When will G.fast come across the country via copper - 500Mbit?

  • Hello

    I wanted to ask when G.fast will finally be available in Switzerland! Don’t have one at the moment

    Fiber optic and surfing over copper with 50MBit (maximum)! With G.fast it should then be up to 500MBit!

    I read that the first households will be connected to G.fast at the end of 2015!

    That’s why I wanted to ask Swisscom when the new G.fast technology will finally be introduced!

    Hope for a concrete answer!!!:smileytongue:



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    Wait and be patient. Swisscom has not yet completed the vectoring expansion (FTTS / FTTB / FTTC) and is still in full swing. However, vectoring is a prerequisite for G-Fast. The first pilot environment is here.

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    @dualitymind wrote:


    I wanted to ask when G.fast will finally be available in Switzerland! Don’t have one at the moment

    Fiber optic and surfing over copper with 50MBit (maximum)! With G.fast it should then be up to 500MBit!

    I read that the first households will be connected to G.fast at the end of 2015!

    That’s why I wanted to ask Swisscom when the new G.fast technology will finally be introduced!

    Hope for a concrete answer!!!:smileytongue:



    With 50 Mbps you already have a luxury problem; many customers still have speeds <10 Mbps with no prospect of improvement.

    Anyway, the 500 Mbps are laboratory values ​​and are only achieved in reality under ideal conditions. Depending on the connection distance, you won’t achieve much more than 50 Mbps even with G.fast.

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    Current situation in Biel/Bienne

    Does anyone know what the city of Biel/Bienne (50,000) looks like at the moment?

    Where can/must a tenant find out when the time is available at their home address/house, with Glas or G.fast.

    • At Swisscom?
      If so, which department
    • Energy Service Biel?
      If so, which department
    • Municipality of Biel?
      If so, which department

    You hear so many things, but nothing concrete and the Swisscom email notification after registering on the homepage is not the truth either.

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    Thanks @hed for your answer,

    I assume that the email notifications work, just 2-3 months before the renovation, OK, but I think you should at least know which year.

    You write, “In addition to the current data, the expansions are also reported here” Can I find this data on the Swisscom website? I’ll have to take a look, maybe I missed something.

    Yes, patience would be good, I certainly don’t have enough, I’m aware:smileyvery-happy:

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    No, there is no information about this on the website.

    And the prediction in the checker is extremely different. For certain customers, the expansion dates for 2017 are already in the checker, while for others the expansion was “quietly and secretly” and no information was ever available.

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    In this case, where the data/servers are in the cloud, increasingly large bandwidths are required, especially for uploads (–> mass upload of films and photos after the holidays, full backups of PCs, NAS and home servers in the cloud ). In such cases it does matter whether, for example, 10 GB is transferred in 3 minutes or 30 minutes.

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    I don’t have fiber optics at the moment and I’m surfing over copper with 50MBit (at most)! With G.fast it should then be up to 500MBit!

    Lucky you!

    For me it’s a maximum of 15 Mbit/s!:smileyfrustrated:

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    Point 1: Where did you hear from at the end of 2015 😉? Even the manufacturers aren’t that early yet 😉? I would at least be interested in the source.

    Point two: The first households are already online - according to golem.de, they are even the first households in Europe. But as mentioned, it’s just a test community, the hardware doesn’t seem to be ready yet.

    But therefore: It’s already available, it’s already in use, the end of 2015 has been easily met, even if it was probably never communicated like that 😉.

    And by the way: I wouldn’t expect 500 Mbit. Take a look at Huawei’s press releases, they sound a lot like “maximum values” to me. It will be more than the current 50 (if you can get g.fast at all), but maybe not 500.

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    22 days later

    It starts at the end of 2016: [http://www.itmagazine.ch/artikel/61217/Swisscom\_will\_G.fast-Technik\_with\_Huawei\_Ende\_2016\_ausrolle.html](http://www.itmagazine.ch/artikel/ 61217/Swisscom_will_G.fast-Technologie_mit_Huawei_Ende_2016_ausrolle.html)
    However, I assume that G.Fast is only connected to the FTTdp infrastructure… i.e. where no roads have been opened, nothing will be faster. Vectoring is faster for distances > 250m. Anyone who is really quick goes to the community meeting and suggests that the community build something. The beautiful, large FTTH deployments weren’t free either - the residents of the big cities really had to pony up money to build something.

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    @rohners wrote:

    50 Mbits that would be heaven on earth for us. Despite the fiber optic cable 200 meters from the house, we get 2 Mbits, well Swisscom has no money for the country

    What do you mean 200m next to the house?

    Are you sure whether the problem lies with Swisscom and not with objections or financial subsidies from the municipality?

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    Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

    5 months later

    I’ll dig up this old thread.:smileywink:

    According to this article, Swisscom’s G.fast is scheduled to be rolled out across Switzerland at the end of 2016. What does such a rollout look like? Will all connections be served within a short Frist, or will such a rollout extend over a long period of time, e.g. B. several years?

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    That has nothing to do with land. Two years ago I had 60 Mbit in the smallest town and now I live in a small town where I have 12 Mbit and all the communities around have fiber optic, except us because the local council spoke out against it.

    As far as I know, this G story is now underway and customers are constantly being converted - but probably a small part, so that support etc. can also be guaranteed.

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    If I remember correctly, it won’t start until the end of 2016. You will certainly also see this in an adaptation of the Vivo packages - with G.Fast, 200/40 would also be possible for the L and 500/50 for the XL.
    but across the board? You can still wait a long time. Even the “ultra-broadband” target for 2020 is not nationwide, and vectoring is sufficient for that. For G.Fast you need FTTS, so you may be able to wait until the municipality takes pity and Swisscom uses it to finance the expansion.

    G.Fast also requires an exchange of the microCANs, i.e. further structural measures.
    If you already have FTTS today or will get it soon, your chances of getting G.Fast are certainly good, but Seisscom will, as usual, be careful not to specify any dates or communicate whether there will be a big bang or staggered (I’m guessing from the second because you’ll be quicker The higher the bandwidth you can offer at one location, the lower the incentive for the 500mbit with UPC)

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    In our community (zip code 3550), Swisscom is currently installing new mCAN on a large scale in mostly new manholes (FTTS). The effort involved in this should not be underestimated, but it is probably still significantly smaller than pulling fiber optics into all apartments.

    I played around with the vadian.net checker. Interestingly, a few addresses even have a speed that can only be achieved with G.fast. For example, the address “Ilfisschachen 29”. Either the information is an error or Swisscom actually installs (in isolated cases?) G.fast mCANs here. The question is simply which subscriptions allow you to use the additional speed.

    Checker information:

    VDSL: 20000 Kbps downstream / 2000 Kbps upstream
    After expansion at Analog EconomyLine:
    350000 Kbps downstream / 80000 Kbps upstream

    At my address there is “only” the usual FTTS speed. After patching to the mCAN, the cable length will only be around 50 meters.

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    As far as I know, the checker will also display data over 100 Mbit, but from what I’ve heard, the limit is currently 100 Mbit, even if more would be displayed.

    It was explained to me that this will start next month and that there will be a special support department for inquiries (of course only if the whole thing has already been changed over). Let’s see if we can learn more. I think some people could live well with 100 Mbit, especially with regard to UHD etc

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