Lifehacks für die Swisscom blue TV Fernbedienung

Life hacks for the Swisscom blue TV remote control

Your blue TV remote control can do more than just change the channel and adjust the volume. Make the most of your blue TV by following these top tips!

Access your recordings with one click

The fastest way to access your recordings is by holding down the red record button.

Quick access to Live TV

Wherever you are in the menu, go straight to Live TV by holding down the Back button.

Play without reading the description

With the Play button, you can replay a broadcast or play a recording directly without opening the programme description.

Continue watching

Use the Recent button to jump to the channel you were last watching. If you press and hold the button, a list of your most recently watched content will appear. Only content that you have watched for longer than 5 minutes are displayed. The “Personalised functions” option must be activated in the settings for this function.

Select signal source (e.g. HDMI)

First, pair the remote control with the TV set (“home” button > cogwheel in the top-left menu > General Settings > Pair remote control). Using the button that looks like a square with an arrow inside, switch to the correct HDMI channel. Tip: with HDMI-CEC, you never have to search for the correct HDMI channel again.

Skipping forward and back

The Skip button allows you to skip forward 30 seconds or back 10 seconds during a programme that is currently being broadcast. You can use the forward and back buttons to fast-forward or rewind several minutes. Use the same buttons or the programme selection buttons to navigate to the desired programme in the TV Guide.

Uninstall apps

The easiest way to uninstall an app on blue TV is to go to the app icon and hold down the OK button.

Record entire season

Interested in watching the whole series of a show that is currently playing on live TV? Simply double-click the Record button to record the entire season.

Find a film quickly

Do you want to watch a good film? Go to the main menu (“home” button) and select “Video”. You will find various films to rent and buy divided into different categories here.

Use Preview to surf the channels

You can scroll through the other channels without having to leave the programme that you’re watching. The round, black navigation button is normally used to move around the menu. Press it up twice and a small video image displaying the other channels appears on the left.

Multi-language recommendations and search results

If you’d like to get recommendations and search results in different languages, you can change the programme language in settings (“home” button> cogwheel > Display > Language). If you select German as the main language and French as an additional language, for instance, German and French recommendations and search results will be displayed for you on the TV.

Netflix is a channel too

The Netflix app is number 9999 in the list of channels. When you select this channel, the app starts automatically, without having to go through the menu. You can also choose your preferred channel number for Netflix in the list of channels.

A description of all the buttons and functions can be found on this page.

Show original language (German)
changed by admin
Illustration of a man with a laptop

Hello @all Here’s another useful hack! (via @LouisCyphre) If you are in the TV Guide and want to watch a program that is still running from the beginning without loading the channel (i.e. interesting for sports programs because you could otherwise see the result), you simply have to click on the corresponding program Hold down the OK button for a longer period of time. This will bring up the details page, which you can then use to select the program “watch from the beginning” (to be on the safe side, press the mute button first).

Show original language (German)
18 days later

Use the number buttons to switch to the station location

If you press a number key once, it always switches to the broadcast location of the number key you pressed.

If you press different number buttons quickly one after the other, the broadcast slot changes according to the order in which the numbers are pressed.

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LifeHacks should be hidden hidden features, things that are not intended and still work.

Sorry guys, things that I can use intuitively are definitely not life hacks.

The only two things that count as life hacks for me are

With one click you can access your recordings and quickly return to live TV.


Show original language (German)
2 years later
3 months later
12 days later

Good morning, I connected the Swisscom remote control as a single remote control, the TV turns on but remains gray for a long time before showing the image normally. How I can dissociate this option is to make sure that I have the two remote controls again, the one that turns on the television and the one for your box so as to avoid this inconvenience; because I tried looking in the settings but I can’t find anything

thanks for the help

Show original language (Italian)
4 days later

Good morning Vamifos22,

Were you able to solve your problem with the remote control? If this is not the case, I will put you in contact with the technical service.

Best regards

Show original language (Italian)
a month later
2 months later

Hello, my remote control allows me to control the sound etc. but I don’t know why it no longer turns off the TV. I need to get the TV remote back. I can’t find how to do it

Show original language (French)

Good morning,

You have to go to the menu with the Home button, on the left on the bolt, then ok on Tv box and go down to connect the remote control.

You delete the connection and then you redo it by putting a cross in all the boxes (in particular “turn off the TV”). And it should work again as you want.

Show original language (French)

Cordialement, Prelude

5 months later
a month later
a month later

1.) ‘Connect remote connection to TV’ should have been described here too!!!

2.) The operating instructions received with the new TV-Box are WRONGly described regarding “Connecting a remote connection” (i.e. connecting to the TV using a remote connection), because the menu item “General Settings” no longer exists in the settings.

That’s why it’s no longer possible to connect the remote connection.

Show original language (German)
22 days later

Uninstall apps

The easiest way to uninstall an app on blue TV is to go to the app icon and long press “OK”.

Maybe you would like to think about the text again? 😉

Show original language (German)
6 months later

Hello, how do I cancel the connection between the Swisscom TV remote control and my TV? This doesn’t suit me and I prefer to have separate remote controls. THANKS.

Show original language (French)