Swisscom blue TV-Box schaltet automatisch aus: Das steckt dahinter

Why the TV-Box from Swisscom switches off automatically

Have you noticed that your TV-Box from Swisscom switches off automatically if you haven’t used the remote control for a while, or if you only switch off the TV without also switching off the TV-Box? Read on to find out how this works and how to deactivate the function.

The TV-Box is preset to go into standby mode if it has been idle for a long period. This means that the TV-Box from Swisscom will automatically go into standby if you haven’t pressed a button on the blue TV remote control, or if you only switch off the TV, instead of switching off the TV-Box as well. If a programme is running on your blue TV, the TV-Box from Swisscom will switch to standby mode after 4 hours, or after 12 hours in radio mode.

Switching off standby mode

To stop the box switching to standby mode after being idle for a long period, go to the TV-Box settings by pressing the Home button on your blue TV remote and selecting the cogwheel in the top left. Go to the ‘TV-Box’ tab and select ‘Save energy’. You can choose whether or not you want the TV-Box to switch off automatically here.

Note that many television sets also have this type of integrated automatic standby mode. You will find more information in the user guide for your television set, the Internet or from a specialist retailer.

Swisscom Box 21 with DeepStandby

The latest model in the TV-Box range – Swisscom Box 21 – does not have an on/off button. Like all the other boxes, if you switch it off with your remote control, it switches to standby mode automatically. However, in the settings, you can choose for the TV-Box to instead switch to DeepStandby mode, which switches off the box almost completely, similar to using an on/off button. In DeepStandby mode, the box uses just 0.35 W of electricity. To do this, press the home button on your blue TV remote control, go to the cogwheel icon in the top left and select TV-Box > Save energy > Standby.

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Illustration image of a woman with a laptop

Why can’t you make it so that everyone can manually adjust the standby time?

Personally, 2 hours (in the bedroom ;-) ) of inactivity while watching TV would be enough for me.

Even with radio, 12 hours is quite a lot.

Show original language (German)

    Hi @roku73

    The time setting for standby mode is dynamic, or After internal clarification, making it variable for each customer will not be implemented, even if it would certainly be attractive for customers who use the feature heavily. Even if a feature like this may not sound like a lot of work, the necessary adjustments and complexity behind the scenes are quite high. The few customer requests for such a feature simply do not justify the necessary effort. So it stays as it is for now.

    The times chosen (4 hours for TV, 12 hours for radio) correspond to what most customers are satisfied with. Of course, like everywhere else, you can’t always please everyone.

    Show original language (German)

      Hi @AxH

      The point is not that you have to turn it off, but that you can, for those who want to use this feature. So it’s not a MUST, just a CAN.

      Basically, the idea is of course to turn off the device itself.

      Show original language (German)

      When I watch the Sunday Crime News talk show with a time delay, the question always comes up as to whether I really want to continue watching. I have to confirm that

      Sent from my iPhone

      Show original language (German)
      2 years later

      Although the auto switch off is deactivated, the message appears after 4 hours: Device will switch off in 60 seconds or press OK.
      Pressing the OK button is of no use, the device is switched off

      Show original language (German)
      a year later
      2 months later

      Why does my Box 21 always switch on again at night and stay on?

      Fortunately, the TV B+O remains switched off.

      Do I have to replace the box or what should I do?


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      From the point of view of energy consumption, it is best to consistently disconnect all devices from the power supply when not in use using a switchable power strip, thereby eliminating pointless standby consumption.

      Show original language (German)
      14 days later

      While I am watching a recording, the image freezes and then the message “Unfortunately, no TV signal is currently available from this channel” appears; then a window appears with “No internet connection” check the wiring etc., then “try again”; then again " his TV-Box verifies the collegamento internet….well I was simply watching a recorded film……what does the collegamento internet have to do with it?

      Show original language (Italian)


      Swisscom’s blue TV requires a collegamento with Internet to function

      in case of a problem with the Internet the TV signal will not be available

      restart the TV-Box and the router (Internet-Box) if necessary

      then check that the collegamento with Internet is available

      and that blue TV from Swisscom is functional in Live TV and also with a recorded film

      if everything works but that the problematic directed film always stops at the same place

      in which case it means that the filmmaking of this particular film was flawed

      at the time it was broadcast and unfortunately it will not be possible to view it correctly

      Show original language (Italian)
      2 months later

      The information above about the automatic switch-off of the Swisscom TV box helped me a lot. I have asked myself a few times whether and how this problem can be solved. Now I have made the right setting for me and it works perfectly. Thanks. Eric

      Show original language (German)
      3 months later


      Hello @Revupul20

      A question was asked by @DanielD Please answer!

      In addition, don’t forget that if you interact with the remote control to change the channel or adjust the volume, for example, it cancels the 4-hour standby action.

      To summarize an automatic shutdown (4 hours) and only valid without touching the remote control.

      Show original language (French)