We have charging management because this is mandatory if there is more than 1 charging station.
This is brought together via its own WLAN network. But we’re not allowed to access the Internet through that. We also need SMS access…
The administration doesn’t do anything if we don’t give them a joint mandate with a majority vote, since everything is owned and not rented.
I didn’t quite understand the SMS thing, it definitely doesn’t sound like a 2021 solution.
With Powerline (I know, problem with the phase, but Devolo Magic also partially runs on other phases) + Wifi Calling you get SMS.
Unfortunately I don’t have a suggestion for you.
But it’s nice that you use charging management.
There is a great mobile reception in our underground car park with around 100 spaces.
The background is that the caretaker also has his workshop there and should always be reachable via mobile throughout the entire settlement…
Maybe you just had to convince the caretaker and the rest will take care of itself….-)-)
Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom
Convincing the caretaker is no use.
It is property and the majority decides about it.
Our layman’s knowledge is that cars wake up with a text message.
In any case, they automatically turn off the WiFi in the car when the car falls asleep. And it can only be woken up and controlled using an app via mobile communications.
Tested outside x times with WiFi hotspot and mobile phone reception.
So unfortunately we need mobile phone reception.
WiFi is also good for the cars - when they are awake. For everything else and updates…
Thanks anyway.
At Sunrise-UPC there would be a possible solution for 3G and 4G coverage indoors in the form of a femtocell: [https://www.sunrise.ch/de/business/produkte-und-loesungen/mobile/mobile-as-a-service/perfekter-mobilempfang-in-gebaeuden/business-indoor-box.html] (https://www.sunrise.ch/de/business/produkte-und-loesungen/mobile/mobile-as-a-service/perfekter-mobilempfang-in-gebaeuden/business-indoor-box.html)
However, this must be connected to the Internet with a network cable with a minimum bandwidth of 20/2 Mbit/s.
There are similar offers at Swisscom, but probably much more expensive and oversized for your use case: https://www.swisscom.ch/de/business/enterprise/angebot/enterprise-mobile/inhouse-mobile-services.html
Well, then your high-tech e-cars have the wrong technology (what do the manufacturers think about that?). You won’t be the only ones in the world who have their car in such an underground car park without reception…
Or you live in the wrong property…
Or you have the wrong cars…. 😉
But it would be interesting to see what the manufacturers would say…
The fact that the WLAN doesn’t go to sleep…. would have to be fixed by adjusting the software.
….keep on rockin'
The “internet connection” of cars in the underground car park should always be via WLAN. An internet connection in the underground car park is easier and cheaper to implement via WLAN than via mobile phone. => Request a solution to the “Wi-Fi falling asleep problem” from the vehicle manufacturer.
SMS can also be transmitted via WLAN (SMSoIP). See (also note page 2!):
[https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/Handy-Empfang-im-Minergiehaus-besser/m-p/569594](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/Handy-Empfang-im- Minergie house-bad/m-p/569594)
For more information on the subject of “mobile radio repeaters” see:
According to the last link, a power transmission balance (link budget) must be used to check whether the signal strength and range of the mobile signal broadcast via passive mobile radio repeaters to be expected in the underground car park is sufficient.
[https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichweit\_(radio technology)](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichweit_(radio technology))
Here is an example of such a power transfer balance for a passive mobile radio repeater:
Mobile signal received outdoors: -80 dBm
Antenna gain external antenna: 8 dBi
Losses antenna cable between indoor and outdoor antenna: -3 dB
Antenna gain in-house antenna: 0 dBi
---———————————————- ——————————-
Signal strength of mobile phone reception on the in-house antenna: -75 dBm
Free space attenuation (950 MHz @ 1 meter distance from the antenna): 32 dB
---———————————————- ——————————-
Signal strength of the mobile signal received on the mobile phone: -107 dBm
Free space attenuation (950 MHz @ 10 meters distance from the antenna): 52 dB
---———————————————- ——————————-
Signal strength of the mobile signal received on the mobile phone: -127 dBm
Free space attenuation (950 MHz @ 20 meters distance from the antenna): 58 dB
---———————————————- ——————————-
Signal strength of the mobile signal received on the mobile phone: -133 dBm
For UMTS900 (UMTS/3G on band 8) the minimum signal strength is -114 dBm (according to 3GPP TS 25.101, version 14.0.0, release 14, chapter 7.3.1).
Regarding the power transfer balance, this video from the lecture “The hidden side of mobile communications” should also be viewed at 35:52 min
be taken into account.
The easiest way to calculate the free space attenuation is with this formula:
D = 20 * lg® + 20 * lg(f) - 147.55
Attenuation D [dB]
Distance r [m]
Frequency f [Hz]
Three essential components are required for the passive cellular repeater:
- Outdoor antenna
- Antenna cable
- Indoor antenna
All main components are available from specialist retailers. No crafting required! When choosing an antenna, choosing a cable and measuring the signal strength, the information should be provided under:
[https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/4G-VoLTE-telefonieren-mit-externer-antenna-oder-analogem-telefon/m-p/638463](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/ Mobile/4G-VoLTE-telephoning-with-external-antenna-or-analog-phone/m-p/638463)
be taken into account. Short version for the external antenna:
- Directional antenna (very small opening angle and high antenna gain) with line of sight to the next mobile phone antenna
- Antenna with > 60° or more opening angle if there is no line of sight to the next mobile phone antenna (-> small antenna gain).
- Don’t forget the topic of “lightning protection” when installing the outdoor antenna!
For the indoor antenna, a ceiling-mounted indoor antenna is probably most suitable.
[https://www.axona.ch/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/mobile-inhouse-1.jpg](https://www.axona.ch/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/ mobile-inhouse-1.jpg)
However, their installation position probably has to be very close to the vehicle antenna (distance internal antenna to vehicle antenna < 100 cm)! There must be an undisturbed line of sight between the vehicle antenna and the interior antenna.
Because of the lower free space attenuation, only mobile frequencies < 1000 MHz are suitable for the passive mobile radio repeater. Because of the larger signal reception reserve, only UMTS900 is currently suitable for use with passive mobile radio repeaters. See also:
[https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/2G-Abschaltung-2020-neue-weisse-Flecken-kein-Empfang/m-p/653275#M8590] (https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/2G-Abschaltung-2020-neue-weisse-Flecken-kein-Empfang/m-p/653275#M8590)
For initial “field tests” the Delock LTE antenna with the Delock article number is sufficient as an external and internal antenna. 88451. Unit price around 20 CHF. This antenna is available, for example, from Digitec (Digitec item number: 5978735). This antenna has an SMA-Anschluss (SMA connector) and has a very good omnidirectional characteristic (opening angle 360°). Antenna gain: 1 dBi.
The “Delock antenna cable SMA plug to SMA socket LMR/CFD300 10 m low loss” with the Delock article number could be used as an antenna cable for initial “field tests”. 90459 serve. Cable attenuation: around 0.25 dB/m. Also available from Digitec (Digitec item no. 14482170). Unit price around 40 CHF.
Then all that’s missing is an adapter from “SMA socket” to “SMA socket”: Delock adapter SMA socket > SMA socket with the Delock article number. 88478. Also available from Digitec (Digitec item no. 5835524). Unit price around 12.- CHF.
Alternatively, you can also operate your own private mobile network in the underground car park.
[https://mobilecommunity.ch/wbb/index.php?thread/334-moran-mocn-netzdivi-bei-salt-und-sunrise-und-weitere-netzspezialit%C3%A4ten/&postID=2610#post2610] (https://mobilecommunity.ch/wbb/index.php?thread/334-moran-mocn-netzdivi-bei-salt-und-sunrise-und-weitere-netzspezialit%C3%A4ten/&postID=2610#post2610)
With the corresponding radio license from the BAV for the previously unused 5 MHz frequency block in band 7 (FDD 2600 MHz), operating your own private mobile network is also legal in Switzerland!
Since no changes are allowed to be made to the garage without a majority vote (no drilling holes to hang something or laying power cables), we are not allowed to do that.
It is common practice for the car to go to sleep in the WLAN and no car manufacturer will change this just because of and. Especially since it affects several brands.
Hello DeanZ
Unfortunately no.
None of the options or solutions mentioned helped.
Unfortunately, one reason for this is that the 4G signal in our settlement is not very strong.
(According to the Swisscom map, it is fully developed, but unfortunately not so strong in reality).
That’s why homemade antennas probably don’t have enough “power”.
I was able to bring the signal 3-4m further inwards, but the antenna in the car is in the right outside mirror and it is approx. 5m away from the hole => Unfortunately it doesn’t work.
MAYBE when Swisscom coverage gets stronger.
And otherwise only if the community allows (and pays) to install professional amplifiers.