Swisscom schützt vor Phishing-SMS

Swisscom protects customers against phishing SMS

The free SMS filter protects all Swisscom customers (incl. M-Budget, Wingo and Coop Mobile) with a mobile subscription or prepaid number from abusive and fraudulent SMS (smishing).

What is smishing?

SMS phishing (smishing) is a scam that involves sending text messages with fraudulent links purporting to be from a legitimate company. Clicking on the link may disclose account or other personal data or infect the device with a virus.

How does the SMS filter work?

The SMS filter checks incoming and outgoing SMS for fraudulent, dangerous or unwanted links. These SMS are blocked immediately and are therefore neither sent nor received. The SMS filter is automatically activated and cannot be deactivated at the moment.

Detecting an SMS with malicious content is very challenging. What if a SMS you sent was unjustifiably blocked, or you have received a phishing SMS despite the SMS filter? You can report it here.

Show original language (German)
Illustration image of a woman with a laptop

Never heard the word before. But I think it’s a good thing since such phishing SMSes have been coming in more often recently.

But the fraudsters are inventive and will probably simply use cell phone numbers, as with the advertising calls, and still try to trick people.

Show original language (German)
10 days later

@ChristianG could you please answer Chips’ question? Thanks LG MirkoP

I would like to know exactly how this filter works. What’s strange to me is that before this filter was introduced, I received a phishing SMS about every 3-5 days. But every day since its introduction. Unfortunately I can’t add an example here, the texts are perverse and too clear. By the way, all numbers start with 044. Blocking doesn’t really help because the numbers change every day.

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21 days later


Regarding point 2: “I didn’t give it enough thought”

This is very dangerous if you browse the Internet thoughtlessly. Before every click, for example on links in emails or websites, you should think about the possible consequences. The greatest danger when using modern media comes from the user. The provider can only contribute to a limited extent; the behavior of the person in front of the screen is much more important.

Show original language (German)
6 days later
11 days later

Hello Swisscom

please answer the questions about the effectiveness of your new filter. I’ve been getting text messages like this recently too. And no, they would be easy to filter. Almost too easy…

Show original language (German)