@Ch.B I don’t have the Oppo Reno anymore (I sent it back because the form factor was too bulky for me, I need a smaller phone), but I also noticed that the Google apps had a relatively high power consumption. I then turned off location services and it was fine again.

However, since I want to use the location services (I have a modern cell phone and I want to be able to use the functions too!), I tinkered a bit: the problem for me was that the Google Maps Timeline function was active. It always records in the background when you are where. This requires a lot of battery power (probably not optimized yet). Once I disabled that, I was able to keep location services on and got through the day just fine.

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Hello everyone

I can’t confirm that. For me, one battery charge lasts easily for 1.5 to 2 days and I definitely don’t lose 30% during the night. The Play services also don’t have any noticeable consumption for me. Have you already deleted the Play Services data? (apparently could help).

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I agree with you @ whoever I can get through 1 ½ with normal use with my oppo. BT is always on for me (because of the watch), screen brightness is also pretty much at the highest level, especially during the day, location is also non-stop on.

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The problem for me was Google Street View, I deleted it and lo and behold the battery has been holding since yesterday afternoon and I haven’t charged it since yesterday. And it is now at 70% 😄

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23 days later

It’s been a while, sir, but:
As far as I know, Sunrise uses the Swisscom network (rental), then it is not surprising that they have the same locations. or am I wrong?

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@Cario wrote:

It’s been a while, sir, but:
As far as I know, Sunrise uses the Swisscom network (rental), then it’s not surprising that they have the same locations. or am I wrong?

No Sunrise has its own network!

Swisscom, Sunrise and Salt: These three companies operate their own mobile network in Switzerland. The network coverage of different providers is different.

Source text at the bottom of the link.

[https://www.verivox.ch/ratgeber/was-sie-ueber-die-netzcover-wissen-sollten-786/](https://www.verivox.ch/ratgeber/was-sie-ueber-die -network-coverage-should-know-786/)

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Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

The thing is, Sunrise has a very good network today according to Chip, Connect network test etc… but so does Swisscom.

The customer will not care at all whether Huawei, Ericsson or Nokia is behind it. The main thing is that the network quality and coverage and the price/performance ratio are right.

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@Tux0ne wrote:

Yes, that’s wrong. Sunrise has the modern top edge network from Huawei. Swisscom works with the old technology from Ericsson.

For a mobile network to support 5G, it must support 3GPP Release 15. 3GPP Release 15 was released in the second quarter of 2018:


Swisscom’s 5G-capable mobile network is therefore state-of-the-art!

The same applies to mobile devices: for a mobile phone to support 5G, it must support 3GPP Release 15.

All public Swiss mobile phone providers keep their mobile networks state-of-the-art with large investments in the multi-digit, high million range. Otherwise, the demanding, affluent and smartphone-crazy Swiss customers would quickly change their mobile phone provider…

The outdated mobile phone hardware is often exported to Africa as occasional goods. And it will continue to do its job flawlessly for years to come.

The situation is probably different with SBB’s non-public mobile network GSM-R:


The mobile network hardware and software used in the GSM-R is probably at the level of 3GPP Release 4 today (Summer 2019). 3GPP Release 4 was released in the second quarter of 2001…

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@Cario wrote:

It’s been a while, sir, but:
As far as I know, Sunrise uses the Swisscom network (rental), then it’s not surprising that they have the same locations. or am I wrong?

The Swiss mobile communications market is described in detail in Wikipedia:


Please note the “silent roaming” of Sunrise SIM cards in the Salt mobile network (228-60):


Only Swisscom and Salt operate a truly “comprehensive” mobile network in Switzerland. Salt’s mobile network, like Swisscom’s mobile network, has “dead spots” where at least one other public Swiss mobile phone provider provides good mobile reception.


There are locations in Switzerland where there is no network reception with a Swisscom SIM card, but calls can be made without any problems with a Salt or Sunrise SIM card. For example:

[https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/Fehlender-Mobilfunkempfang-im-Forst/m-p/536773](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/Fehlender-Mobilfunkempfang-im-Forst/ m-p/536773)

There are locations in Switzerland where mobile reception is only possible with a Swisscom SIM card or a SIM card from an MVNO that uses the Swisscom mobile network.


For example:

[https://www.seilers-werbeblog.ch/swisscom-das-erfrischendste-netz-der-schweiz/](https://www.seilers-werbeblog.ch/swisscom-das-erfrischendste-netz-der-schweiz /)

[https://mobilecommunity.ch/wbb/index.php?thread/347-swisscom-verzichtet-auf-umts-2100/&postID=2758#post2758] (https://mobilecommunity.ch/wbb/index.php?thread/347-swisscom-verzichtet-auf-umts-2100/&postID=2758#post2758)

That’s why I recommend using a dual SIM card-capable mobile phone in Switzerland. In Switzerland, this mobile phone should be equipped with a Swisscom AND a Sunrise SIM card.

[https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/Fehlender-Mobilfunkempfang-im-Forst/m-p/538022#M4804](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/Fehlender-Mobilfunkempfang-im- Forest/m-p/538022#M4804)

To make an emergency call outside of any mobile network coverage, see:


In the PTT era, the (today’s Swisscom) mobile radio antennas were often set up on or directly next to the telephone exchanges. This approach made it possible to quickly and cost-effectively implement nationwide mobile phone network coverage in populated regions (basic service). Salt and Sunrise invested more time and money in choosing the location of their mobile phone antennas and, where possible, used high-altitude locations such as grain silos (=> Landi towers), church towers and hills on the edge of the village for basic services.

These high-altitude locations enable very good basic coverage with just a few mobile phone antennas. The basic service achieved with the high-altitude locations is better than the basic service “from the telephone exchange”. That’s why the mobile phone antennas from Sunrise and Salt located at these high locations are also often equipped with antennas for Polycom. So that an optimal and cost-effective basic supply can be realized for Polycom.


[https://mobilecommunity.ch/wbb/index.php?thread/339-ausbaustand-5g-netz-bei-sunrise-ab-m%C3%A4rz-2019/&postID=2638#post2638] (https://mobilecommunity.ch/wbb/index.php?thread/339-ausbaustand-5g-netz-bei-sunrise-ab-m%C3%A4rz-2019/&postID=2638#post2638)

Even abroad, only dual SIM card-capable mobile phones should be used to avoid the horrendous roaming costs. See post no. 15 at:

[https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/Handy-Empfang-im-Minergiehaus-besser/m-p/654147#M8637](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/Handy-Empfang- im-Minergiehaus-bad/m-p/654147#M8637)

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6 days later

Hello everyone

I have the S10 5g.

I’m very happy with the phone… It’s fast, takes good pictures and has a nice display. I had concerns about the size. But it sits well in the hand and becomes self-evident after a short time.

Now about 5G (I have already posted the following text in another post, but I also find it relevant here).

I’ve already visited several locations (most of them in the Bern region and with visual contact to the antenna), but I only get 190 Mbit/s downstream… But it’s constant, so it’s never noticeably lower or higher. Up it reaches about 55-60. Normal?

It is a business subscription from Swisscom and 5g should be fully functional - according to the hotline.

If anyone has any questions, I would be happy to take the time to answer them.

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17 days later

I have been using the Oppo Reno 5G since the beginning of May and am very satisfied with the device overall. In the neighboring town of Glarus, Swisscom broadcasts 5G from the Bergli location; That’s not super fast, but it’s about 1.5-2 km away with close visibility.

However, the Oppo sometimes cheats; it likes to show 5G even if you are logged into LTE 4G. I test whether you are really on 5G with the cnlab speed test, and this reveals the response time, which is actually always <22 ms with 5G; However, via LTE I can at least achieve speeds of 270 Mbit down/61 Mbit up with 4CA in Netstal. The fastest download connection I have achieved so far via 5G is 371 Mbit/s, although the upload is rather slow at 10 Mbit.

When will Swisscom start 5G SA, including uploads via 5G?

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Advanced calling also runs in the Swisscom network with the Mi Mix 3 5G. But you still have to switch it on manually, as follows: For VoLTE *#*#86583#*#* and for VoWIFI: *#*#869434#*#*

Now this also works very well with the Mi Mix 3 5G.

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21 days later

Hello everyone
I had a Sunrise SIM card with 5G in the Samsung S10 5G for testing purposes. The 5G symbol was bold there and the Ookla Speed ​​Test also showed 5G. -> Speed ​​approx. 700down/60up
If I now do the same with Swisscom, the 5G symbol remains normally thin and the speed test only shows LTE.
-> the speed remains in the lower 4G+ range. -> approx. 100 down/40 up

Does this have to do with VoLTE, as I read in one of these forums? Please deactivate it to check this.

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I tested it at various spots around Bern. I have an Oppo myself, but a colleague has an S10 - he also achieved the same speeds with it.

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I made the following observations with my S10 5G last night:

VoLTE switched on / 5G symbol not bold -> Speedtest Okla shows LTE -> Speed ​​100/60

VoLTE switched off / 5G symbol becomes bold -> Speedtest Okla shows 5G -> Speed ​​200/60

then repeated, same result. I think there is a device error/bug here?

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This behavior could be explained by the use of “NR Dual Connectivity”.

[https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/5g-wo-ist-die-Geschwindigkeit-halten/m-p/575441#M6011](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/5g- where-did-the-speed-go/m-p/575441#M6011)

The network monitor provides information about the mobile phone frequency bands currently in use (with VoLTE switched on and off).

[https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/5g-wo-ist-die-Geschwindigkeit-halten/m-p/575010#M5974](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/5g- where-did-the-speed-go/m-p/575010#M5974)

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