Mail from "" - is it pishing?

  • Morning, we have received an email from “” with the title “Swisscom invoice March 2023” and a good letter. It looks like a real mail from Swisscom… and we have clicked on “View invoice”, which leads to Swisscom logging"…

    Question: is/was it pishing?

    Thank you very much for your help, DAS

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    • HP, roku73, StefanSch, and gian have responded to this post.
    • Hello Frepreimpeu91
      It’s good that you are critical, now an email about the March 2023 bill is very strange and hardly from Swisscom.
      Check your customer centre for the bills.
      You can also report the mail to Swisscom


      With “Swisscom bill 2023” and a credit balance, your alarm bells should have gone off. So it’s definitely not from Swisscom.

      Here is another link that describes how to recognise phishing:

      But the crooks are getting more and more sophisticated, so always look at everything with great caution and don’t click on anything, but always log in to mySwisscom first via the official address. You can see everything there.

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      HP wrote:
      You can also report the mail to Swisscom

      I also always like to report spam directly to MELANI. In this way, global spam lists can also be filled or, if necessary, steps can be taken by BACS.
      The mail can then be forwarded directly from the mail programme to reports(at)
      Incidentally, you can also report websites at ;-).

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      Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse


      Never click on any links in any emails that you were not expecting.

      By clicking on it, you have already ensured that the sender knows that your address is active.
      This makes it much more valuable for spammers… So you will get more spam - watch out!

      If you have really entered your login data: urgently (!) change your password and activate 2-factor authentication.

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      changed by StefanSch

      Ich bin ein als Privatkunde getarnter Swisscom-Mitarbeiter im Bereich Service Continuity.


      Frepreimpeu91 we have received an email from “[](” with the title “Swisscom invoice March 2023” and a good letter. It looks like a real mail from Swisscom… and we have clicked on “View invoice”, which leads to Swisscom logging"…

      Question: is/was it pishing?

      Such mails are always pishing! Swisscom and all other honest companies would never report an e-mail with such content by e-mail.

      The best place to check such an e-mail is still the Swisscom Customer Centre, where you can view and change everything. I take 2-factor login for granted.

      There are even said to be people who responded to emails such as “Your account has been blocked”, “Swisspass problem (SBB)”, “Credit card blocked”, etc. etc. and diligently entered all the data and were then surprised when their account was plundered. At most, reputable companies will send an e-mail reminding you to log in to your official customer account to resolve any problems.

      When my club president writes to me and asks what the account balance is and that he should receive 50,000, all my alarm bells start ringing. Firstly, as a lawyer, my club president can express himself properly and wouldn’t ask such a question in the first place and if he has something to invoice, he issues an invoice. I forward such emails to the federal office.

      Show original language (German)