@Leyla- Reply to post [130](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Cha%C3%AEnes-contenus/Am%C3%A9lioration-des-donn%C3 %A9es-de-programming-on-blue-TV/m-p/699130#M6692), ‎18.02.2022 10:40 - To date, no one has given me “how to” how to watch the show in English with French subtitles as announced by France 5…. Think about it can you help me?

Many thanks.

P.S. Curious, but the time the message was sent is not displayed when you search for something in the list of numerous messages, but only later. Why not systematically set the time? This would be easier to immediately identify messages…

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Hello @Anastasie

>… Curious, but the time the message was sent is not displayed when you search for something in the list of numerous messages, but only later.. Why not systematically set the time? This would be simpler to immediately identify messages…

yes indeed messages less than a week old display

the same day: x minutes or y hours ago

then > 24h, yesterday

then > 48h on weekday

finally > week the date and time of message

this must be linked to the settings of the application used for the Community

application maintained by Swisscom or an external service provider??

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    Black Mamba

    -At home, it’s different!

    I receive your message which I read and see at the top the information:


    I’m replying to you and now I see at the top of your message which is below my reply:


    These examples are not very readable, but I’m sure you’ll see the difference… My preference is for the second version and in all cases!!!! Am I asking for the moon?!!! 😄

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    Hello @Anastasie


    The display of the date format of a message is configurable 😎 yes yes yes!!!

    Click on the Username at the top right > choose My Settings > then the Preferences > tab finally Display

    Choose the mode that suits best, this explains the difference in display observed 😀 thank you for insisting!

    Displaying dates as

    • Relative dates (e.g.: three hours ago)
    • Absolute dates (e.g.: Nov. 15, 1966)
    • Default setting (Relative dates (e.g.: three hours ago))

    Settings 28-02-2022.jpeg

    hope this wasn’t too wordy 🗣 sorry that happens sometimes 😆

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    @Black Mamba - Many thanks!

    I checked. I was “right” in choosing the absolute date, but there is no reference or explanation regarding the visibility of the sending time! It’s still weird, but since we can see it by replying to the message, let’s leave things like that… There are already enough other problems concerning the display of the EPG….

    Show original language (French)


      This post could be titled “Who are we kidding?” 2022 02 26 The secrets of the castle (2).jpg

      I wanted to look for the name of an actor and to my great surprise, all the performers have the same role: actor/actress. As for poor Anny Duperey who has the main role, not only does she have no role, but she doesn’t even have the right to her photo…

      If this is the promised improvement, then quickly return to your old supplier or choose one that is really efficient….

      P.S. The first image is missing. This is Secrets of the castle broadcast on France 3 on February 26.

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      @Leyla - Here we go again. If today, Saturday, I can normally schedule the recordings that I would like to do on March 14 on RTS Un et Deux (which was “out of order” last week), it’s the desert again for Arte.

      It’s been weeks since we had to wait for Wednesdays to be able to see the Arte Français programs… because the “programs are to be communicated” even though they are available on Arte Allemand!!!

      Whose fault is it? The old or the new supplier? By the way, is the transition planned for the end of December 2021 complete? If yes, then, as already mentioned elsewhere, I have not yet seen any improvements, on the contrary!!!

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      a month later

      Since the change of metadata providers, tv guide displays non-existent or incorrect programs: example UEFA Champions League with a title and a photo representing American football!!!!! F1 on canal+ is presented as motorcycle!!!!!!, etc…etc…..

      will there one day be a real response from Swisscom to improve this situation, e.g. to separate from the new completely useless supplier (we did not have all these problems with the old one) we can no longer trust what is announced in the tv guide, and that’s without mentioning the serial recording problems already announced on several occasions!!!!!!!

      Show original language (French)
      16 days later

      The program guide is getting worse and worse!

      This weekend, the Jerez Motorcycle Grand Prix tests do not exist; Canal Plus channel programs in general are a joke.

      RMC programs give a vague idea of ​​what the channel broadcasts but the times are random.

      While you will soon have to pay extra for replay, the recordings are no longer reliable because of this fanciful guide: a service that is increasingly expensive but of less and less good quality!

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      I must say that I have given up a little - you may have noticed - to point out everything that is wrong in the program guide because I have doubts that the correction will ever be made!

      When you write via Contact, you very often and quickly receive a telephone call from the Hotline and the person on the line is always very friendly, but you quickly realize that they are only the intermediary between the customer and “people placed so high” that they do not or cannot take it into account… One wonders if at Swisscom / blue TV there is someone who can give orders to the different groups concerned and ask them to seriously study the remarks we make to them. If we ask for “the moon” tell us!

      If I were in their place, I think I would be happy to be notified of the defects so that they can be remedied within a completely acceptable time frame.

      It must be said that generally technical problems are fortunately dealt with as quickly as possible and that is already a good thing and we should be grateful for that. However, this is not always the case: I have had a request pending for two years and six months concerning the programming of the shows, therefore since October 2019. I was told - and I believed it - that for Christmas this would be “fixed”. I’m still waiting, but it must be said that I forgot to ask the year of this Christmas!

      I must say that I mainly only intervene on the community site in the context of television; for other areas, it is rarer. I also know that the community is there to help other community members, but usually our requests cannot be fulfilled by users.

      To see if I was getting better results and being aware of this, I tried using the “Contact” channel of the site, but firstly it’s getting harder and harder to find" and then the answers are not really satisfactory.

      At least, through the community, we realize that we are not the only one to have the same problem and this point should help Swisscom staff. I must say that very often I tell them to look under the community and look for comments from Anastasie…. who finished his “sermon” of the day by wishing you an excellent May 1st.

      In any case, our little worries are nothing compared to what is happening in the east of our continent…. Let’s not forget it!

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      Thank you @Anastasie for your comments.

      I’ve given up watching and programming shows on Classica because the programs and broadcast times generally don’t work.

      I also canceled Canal+ because it is of no use to me if I cannot record the films (which are shown at times that do not suit me) because the programs are not correct in the guide.

      In truth, I watch less and less Blue TV. Or I flip through the channels and watch the program when I come across an interesting program by chance.

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      Cordialement, Prelude

      @Prélude - I only watch Classica occasionally (there are several versions) preferring Mezzo and Mezzo Live HD. I also saw that there are several Classicas available under the general title of Stringway, but most of the time you have to purchase a special subscription. So I gave up… just like several of my acquaintances from referring to the program… which is the irony!

      I have no experience with Canal + nor Netlfix or other paid channels, blue TV - despite its faults - is enough for me. In addition, I made a selection of channels that I watch regularly. Too bad for the others…

      Happy Sunday!

      Show original language (French)
      14 days later

      Programs to be communicated - When will you notify us of the RTS Deux programs for Monday May 23? Those for May 24 are already available!

      I already know that I will still have to wait for those from Arte for Monday May 23 and Tuesday May 24… which for some reason are missing every week… since the “improvement” of the EPG.

      Note that in both cases, the programs are already available on the websites of the respective channels.

      Thank you for finally doing something to remedy this recurring problem….

      Show original language (French)
        a month later


        It’s been a long time since I showed up having lost all hope of having a valid EPG and with all kinds of problems (in the disorder below).

        • Arte Français programs partially available (see my message of May 15)… It seems that this is due to a technical problem (?) which was to be resolved “immediately”!
        • On RTS A Top Models changing for a few title broadcasts (Love, glory and beauty as used unless I am mistaken in France).
        • On RTS Un the list of programs dedicated to the Rue de l’Ale, which is strange to say the least, and
        • The latest one is displays that are bizarre to say the least if you want to resume playback of a recorded program. Before we had the possibility to resume reading where we left off and now “Watch from the beginning” and “Watch for free on Blue Play”. What is a new “invention”? For information, my subscription is TV L. I must point out that this “new” display is not systematic when resuming playback of a recorded program…..

        An explanation regarding this last point would be much appreciated. One thing is certain: the wonders announced for the improvement of the EPG must be well hidden because I have not yet discovered them!!! Thank you in advance.

        • 2020 06 17 EPG New Oddity (1).jpg
        Show original language (French)
        5 months later

        On June 17 I wrote, among other things, the following points. You will find my comments regarding the current situation in bold italics (having not found if it can be written in color) between each point!

        • Arte Français programs partially available (see my message of May 15)… It seems that this is due to a technical problem (?) which was to be resolved “immediately”! Technical problem not yet resolved.
        • On RTS A Top Models changing for a few title broadcasts (Love, glory and beauty as used unless I am mistaken in France). Correction made, but it’s wrong again.. Top Models seems to have disappeared from the list of RTS programs!
        • Before we had the possibility to resume reading where we left off and now “Watch from the beginning” and “Watch for free on Blue Play”. What’s new? invention"?…. An explanation of this new designation would be very appreciated!

        One thing is certain: there is no shortage of discoveries and surprises in the EPG….

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        Hello @Anastasie

        As for the 3rd restart point, you should check that the “Continue Watching” option is selected on Personalize Home, the command available at the very end of the Home screen.

        For “Watch for free on Blue Play”, this means that the same show can also be streamed from Blue Play without advertising.


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        Thank you for your prompt response. Where do I find “Personalize Home”? I searched in the categories under “cogwheel”, there was nothing matching.

        The weird “thing” is that normally I “keep looking”… so it’s not “serious”. This especially intrigues me!!!

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