Internetbox 3 + Internetbooster 5G - Apple Services

  • Hello everyone,

    Once again me, once again with an edge case. 😉

    This post is a follow-up to [Apple services do not work with Internetbox 3.]( m-p/774894#U774894)

    I can reproduce the problem. As soon as I ban the booster from the network, it works again. When I look at the traffic to/from my iPhone, I see TCP RSTs.

    Now the question arises: how deep should I go here? In principle it could be interesting for Swisscom, but there are rumors that a new platform will come in the future. I can well imagine that, depending on the technology, these problems no longer occur there?

    It could also be that Apple doesn’t like the IP of the bonding proxy or something else isn’t right - difficult for me as a customer to judge.



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    Hi @Roger G

    Short counter question: 😊

    Then you can display the subscriptions in the iPhone settings under Apple ID -> Subscriptions?

    (Sorry, should have been more specific about what I can reproduce exactly)



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    @r00t wrote:

    Hi @Roger G

    Short counter question: 😊

    Then you can display the subscriptions in the iPhone settings under Apple ID -> Subscriptions?

    (Sorry, should have been more specific about what I can reproduce exactly)



    Yes, it worked without any problems until now (my partner’s cell phone, “I don’t have an iPhone”) but now I can’t test it anymore (new platform). It would be interesting to know if others have/had the same problem.

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    Hi @Roger G

    My partner’s cell phone, “I don’t have an iPhone”

    Tss, tss, tss - then you’ll miss all the exciting bugs! 😉

    It would be interesting to know if others have/had the same problem.

    At least with @Louis771 it doesn’t work either. Let’s see if anyone else gets in touch here.



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    Hello @r00t and @Roger G

    I did the test as @Roger G / @r00T suggested with my iPhone (iOS V 16.5.1).

    1. Booster activated on the iPhone device: Calling Apple ID->Subscriptions doesn’t work // Message “no connection”

    1. Booster deactivated on the iPhone device: Call Apple ID-> Subscriptions, the subscriptions are displayed.



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    2 months later
    21 days later


    It looks like the problem with the activated function with the 5G booster has not yet been solved, so the emergency solution of deactivating it is still available.

    In this case, if you have a low basic speed without a 5G booster, that’s not so good.

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    Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

    Hi @tme74

    As far as I understand @Roger G (please correct me) the problem does not appear to be present on the new booster platform, which is (hopefully well on its way and) will be rolled out next year. So there is a small glimmer of hope in the distance 😉



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    @r00t wrote:

    As far as I understand @Roger G (please correct me) the problem does not seem to exist on the new booster platform, which is (hopefully well on its way and) will be rolled out next year.

    I cannot confirm this because this problem rarely occurs and cannot be traced in the laboratory.

    @r00t I will have you included in the field trial to verify the problem for you.

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    @Roger G If possible, I would also be interested in being included in the field trial.


    See my post from July 20, 2023

    Hello @r00t and @Roger G

    I did the test as @Roger G / @r00T suggested with my iPhone (iOS V 16.5.1).

    1. Booster activated on the iPhone device: Calling Apple ID->Subscriptions doesn’t work // Message “no connection”

    1. Booster deactivated on the iPhone device: Call Apple ID-> Subscriptions, the subscriptions are displayed.



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    @DigitalTommy wrote:

    1. Booster activated on the iPhone device: Calling Apple ID->Subscriptions doesn’t work // Message “no connection”

    1. Booster deactivated on the iPhone device: Call Apple ID-> Subscriptions, the subscriptions are displayed.

    I don’t select the customers because there are certainly still limitations or possible problems. And yes, that is the workaround, but it has to be solved at some point. It’s interesting to see whether things behave differently with the new backend. Let’s take a look.

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    2 months later

    Hello, same here, I had to deactivate the internet booster for all my Apple devices in the settings of the internet box 3… Now I am able to access again without problems App store, purchases, subscriptions and Apple ID…

    Very annoying

    7 days later

    The problem also occurs for me: the App Store didn’t work at all from Apple TV and iPad, and the subscriptions from the iPhone and other iPads weren’t visible. Disabling the 5G booster solves the problem 😞

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    Well, I’ll get in touch 😉 I found this thread by chance.

    I have the same problems… but as soon as I turn off the WiFi on my iPhone and go online via radio, subscriptions etc. work again. Even Apple Music doesn’t work on the iPad every now and then. If I then set up the hotspot on my iPhone, it works again.

    Very funny…..

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    I have never had such problems, neither with the 4G booster, nor with the 5G and current backend in production. No difference to the new backend either. If we had apple problems at home, I wouldn’t be able to write here anymore.

    @r00t Please send me a reproducible scenario that I can test on myself and possibly on others.

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    14 days later

    Hello everyone,

    I have the same limitation.

    However, at the beginning I didn’t have the problem when I put the booster into operation. About a month ago, the App Store stopped working on the Apple TV. Thought it was a software problem and quickly reset it. But when I tried to reset the Apple TV, I kept getting a message that the device wasn’t connected to the internet (even though it was connected via Ethernet) and the restore failed. Until after several hours I came up with the idea of ​​connecting it to my iPhone’s hotspot. Then it worked. But then the Arcade part in the App Store only showed the message “Network error”.

    Apple Music has stopped working on my iPhone for about two weeks when the iPhone is on WiFi, and the Homepod’s have been having problems playing music from Apple Music for several days.

    Turning off the booster would be very annoying. I only have one copper line and it only gives 4 Mbit/s.

    I’m not sure, but I believe the problem started after several small power outages in a row. Because everything worked for a year, but that’s just speculation.

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