What about the pro and advanced subscriptions? Is webmail still only possible with Swisscomlogin, so that you have access to all email accounts in webmail? Or can accesses in webmail now be separated?

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@kaetho wrote:

What about the pro and advanced subscriptions? Is webmail still only possible with Swisscomlogin, so that you have access to all email accounts in webmail? Or can accesses in webmail now be separated?

All email addresses that are in the same Swisscom login are also available in webmail. The representation, or However, the change is a little different than before, see the question “How do I switch between my email accounts” on www.swisscom.ch/bluewin-neu. Accounts back and forth?"

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Liebe Grüsse / Salut et à bientôt / Ciao e a presto / Cheers, see you soon!

Hello everyone

- blue TV S from 5.- to 14.90

- blue Internet S from 60.- to 64.90

- Multiroom from 5.- to 9.90

- Bluewin E-Mail basic from 0.- to 2.90

Am I just saying, or am I now also financing the Vodafone Italia purchase? There are probably a lot of email basic customers who will frown. You don’t want to give up the @Bluewin.ch quality feature of the email address. The ridiculous 10 centime round-offs (suitable for Aldi/Lidl and Co.) don’t make it any better either.

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No, the purchase of VF Italy is self-financing.

You finance the best mobile network and the expensive (and even more expensive due to Comco) FTTH expansion. You also finance the further development of various services (TV, e-mail, etc.), the great service, the CO2-neutral conversion and of course the legitimate profit that the owners demand.

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I’ve been with Swisscom all my life, but I’m now considering a change. I first read about the price increases for TV and now E-Mail Basic in the media, and as a customer I will be informed at some point.

And as others write: As a loyal customer you always pay the full prices, new customers receive 6-12 months discounts, a free Play Station 5 for a while, or other things. (Exactly the new customers who then drop out after the 12 months and go somewhere else and collect the new customer bonuses there again.)

I’m not demanding that regular customers receive gifts; it’s just that all providers, not just Swisscom, constantly attract customers with such offers. I question how profitable this is. Because apparently Swisscom can’t even afford to give a customer who pays 89 francs for an internet subscription a few email addresses without charging extra fees.

I turn on my TV box maybe once a month, so the old subscription for 5 francs was just right. I will definitely cancel the TV subscription if the price increases and watch TV on rare occasions via some free service or via the websites of the TV providers themselves. (Swisscom is already losing money here…) As soon as the email costs come up, I’ll see what I’ll do then. Since I don’t want to lose my long-standing email addresses, I’m just making sure to reduce or cancel some of my other subscriptions.

But this is the wrong place to complain, I’ll do it (politely) elsewhere.

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I have also been a long-time Swisscom customer and have to seriously consider changing provider. Prices rise and quality falls. There are always problems, especially with Swisscom TV, and the TV-Box has to be restarted again and again.

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So with the new email light I can no longer see the emails on the iPhone because I only have IMAP?

Or what are the differences between IMAP and Exchange?

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Hi @Grip72

Until now, Bluewin Mail was always “only” IMAP - you can easily synchronize folders with IMAP. You can now synchronize contacts and calendars via Exchange.

The difference between the protocols is [here](https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/hilfe/e-mail/einrichten/swisscom-server-information.html#acc-oiQ0rA%5Bselected%5D%5B%5D =1) explains:

With Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) you can access and manage your emails, calendars, contacts and tasks on your smartphone. 

  • Synchronization: emails, calendars, contacts and tasks 
  • Compatible with Mail App (iOS) and Gmail App (Android) 
  • Available with Bluewin E-Mail pro and Bluewin E-Mail advanced

With IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) you can access and manage your emails on all devices.   

  • Synchronization: emails only
  • Compatible with almost all email apps and programs (Android, iOS, Windows, Mac)
  • Available with Bluewin E-Mail light, Bluewin E-Mail pro, Bluewin E-Mail advanced

With POP3 (Post Office Protocol Version 3) you can download your emails from the server to a local device. The emails are then deleted from the server.

  • No synchronization (only downloading emails)
  • Limited sync features between devices
  • Available with Bluewin E-Mail light, Bluewin E-Mail basic, Bluewin E-Mail advanced



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When I read the press release today. Did I take that to mean that there is no longer a free BLUEWIN address? Is that the case now or not?

* Hotmail, GMX and various other providers can do it worldwide… and Swisscom shouldn’t be able to do it?

or is the press release just a bit wrong?

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@Greuflappo83 wrote:

When I read the press release today. Did I take that to mean that there is no longer a free BLUEWIN address? Is that the case now or not?

Yes, see first post above:

  • Bluewin email light

The previous addresses that were linked to an internet subscription (Bluewin Basic) and included advertising and up to 5 addresses are now charged an additional 2.90 CHF / month.

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Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé

@Greuflappo83 wrote:

When I read the press release today. Did I take that to mean that there is no longer a free BLUEWIN address? Is that the case now or not?

* Hotmail, GMX and various other providers can do it worldwide… and Swisscom shouldn’t be able to do it?

or is the press release just a bit wrong?

There is still one free email (bluewin) address per Swisscom account (also for non-Swisscom customers)
The free subscription is now called “Bluewin E-Mail light” and only includes 1 GB of storage space, contains advertising and only synchronization of emails (IMAP) is included.


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I personally find it an absolute disgrace. They are trying to scare away all loyal customers and get them to turn to alternative service providers.

Swisscom is digging its own grave!

We moved internet, TV and landline to another provider (iWay AG) a long time ago.

By the way…..
I’ve now bought a “cool” xyz@abc.ch and now only use that one.

Luckily, I was smart before and made a Hotmail and used it almost everywhere (so far).

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@wallis wrote:

I’ve actually wanted to switch to the most expensive provider for a long time and optimize my needs. Now is the right time, thank you Swisscom.

Swisscom plans proactively and comprehensively.

We are already looking for a replacement customer for you 🙂

[https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/kombi-abo/promotion-500.html#](https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/kombi-abo/promotion-500.html #)

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Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom