
  • Beitritt
  • Level3
  • Punkte1226
  • Beiträge37
  • Lösungen1
  • @jicubef

    xxx.xxx.xx.xx.dynamic.wline.res.cust.swisscom.ch this is the associated host name

    search for its public IP address

    - either on the router, internet-box or other, see network connection

    - either on the various sites available on the Internet, for example


    My public IP address is: xxx.x.xxx.xxx

    My associated hostname: xxx.xxx.x.xx.dynamic.wline.res.cust.swisscom.ch

    Port Used: xxxxx

    Your Local IP: to discover

    then with the command prompt under windows execute the command:

    tracert [its public IP address]

    Determining the route to xxx.xxx.xx.xx.dynamic.wline.res.cust.swisscom.ch [its public IP address]
    with a maximum of xx jumps:

    1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms xxx.xxx.xxx.xx.dynamic.wline.res.cust.swisscom.ch [its public IP address]

    Determined route.

    for more information if necessary consult Microsoft support help:

    How ​​to use TRACERT to troubleshoot TCP/IP issues in Windows

    [https://support.microsoft.com/fr-ch/help/314868/how-to-use-tracert-to-troubleshoot-tcp-ip-problems-in-windows](https://support.microsoft. com/fr-ch/help/314868/how-to-use-tracert-to-troubleshoot-tcp-ip-problems-in-windows)

    perform a search with the keyword: dynamic.wline.res.cust.swisscom.ch

    posts on the Swisscom Community have already addressed this subject to see among others

    [/t5/Archiv-Internet/Acc%C3%A8s-NAS-depuis-l-ext%C3%A9rieur/td-p/455562](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Archiv-Internet/Acc %C3%A8s-NAS-from-the-ext%C3%A9rieur/td-p/455562)

    [/t5/Internet-g%C3%A9n%C3%A9ralit%C3%A9s/for-3-weeks-I-no-longer-have-access-to-VPN-swisscom/m-p/615449](https:/ /commuted nity.swisscom.ch/t5/Internet-g%C3%A9n%C3%A9ralit%C3%A9s/since-3-weeks-I-no-longer-access-to-VPN-swisscom/m-p/615449)

    [/t5/Internet-g%C3%A9n%C3%A9ralit%C3%A9s/Ping-tr%C3%A8s-%C3%A9lev%C3%A9/m-p/513527](https://commu nity.swisscom.ch/t5/Internet-g%C3%A9n%C3%A9ralit%C3%A9s/Ping-tr%C3%A8s-%C3%A9lev%C3%A9/m-p/513527)

    Originalsprache (Französisch) anzeigen
  • @jicubef

    read the previous messages on the subject and in particular that of @NathalieSI Forum moderator

    ---———————————————- ————————————————– ————————————

    Good morning,
    The agency that hosts our Community has been carrying out updates for several days. So, for the majority of us, the pages are published in a mix of French, Italian and English with from time to time a small transition to German.
    Don’t worry, this is not a new display that we are testing
    . A fix should be quickly implemented so that each user browses the Community only in the desired language.
    We apologize for the inconvenience caused.

    Happy Sunday everyone!

    Originalsprache (Französisch) anzeigen
  • Hello @jicubef,

    I have checked the information available to us and unfortunately we are not aware of any disruption of this type. Since you have already uninstalled and reinstalled the program, I advise you to contact the myCloud team for support. You can contact them via this form directly.

    Beautiful day

    Originalsprache (Französisch) anzeigen

  • @jicubef wrote:

    @XTWith the My KMU Office subscriptions you get a router where you can connect ISDN telephones.”

    Interesting statement… When I expressed my wish to Swisscom several times at the end of January to keep my 3 ISDN telephones (including 1 ruby) and 1 ISDN fax adapter with All IP, possibly with the use of an adaptation facility, that was it Answer “No”. There would be no customization option. I have to replace all devices. There is also nothing planned for the future in the range.

    The problem is who you turn to:

    If you contact private customer advice, they have the knowledge of private customer products and (mainly) only know these products

    If you had contacted business customer advice, they would probably have been offered the option of continuing to use the existing ISDN at Centro Business. It now also runs there via VoIP and it is questionable whether the well-known ISDN convenience functions have already been fully implemented there….

    What probably went wrong is that you contacted the wrong private customer advisory service - or they could have at least forwarded you to the business customer advisory service with your requirements….

    Originalsprache (Deutsch) anzeigen

    ….keep on rockin'