Hi gnomes

No, you don’t get addresses directly from RIPE, but from Swisscom from their pool if you order static IP addresses. This is currently only possible for business connections such as inOne SME.

What Chris Ebno is referring to here is probably native IP with a prefix reference. But probably not static like I know Swisscom. And since I’m no longer with Swisscom, it hasn’t already been tested including instructions for pfsense 🙂

Why won’t it be ini7 for you? Would probably be the best solution for you without any special hardware as long as you can provide the service directly and not via BBCs from Swisscom.

As of today, 10GE or even 25GE is marketed at the same price as 1 GE, i.e. 777 CHF per year, as soon as the corresponding POP is converted. A /48 IP prefix would be included free of charge, static if desired. You can also have a static legacy IP, but it costs extra.

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Init7 won’t set up a pop for me so quickly because my village is too small it seems. Therefore Fiber7 is not an option at the moment.

Then I have to have a written statement from Swisscom regarding a fixed IP. I was told on the phone that this would also work with a private connection. Therefore, if this is not yet generally known here, I have to have it in writing otherwise I will lose out.

Can anyone else help me and does anyone have a current configuration if I choose Swisscom?

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Yes, I would be careful about IP statements from the hotline.

You usually know that. the difference between a public IP and a static one. Let alone the prefix questions.

As of today, you can assume that private customer products do not receive a static IP. Whether legacy or IP doesn’t matter. And it doesn’t depend on the access technology like xgs pon but on the product of the internet connection.

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I see it that way too, so I have just written down my questions and have them confirmed in writing. Update will follow as soon as I have an answer.

I’m curious whether someone will call me like they do with other providers when they ask questions like this. Unfortunately I have to say that it doesn’t help me if the person calls me.

Does anyone actually know what happens to the two old wires? Will this infrastructure be completely dismantled during an expansion?

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@Tux0ne Do you happen to know whether you also have to set the vendor-class-identifier (dhcp-option 60) for IPv6 DHCP via Swisscom in pfsense for dhclient6?

According to @ChristianEb, this should now be possible.

Is it the same? If so, is it the same configuration as in IPv4 dhclient.conf or is it different with dhcclient6?

This is what I currently have with the “normal” dhcclient(4):

cat /conf/dhclient.conf
interface "{interface}" {
send dhcp-class-identifier "100008,0001,pfsense 2.0";
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I thought to myself:

I already received an answer today:

- So this is not possible with private customer subscriptions - you have to have a business subscription.

- XGS-PON is currently possible with a maximum of 1 Gbit with the Centro Business 2.0

- A bridge mode is only possible if it is connected to our inOne KMU Office in combination with fixed IP addresses.

- Dynamic IP addresses are possible, but only with IP passthrough (my question was: whether I can receive IPv4 dynamically and IPv6 have my own RIPE range.)

- Last but not least: Swisscom Blue Tv, is possible but with restrictions.

Then I received the following links:

Left: [https://documents.swisscom.com/product/1000260-Connectivity\_Geraete\_/Documents/ Specifications/Centro_Business2_PPPoE_Passthrough-de.p df](https://documents.swisscom.com/product/1000260-Connectivity_Geraete_/Documents/ Specifications/Centro_Business2_PPPoE_Passthrough-de.pdf)

[https://documents.swisscom.com/product/1000260-Connectivity\_Geraete\_/Documents/ Specifications/Centro_Business2_IP_Passthrough-de.pdf](https://documents.swisscom.com/product/ 1000260-Connectivity_Geraete_/Documents/ Specifications/Centro_Business2_IP_Passthrough-de.pdf)


This is not for me and hopefully not for many others either. My opinion and I can adhere to every nook and cranny here. I just don’t understand this philosophy. That may be good for run-of-the-mill customers, but as soon as you only have small deviations from the standard you are simply lost.

To make matters worse, you wouldn’t believe it, there are 2 fiber optic troops on the move at the moment. By chance, a letter arrived today from the cable network operator saying that they were upgrading the fiber optic system. But I also have to overcome hurdles with the cable network operator first because they don’t pull the fiber optics into the apartment and if I have my fiber optics then I can only have 1 Gbit’s (Quickline) and wait until someone replaces the optics at some point. To make matters worse, Quickline will not release the network to other providers.


Because I don’t get a dual stack with I-Way?

“We are currently unable to offer DualStack IPv6 for these Swisscom network-based connections and you would have to work with a 6RD configuration.”

To be honest, I’m more or less at my wits’ end. I’m well aware that I won’t get the absolute solution and that we’ll all have to help finance it for a few years until our wallets are full and the gentlemen have enough of it.

As you can see, there is absolutely no movement at all, a total standstill due to an absolute pure marketing blockade. Solution: /dev/null for Quickline & Swisscom

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@Tux0ne Yup, /56…

@Anonymhmm everyone has their own opinion… but I’m not sure if I can understand your reasoning….

I currently understand that you want to take your own ipv6 subnet with you to a provider, with as much bandwidth as possible, right?

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Swisscom Network Engineer IP+ AS3303,


So I would start the experiment simpler.


Since the prefix here is not static. You then have to track the WAN interface in the local interfaces. So with a 56 prefix you have 8 bits (2 digits after the prefix) left to make 64 nets. So you can go from 00 to ff.
I saw that the Internet Büx makes a 00.

So configure WAN and locally. Restart the interface. Then you can also look in the firewall log to see if anything on the WAN was blocked with UDP 546. You would then have to activate that.

If that doesn’t work. Otherwise I have a referral code ready 😂

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    Thanks Tux0ne

    With the option “Request only an IPv6 prefix” I now at least get an IPv6 on the WAN interface: xxxx::xxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx%igb2 (I don’t know whether the “%igb2” suffix should be 😉 )

    And apparently I got a new IP on the IPv4 interface… 🙄

    Screenshot 2021-05-30 at 05.17.56.png

    On the LAN interface, Track Interface is on:


    No blocks on UDP 546 appear in the firewall logs:

    Screenshot 2021-05-30 at 05.23.24.png

    Screenshot 2021-05-30 at 05.23.45.png

    Nevertheless, I get a message on IPv6 test pages that says IPv6 is not supported:

    Screenshot 2021-05-30 at 05.40.57.png

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    • Tux0ne has responded to this post.


      Exactly as much throughput as possible with my own IPv6 addresses, which I can take with me if I change provider. That makes more than just sense.

      It doesn’t help me much if my Pfsense has an IPv6 address with a Swisscom prefix or In my opinion it has nothing to do with IPv6. In my opinion, anyone who only cares about this principle has not understood the concept and idea behind IPv6.

      Since IPv6 cannot communicate with IPv4, I have to activate and configure IPv6 on every device and there is no NAT with IPv6, which is exactly where the catch comes. Now I have to assign an IPv6 address to every device, for example my printer.

      If I now give my printer an IPv6 which has a prefix from Swisscom, I have to reconfigure the printer when I change provider.

      Please correct me if this is wrong, then I haven’t done my homework?

      My problem (and everyone who has a NAS or a camera) is affected by this and will really be in trouble if I change provider. This means having to reconfigure the entire network every time is unthinkable for companies and if you still have documentation then you can forget about it anyway.

      Therefore, there would have to be a Federal Court decision that clearly regulates this, namely that every provider must also allow and provide independent IP addresses. The only alternative I see is that the provider then takes over the reconfiguration including updating the documentation, so I have no problem with that. Access to my apartment would of course be granted but of course there is only a certain predefined maintenance window and that will not be a week. By the way, in this case the firewall rules would probably have to be adjusted as I also have to assign fixed IP addresses. I assume the rest should be clear that any reverse proxy and DNS stories also need to be adjusted.

      I’m not talking about an acute problem here (unless you already have IPv6 running and haven’t taken that into account). But I can’t understand why marketing reasons make it so difficult. By the way, I would like to see the providers when RIPE says you’re all getting new prefixes because we have to reorganize something.

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      Yes, you don’t see that entirely realistically @Anonymous

      Even if you change your ISP and the associated prefix change, you don’t have to reconfigure everything.

      Basically you have slaac, so everything is addressed in a new way. And for server services you can make static leases using DHCP6.
      DHCP6 in pfsense takes over this again if there is a dynamic prefix. Only the range and the static client identifier are defined. The prefix is ​​taken over again based on the tracking from the WAN. You should configure it like this.

      With the local DNS resolution there is also the option of adopting the names based on the DHCP6 lease.

      So just because you have IPv6 doesn’t suddenly tie you to the ISP because addressing the clients should present insurmountable hurdles.

      I think my ISP change took less than half an hour and I had some static configurations in there.

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      @Anonymous wrote:

      there is no NAT with IPv6,

      IPv6 also supports NAT. However, using NAT with IPv6 is not recommended:

      [https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/44065/with-ipv6-do-we-need-to-use-nat-any-more](https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/44065/ with-ipv6-do-we-need-to-use-nat-any-more)

      @Anonymous wrote:

      Please correct me if this is wrong, then I didn’t do my homework?

      My problem (and everyone who has a NAS or a camera) is affected by this and will really be in trouble if I change provider. This means reconfiguring the entire network every time, which is unthinkable for companies

      There are also mechanisms for fully automatic distribution of global IPv6 addresses for IPv6. For example: DHCPv6 and SLAAC. Anyone who manually assigns a global IPv6 address to every network participant in the home network or company network is doing something wrong:




      @Anonymous wrote:

      My problem (and everyone who has a NAS or a camera) is affected by this and will really be in trouble if I change provider.

      For security reasons, access to such devices from the Internet should only be possible with a VPN tunnel. See “Good Performance Rule #5” at:

      [https://community.upc.ch/d/4397-diagnose-tool-der-connect-box-says-your-home-network-hat-derzeit-einige-probl/27](https://community. upc.ch/d/4397-diagnose-tool-der-connect-box-says-your-home-network-has-currently-some-probl/27)

      \=> IPv4 can continue to be used for VPN tunnels in the distant future.

      In general, you should avoid using IPv6 until the ISP (here Swisscom) supports dual stack:


      The use of any IPv6 tunnel solutions is not recommended. See "Good Performance Rule #26 and:

      [https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Internet-Allgemein/IPv6-6rd-MTU/td-p/641943](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Internet-Allgemein/IPv6-6rd- MTU/td-p/641943)

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      546 would be the local port not the sender port.

      Has no address been configured as a gateway on the LAN?

      Then you just have to do a bit of trial and error.

      You can also try with a config like this. Simply with prefix 56 and not 52!

      You don’t have to configure the RA so that local clients can use IPv6. Is that already clear?



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        > You don’t have to configure the RA so that local clients can use IPv6. Is that already clear?

        No, that’s not clear to me, just to out myself as an IPv6 noob. 🙈😄

        And I imagined it would be somehow easier with the IPv6 thing.

        Actually, I would only want to use IPv6 out of interest anyway, but I have no problem switching it off if (from what I read here) many providers (including Swisscom) still make it more complicated than necessary.

        Because I’m still a little bit ambitious, I’d like to make a few more attempts.

        And to get closer to the diagnosis: No, no IPv6 address has been configured on the internal (LAN) interface.

        The DHCP server doesn’t run on the firewall either, it’s outsourced to internal servers behind it and isn’t configured for IPv6 (if that were necessary), or I see here that RAs seem to be part of the DHCP6 server.

        However, before I approach the I Pv6 configuration of local clients, I would like to have the part on the router working correctly.

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        Tux0ne Even with all the additional options, the WAN interface only has a fe80:: address, which probably corresponds to the link-local and indicates that a “real” IPv6 address is not even obtained. 😞

        Screenshot 2021-05-30 at 17.45.53.png

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