No “e” after GS105? The documentation says “unmanaged” and there is nothing about “IGMP snooping” and “QoS” either. It may be that this switch is “flooding” your network and cannot handle the Swisscom TV streams properly.
Read it here 😉
TP-Links are currently sold in the Swisscom shop (if they are available), but any other “smart-managed” switch should also be able to handle them.
Is the box that you connected directly to the IB wired with Gigabit Ethernet or just Fast Ethernet or split multimedia installation?
What are the performance data of the IB3 (synch, SNR, CRC, FEC,…)?
Do you still have a power line in operation somewhere in the house that might interfere with the DSL-Anschluss?
For me as an older person, the new display of the text in white with a black background is extremely difficult. The images in the background dominate the text backgrounds at the front in the visual perception and make it very difficult for older people to understand the text.
Is there a way to get the old typeface back?
Is there a more text-only version of the menu display without image tiles that also allows visually impaired people to find their way around better?
In the new version 4.0 a designer has realized,
and completely forgetting the basic rules that function comes before appearance
Since the last rollout, the TV Gide appears black with white font. However, the “General Settings” menu item is no longer found in the settings and therefore there is no option to set the interface back to white like it used to be. The entire “general settings” menu column is missing. The option is still available on my second TV, which has not yet been updated. How can I change the black background back to white?
@Wuthappie49 wrote:
Since the last rollout, the TV Gide appears black with white font. However, the “General Settings” menu item is no longer found in the settings and therefore there is no option to set the interface back to white like it used to be. The entire “general settings” menu column is missing. The option is still available on my second TV, which has not yet been updated. How can I change the black background back to white?
This no longer works, what you have is the new OS4, nothing works with white or gray anymore, only black (dark mode) and the setting no longer exists.
Now it’s time to get used to it.
It’s a shame that you can’t get rid of the black background. I was really happy about the pleasant white design when I switched from U*C to Swisscom. This also bothers Netflix. Now it’s being forced on us. If the design is a matter of taste, as you say, then let’s adapt it to our tastes. The current one is just 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
TV-Box is connected to the IB3 via Gigabit Ethernet with a brand new Cat6 cable.
Synchronization speedUpstream 40000 kbit/sDownstream 120031 kbit/s
Line lossUpstream 19 dBDownstream 20.6 dB
Signal-to-noise ratioUpstream 7.8 dBDownstream 8.4 dB
DSLAM chipset type (network equipment)Broadcom
DSL Datapump VersionA2pvfbK046j2.d27f
FEC since last synchronizationUpstream 1719Downstream 2050
CRC since last synchronizationUpstream 0Downstream 0
No, you definitely don’t spend too long in the menu, but if you can’t read it it’s just **** and you have to spend even longer at a point where you can’t wants to be. I also just want to watch TV. But if I have trouble reading the program, then it’s annoying. You can set up any smartphone however you want. That’s actually what I expect from a TV box for which I pay I don’t know how much every month. And I haven’t seen service from Swisscom for a long time. I’m just frustrated.