Digital Detox: 8 Tipps zum besseren Abschalten im Alltag

Digital detox: 8 tips for switching off more successfully

We are ‘always on’ and want to keep up to speed with the latest events. That’s why we look at our phones up to 90 times per day – that’s every 11 minutes on average. If the battery runs out or our smartphones aren’t within reach, we start to feel twitchy. It’s high time for a more analogue approach to relaxation.

Why are we glued to our screens 24/7? It’s called FOMO – the fear of missing out. This fear has become embedded deep in our consciousness, driving our behaviour and leaving us staring at our smartphones, tablets or computers whenever we have a spare moment. According to research, this unwittingly causes stress and leads to addictive processes in the brain.

The following tips will help you switch off – without relying on apps or anything else:

  1. Make your bedroom a device-free zone – without smartphones, tablets, laptops or TV – and set an alarm clock instead.
  2. Check WhatsApp, Instagram and other social media channels or private e-mails no more than twice a day. If someone needs you urgently, they can give you a call.
  3. Leave your mobile phone at home. For instance, if you go shopping or out for a walk – or when you’re meeting friends.
  4. Have a day offline at the weekend. Read, play, cook – or do nothing at all. It will seem strange at first, then very liberating.
  5. Do everything that you need to do online all in one go. You can use the offline time before and after for other jobs or for yourself.
  6. Devote your full attention to the person you are with – without looking at your phone. This shows genuine appreciation and makes every conversation more meaningful.
  7. Play a game with your loved ones to find out who can do without their phone the longest. Put your devices in a pile; the person who takes theirs out first is the loser.
  8. Switch off your mobile or laptop more often, instead of leaving it on standby. This takes away the urge to ‘just have a quick look’ – who wants to wait a whole minute for the system to start up?

What’s your best tip for a digital detox? Let the Community know!

Show original language (German)
Illustration image of a woman with a laptop
6 days later

This is really what we have to force ourselves to do, yes and what’s more we feel a wind of freedom because we feel less OBLIGED to be present for often little information or negative information which unnecessarily distresses us, THANK YOU for spreading these important messages

Show original language (French)


You can’t stop vibrating everywhere, e.g. if you have alarm systems activated at home or are driving a Fairtiq and are alerted to the fact that you have to press stop.

Of course, you can specifically deactivate some notices.

Show original language (German)

Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

I have had a cell phone at the time NATEL since 1987 🤪 a SIMONSEN

then NOKIA then since 2007 IPHONE. whether it’s my smartphone, iPad and MacBook and IMac I only check emails ONCE A WEEK often I leave my smartphone at home MY LIFE: people who want to contact me, just call back later!!! ….they have so many other much more urgent and priority proxies!

Show original language (French)

Just leave your cell phone at home. For example, when you go shopping or for a walk - but now I have to laugh, Coop, Migros, Aldi, Denner, etc. have created a special shopping list, I should leave my cell phone at home and that in old age. What does your memory tell you about that? I would be interested!

Show original language (German)


On a normal working day or shopping day, you usually need your cell phone, even if you need public transport.

If you’re taking a walk in the woods or going out for a nice meal with your wife or friends and don’t want to pay with your cell phone, you can turn it off and turn it back on in case of emergencies.

It is today’s society where cell phones are forced upon us, see tickets for public transport, or postal finance with deposits, or payment in the store, etc.

Show original language (German)

Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.