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.
For example, look here: []( /update.html)
Also in the community, countless contributions!
Especially in the Android area, i.e. also with smartphones from Samsung, for example, updates come staggered. Not everyone receives the update in one fell swoop, with the exception of Apple. As I said, I just ask for patience. You can vent your frustration about the missing update as far as I’m concerned, it won’t come any faster because of that. Again… neither the community nor support can speed it up.
Hello @WalterB
No, nothing appears. Software release is 6,335,050 (from October 8th, 2024). It should be the most recent, right? Or am I misinformed?
@Stuffiodeust24 Nobody calls you stupid here, or where was that said? Do you always argue like this with other people?
There may be people who want to use Android and the Google Play Store for additional applications - and no, I’m not talking about gaming. Let’s think about the fact that there are a few other providers in the App Store who want and need to use their apps accordingly.
It’s quite amusing… the IP2000 boxes have been around for almost exactly 5 years now! The release was in November 2019. We never had a Play Store… until today… and now it’s suddenly pressing?
Addendum deleted due to expected beta version.
With this update, everyone can immediately see when it was installed. When you switch on the TV-Box you have to take a few steps to complete the whole process. This is what the whole thing will look like: []( tv/update.html)
@Samsi wrote:
There may be people who want to use Android and the Google Play Store for additional applications - and no, I’m not talking about gaming. Let’s think about the fact that there are a few other providers in the App Store who want and need to use their apps accordingly.
It’s quite amusing… the IP2000 boxes have been around for almost exactly 5 years now! The release was in November 2019. We never had a Play Store… until today… and now it’s suddenly pressing?
I should have asked the SC questions like this a little earlier: 5 years - why does something like that take five years?
Nota bene: For an update from an Android 8 (exactly so many years old and currently useless because it is hopelessly outdated) and with Android 12 API Level 31, it is already a bit out of fashion if we use Google Pixel 6, 7, 8, 9 systems as Take the measure. Life punishes anyone who comes late. There are definitely apps that require higher, more up-to-date API levels for certain functions. But the software developers from the areas of OTT, networking, VPN, media players with streaming, etc. can only dream of that at the moment - and there are various difficulties with the apps that actually work (from the SC portfolio, which have been on all SC TVs for a long time -Boxes to conveniently port available apps to mobile devices, tablets and Chromecast devices.
It’s not amusing, it’s more embarrassing. Luckily there are still very banal web apps…
Hello everyone.
It may be helpful to know (it has probably already been mentioned somewhere) that you will receive an email about 2 weeks before the update with the date on which the update will be released. So for me it was like that, except I only received the email because I sometimes turned the box off completely for a long time and then it couldn’t be reached on the network. But I assume everyone gets the email so that a thousand people don’t call the hotline every day, which is what they have to do now. But there is clear information on the screen about how you have to re-pair the remote control and accept the conditions, etc. You then clearly notice that it is the Android 12 update.
Worked perfectly for me with the IP2000 box. OK, it’s surprising how small the selection in the Playstore is for the TV Box. Again, it’s not a high-end device for power- and memory-hungry apps and therefore the selection is limited, but at least one or the other works. (Don’t expect to select the normal Playstore.)
First I wrote more about the meaning and purpose of TV boxes, or that they are just TV boxes, but I didn’t want to add fuel to the fire of the discussion and edited that away again. I have been using other additional devices on the TV for a long time because I knew that even with Android 12 I couldn’t expect too much from the box, since it is a TV box that is intended for watching TV and using a few extra apps.
But well, good luck to those who are waiting for the update to come soon 🙂
@Roger G wrote:
@Stuffiodeust24 wrote:
There may be people who want to use Android and the Google Play Store for additional applications - and no, I’m not talking about gaming. Have you ever thought about the fact that there are a few other providers in the App Store who want and perhaps need to use their apps accordingly?
To prevent further frustration, we’re talking about Android TV and not the “normal” mobile phone Android system. Not all Android apps run on it. There are also some multimedia apps (e.g. network players) that cannot be installed.
Dear @Roger G
Dear @Roger G
Thanks for the tip. I have already explained the possible reasons in my earlier answer, here in excerpts
For an update from an Android 8 (exactly so many years old and currently useless because it is hopelessly outdated) and with Android 12 API Level 31, it is already a bit out of fashion if we use Google Pixel 6, 7, 8, 9 systems as a benchmark.
And there are definitely apps that require higher, more up-to-date API levels for certain functions. But the software developers from the areas of OTT, networking, VPN, media players with streaming, etc. can only dream of that at the moment - and there are various difficulties with the apps that actually work (from the SC portfolio, which have been on all SC TVs for a long time -Boxes to conveniently port available apps to mobile devices, tablets and Chromecast devices.
Fortunately, there are still very banal web apps - although Google and SC also have a hard time offering a “normal” web browser on the Swisscom TV boxes. The Chinese have stepped into the breach and are offering the TV Web Browser - BrowseHere, unfortunately with advertising. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it’s quite easy to use with the remote control on Chromecast and other Google TV devices. And no, I haven’t tried it on our 1800 yet, but I have little doubt…
And yes, I communicate regularly with Christian M., one of the SC Senior Problem Managers - we are both active in the same major ice hockey organization.