5G in Liechtenstein?

Does anyone know why I currently don’t have 5G reception with my Samsung Galaxy S22+ in Liechtenstein?

The network should actually be there (see screenshot).

In Switzerland it works with 5G.

Screenshot_20230627_213905_Samsung Internet.jpg

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Hi @Rattenjunge,

In the border area it often happens that the cell phone switches to a foreign network.

I would check the settings under mobile communications to see whether it is actually connected to the Swisscom network.



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4b 65 69 6e 65 20 4d 61 63 68 74 20 64 65 72 20 6c 65 67 61 63 79 20 49 50 21

Yes, of course I am connected to the Swisscom network.

What’s a little special here is that, as far as I know, the network is officially called “SwisscomFL”. After that, however, it is only listed as “Swisscom” for me.

As I said, the topic is rather technical and perhaps only intended for insiders…

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Swisscom’s mobile network in Switzerland has the mobile network identifier 228-01 and is known as “Swisscom”.

Swisscom’s mobile network in the Principality of Liechtenstein has the mobile network identifier 295-01 and is known as “Swisscom FL”.


According to the BAKOM radio transmitter map, there are no 5G mobile phone antennas active in the Principality of Liechtenstein and therefore no 5G mobile phone reception can be expected there.


The Samsung mobile phone’s internal network monitor gladly reveals the mobile network ID of the currently used (registered) mobile network. Simply enter the phone number on your Samsung cell phone:



The use of 5G only makes sense when Swisscom supports 5G in “standalone” (SA) mode throughout Switzerland. See the longer article by “4G-Fan” on May 30, 2023 at:

[https://mobilecommunity.ch/wbb/index.php?thread/395-wie-man-bei-sunrise-trotz-voller-empfangsst%C3%A4rke-beim-telefonieren-die-leitung/&postID=3186#post3186 ] (https://mobilecommunity.ch/wbb/index.php?thread/395-wie-man-bei-sunrise-trotz-voller-empfangsst%C3%A4rke-beim-telefonieren-die-connection/&postID=3186#post3186 )


[https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/Empfang-Goldk%C3%BCste-absolut-unnutzbar-im-Zug/m-p/729346](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/ Reception-Goldk%C3%BCste-absolutely-unusable-on-the-train/m-p/729346)

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    Rattenjunge wrote:

    This also for your information:

    Screenshot_20230630_110523_Call settings.jpg

    As I said, I can’t connect to the “Swisscom” network, only to the “SwisscomFL” network. Afterwards, however, the whole thing is displayed as “Swisscom” (see also screenshot in the post above).

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    And this is what it looks like somewhere in the Swiss plateau with “5G+” network coverage and a Swisscom SIM card.



    Mobile phone registered in Swisscom Switzerland’s 4G/LTE core network (228-01). For faster data transfers, some 4G/LTE mobile frequency bands are bundled with some 5G mobile frequency bands using “carrier aggregation”.

    [https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/Wann-startet-der-Wirkbetrieb-von-5G-SA-bei-Swisscom/m-p/691772#M9747] (https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/Wann-startet-der-Wirkbetrieb-von-5G-SA-bei-Swisscom/m-p/691772#M9747)

    According to the network monitor of the Samsung smartphone, the mobile frequency bands 1, 78, 7, 28, and 3 are bundled and used simultaneously for the “Internet connection via mobile communications” (mobile data).


    The use of band 28 is worth noting. Even with the use of band 28 (today) the 5G-capable mobile phone does not log into the 5G core network! So no 5G SA (stand alone) in Switzerland either. 5G NSA (Non stand alone) only.



    And as long as the Swisscom mobile network:

    a) no voice telephony over the 5G mobile network (VoNR) is supported

    b) AND Swisscom has not implemented any Swiss-wide network coverage using mobile radio frequency band 28

    It makes no sense to allow 5G-capable mobile phones to be logged into Swisscom’s 5G core network.


    The information on voice telephony in the 4G/LTE mobile network is available at:


    also apply analogously to (future) voice telephony in the 5G mobile network.

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    You have to deactivate the switch “Select automatically” under Settings => Connections => Mobile networks => Network operators, “Select a network manually?” Confirm with OK and then select “Swisscom” (not “Swisscom FL”). Then you should have 5G reception roughly according to the Swisscom 5G coverage map. Since the map is calculated theoretically, it is only approximately correct.

    Otherwise it will quickly dial you into the “Swisscom FL” network in Liechtenstein, where you don’t have 5G reception.

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    The network coverage maps from GSMA and Swisscom are unrealistic and belong in the trash can. Salt provides the only somewhat useful network coverage maps for Switzerland at:


    You should definitely calculate network coverage maps yourself. See:


    [https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/2G-Abschaltung-2020-neue-weisse-Flecken-kein-Empfang/td-p/617747] (https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Mobile/2G-Abschaltung-2020-neue-weisse-Flecken-kein-Empfang/td-p/617747)

    Aids for calculating network coverage maps for mobile communications in Switzerland and Liechtenstein are the Bakom radio transmitter map and the “Swisscom field strength” map.


    [https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Archiv-telefonie/Connectionabbr%C3%BCche-bei-Rastst%C3%A4tte-Rheintal/m-p/665116] (https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Archiv-telefonie/Connectionabbr%C3%BCche-bei-Rastst%C3%A4tte-Rheintal/m-p/665116)

    On the topic of “sector antenna” see also this article:

    [https://community.sunrise.ch/d/28020-voip-empfang-mit-5g-besser/19](https://community.sunrise.ch/d/28020-voip-empfang-mit-5g- bad/19)

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