First of all, I would like to point out that this is mobile radio and not location radio. It depends on whether a stationary router is compatible with the terms and conditions. So don’t suck up endless data 😉
The antenna you see can of course be pointed in the other direction. Then you have no reception where you are. In addition, a lake is a great mirror surface and only causes trouble for cell phones.
Don’t you have a landline connection?
Yes, I know about Cell-Lock and the straps. But it’s actually not necessary for you to set something up as a private customer. As I said, that’s just how it is with mobile communications. If you only have a bad network with all providers, you can’t do anything and don’t expect any miracles in terms of speed, band change or not. At least not via mobile communications.
Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.
Starlink is currently far too expensive - but that shouldn’t be necessary.
There is no landline either.
I don’t want to accept the answer that as a private user you are helpless😉.
From a technical perspective, there are options that can be tested (band, antenna, router, location).
My goal is to identify the problem and explore all of these options.
If it doesn’t work, that’s okay, but at least I tried without the head
to put in the sand.
The values indicate a problem with the noise level.
Alternatively, you could also come up with the idea of taking advantage of Swisscom’s basic service obligation, which from 2024 for the Internet connection is currently 80/8 Mbit/sec down/up and a maximum price of CHF 60/month.
Swisscom would then have to take care of the type of technology to be used.
Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom
Whether basic supplies are also mandatory for holiday apartments?
N.B. (TV is not part of the basic service).
Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.
@Weunteuckau47 wrote:
I don’t think this will work for holiday apartments.
I don’t need it to work or anything, so it’s a rather cheap option.
But at least there, the connection should be significantly better (also according to Sunrise/Swisscom).
Maybe you can ask!
Swisscom makes the regulated basic services available in every residential or commercial space in Switzerland upon explicit customer request. The individual customer who wants to conclude a service contract with Swisscom (i.e. not the building owner) is eligible.
Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.
I believe that this would work, and can even be done without owning a property:
Of course, it is in Swisscom’s interest that as few people as possible make use of it, because it is definitely a losing proposition for the provider.
In terms of price, the more modest 10/1 Down/Up also costs CHF 45/month.
If you were interested, you would certainly notice very quickly during the ordering process whether there would be any unexpected obstacles when using a basic service subscription.
Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom
The CellMapper may help you [Map]( 7404199&showTowers=true&showIcons=true&showTowerLabels=true&clusterEnabled=true&tilesEnabled=true&showOrphans=false&showNoFrequencyO nly=false&showFrequencyOnly=false&showBandwidthOnly=false&DateFilterType=Last&showHex=false&showVerifiedOnly=false&showUnverifiedOnl y=false&showLTECAOnly=false&showENDCOnly=false&showBand=0&showSectorColours=true&mapType=roadmap&darkMode=false&imperialUnits=false) something. Here you can view the different providers and technologies.
Gruss TomatoTec