On TMC, you have to set the sound to 25 instead of 20, on France 5 to 22 and the other channels I watch are at around 20 on my Philips TV, without home cinema, in surround mode.

I hope this will be corrected quickly because in addition to this problem, it is impossible to use the Swisscom TV remote control because it is indicated that in Surround mode, this option is not activated.

Should I contact Swisscom or am I the only one having this problem? (Which I highly doubt…)

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Hi NS,

If you activate the Surround function on the TV Box you will not actually be able to manage the sound via the Swisscom remote control but via your Philips remote control.

On the other hand, if you have the Swisscom UHD TV Box, you can activate the “TrueVolume Stereo” in the settings (Home key -> Gear wheel -> General settings -> Audio/Sound) and you will be able to use the Swisscom Remote Control.

Good evening

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5 days later

Thanks Vik, I know that….

On the other hand, on TMC the sound is always very different from other channels. Incredible that Swisscom doesn’t do anything about it.


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14 days later

Weeks go by and still no change.

I have the sound on Surround because I have a home cinema installation. I don’t want to adjust the settings every time to adjust the sound on the Swisscom remote control.

It’s incredible that Swisscom can’t adjust the sound evenly across the channels… Total rubbish.

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@NS Good evening

@NS Wrote:

Weeks go by and still no change.

I have the sound on Surround because I have a home cinema installation. I don’t want to adjust the settings every time to adjust the sound on the Swisscom remote control.

It’s incredible that Swisscom can’t adjust the sound evenly across the channels… Total rubbish.

Did you read the post from @LeylaG on 06 02 17 at 2:58 p.m. here is an excerpt

When different channels follow the regulations, there should be no major difference. However, many channels still maintain a sound volume that does not respect the standard in force.

We should rather complain to the operators of the channels concerned! and not on Swisscom. the phenomenon is also found among other TV distributors.

Easier to remove your home cinema you will see almost no more differences.

I hope you understand that each TV channel emits a different output volume from each other when it does not comply with current regulations.


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4 months later


There is one thing that annoys me with swiscom TV: it’s the sound level which is different when you change channels!!

Isn’t it possible to always have the same sound level on all channels, it would be so much more pleasant.

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What would be more pleasant is that all television broadcasting channels respect the rules as requested in France by the CSA or even the following article and blog (Belgian site).

[http://tv.blogs.lavoixdunord.fr/archive/2011/10/10/la-fin-d-un-volume-sonore-plus-eleve-pour-les-pubs.html] (http://tv.blogs.lavoixdunord.fr/archive/2011/10/10/la-fin-d-un-volume-sonore-plus-eleve-pour-les-pubs.html)

[https://fr.forum.proximus.be/proximus-tv-7/differences-volume-sonore-chaines-hd-et-non-hd-33027](https://fr.forum.proximus.be/ proximus-tv-7/differences-sound-volume-hd-and-non-hd-channels-33027)

This problem that you encounter on Swisscom TV, you find it on Cablecom and Net plus. You have to remove the 5.1 sound and put it in stereo. you won’t need to play with your remote anymore.


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16 days later

Good morning,

I reported this problem, it is now really annoying. The difference in sound level between the channels requires us to systematically adjust the sound volume.

I use a home cinema installation and it’s really annoying. TF1 HD now is significantly weaker, as is TMC. In my opinion, it is the channels of the TF1 group whose level has fallen.

Don’t tell me that Swisscom can’t equalize the sound volumes of the channels, incredible 😉

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2 years later

hello, I just changed TV, the Samsung High Tech and I have the same problem, I initially thought it was the TV, but reading your comments I see that it is a Swisscom problem. thank you for your insight and thank you to Swisscom for resolving this problem quickly

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  • Doremi has responded to this post.

    pgalante1968 Hello

    I invite you to reread this post, copy and paste from: (Same problem on the Net-plus telenetwork)


    ](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/103702)LeylaG Community Manager‎6. February 2017[41](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Utilisation/Probl%C3%A8me-de-diff%C3%A9rence-de-son-entre-les-cha%C3%AEnes-et- next-la/m-p/482237#M13988) of 53

    Hello everyone,

    We have already made sound adjustments between channels and in particular between the corresponding SD and HD channels. Additionally, we have also added an option on TV-Box UHD that helps reduce these differences.

    When different channels follow the regulations, there should be no major difference. However, many channels still maintain a sound volume that does not respect the standard in force.

    If you wish to provide us with the following information, we will send it to the Swisscom TV technicians who will be able to verify it:

    • the exact channels with which you are experiencing sound differences
    • is your TV-Box in surround mode?
    • a description of your TV installation. TV and TV-Box connected by cable? Sound bar, AV receiver, X-Box, Playstation or other devices connected to the TV.

    Thanks in advance!


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    hello and thank you for your help, here are my details.

    Please contact me if you need any further information.

    TSR 1+ 2 tf1 f2 f3 f4 f5 m6 and so on, almost all channels have this problem.

    my tv box 2.0 is not in surround, is stereo.

    no soundbar

    my new samsung qled q6 138cm tv is connected via HDMI to the tv box.

    a DVD player and an Xbox is connected to the TV via HDMI.

    the sound of the TV is normal, I tried the 3 variants, stereo, dolby and enhanced, it does the same for the 3 options.

    I activated the channel switching option to avoid sound differences when I change channels and it works very well. (Samsung option)

    I disabled it and it’s still the same.

    my main concern is not the passage of channels with different sound volumes,

    the fact is that when I watch a channel (almost without exception) the volume goes down and up quite often during the current broadcast.

    which is unpleasant, but especially it is in the evening at low volume where you are constantly yoyoing with the sound, either TV or Swisscom remote control.

    thank you in advance for your help.

    Philippe Galante

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