Please give it a rest now. This discussion leads nowhere. I don’t feel like writing the reasons here again. Then cancel the Wingo subscription and take a blue Mobile subscription.
By the way, cell phone reception always plays a crucial role. Even if the speed Wingo decreases, a change of position within the house can work wonders, e.g. moving to another room on a different side, placing your cell phone by the window, etc.
There was no official statement about this from either Swisscom or Wingo, and there probably never will be. The assumption has been discussed several times here in the forum (most recently here) that Wingo traffic with lower priority than Swisscom traffic. That may be so, but as long as the prioritization only happens when the network is at full capacity, I don’t see any nefarious motives on the part of Swisscom or lies on the part of Wingo. According to the offer, the highest possible available bandwidth is offered, and somehow I can understand that with a limited offer, the cake is divided “fairly” (from the perspective of the more paying customers).
Personally, I don’t care about the cent per megabit ratio; I have a DSL Anschluss at home for streams. What is more important to me is the best possible coverage, even in very remote areas, and here Swisscom (and therefore also Wingo) is usually ahead of its competitors.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
Because 5G is not 5G. Take a look at this page: []( nsa-vs-sa.html)
@philipp_BREM0_1 wrote:
And what is 5G for? That would then be unnecessary for you and you could save money with a 4G M-Budget subscription.
Exactly. I currently have a 4G device and a subscription that fits it perfectly.
I think 5G is a good thing for reasons of technical possibilities and tailored network coverage, but I’m currently missing the personal benefit.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
This cannot be said in general terms either. This always depends on where you live or are currently staying and how well developed the network is there. With a well-developed network, I always have very high speeds with 5G, even at peak times. Yes, even in Zurich last summer I always had well over 100Mbits at the ZüriFäscht with 100,000 visitors. Of course, the network capacity is additionally increased on such major events, but still. Yes, many factors have an influence here.
It’s exciting that Swisscom can strengthen the network at Zürifäscht, but in the holiday resorts it has to “get” the bandwidth from Wingo customers at Christmas/New Year. I believe that Swisscom has two goals:
1. She doesn’t want to cannibalize fixed-line customers too much with the 5G network.
2. She doesn’t want to “lose” too many 5G customers to Wingo.
Of course, I understand Swisscom’s corporate goals. But do you have to lie to Wingo customers? I think that’s not appropriate.
@philipp_BREM0_1 wrote:
[…] Of course I understand Swisscom’s corporate goals. But do you have to lie to Wingo customers? I think that’s not appropriate.
Which statement makes you feel lied to?
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
I asked Wingo and Swisscom whether the bandwidth of my 5G Wingo subscription is reduced more during peak times (from 100 to less than 10 Mbps) than for 5G Swisscom customers. Both companies have said that such prioritization will not be done for 5G subscriptions.
However, I was able to measure clear differences on my own iPhone with a dual SIM card from both providers at the same time: Swisscom prepaid data flat option had 5x higher bandwidth than the 5G Wingo subscription.
The mobile network is a shared medium and is simply not designed to provide everyone with several 100 Mbit/s of bandwidth at peak times. Swisscom will certainly not provide additional services like those at the Zurich Festival for spoiled Zugers with a holiday home and a cheap mobile phone subscription. You learn to save with the rich! Holiday home, pay practically no taxes in the Zug oasis and then have the highest standards for mobile communications at a low price. 😂 It’s not for nothing that Swisscom is investing billions in expanding fiber optics into the home. It doesn’t even have to have much to do with prioritization, but simply with fluctuations in workload. For a statistically meaningful test, you would have to measure for several days.
I also wonder why you pay 3x more at Wingo than at Lebara? I pay exactly 25.95 Fr./month for Wingo Swiss Pro with 5G option. Wingo constantly has promotions that existing customers can also switch to using a promo code. I wouldn’t even be a freebie on Sunrise’s miserable network, and I certainly wouldn’t be deprioritized by the low-cost provider.
What is Wingo for? This brand is intended for price-sensitive customers so that they do not migrate to other providers and ultimately still stay with Swisscom. Well, Wingo is cheap with a few drawbacks. It is clear that Swisscom certainly does not aim to have many of its own customers switch to Wingo. The goal is to win customers from other providers, if not directly to Swisscom, then at least to Wingo.
At the same time, data consumption via the mobile network continues to rise unabated. A lot more antennas would be needed, but I think everyone knows how difficult that is. As soon as you want to build a new antenna, there is a hail of objections. Many are likely to be approved sooner or later, but objections can delay this for years. Well, everyone wants a cell phone and a good network, antenna no thanks.
The bottom line is that Swisscom in particular operates an excellent mobile network. It’s one of the best ever. The tests also show this. I personally see that many people with other providers are significantly less satisfied with mobile communications.
I think this is getting ridiculous here. This is not about Mr. Äschlimann’s salary. Everyone here can and should criticize. We super users do that too, even in the non-public forum here. But I think it’s simply wrong to criticize with false facts without knowing anything about it. But if we want to talk about raw numbers. Swisscom invests around 1.6 billion francs in the network and expansion every year. More than anyone else. Just on the sidelines. It’s a complete joke to accuse Swisscom of doing too little on the internet. Swisscom, of all companies. Why is Swisscom the test winner in the Connect network test, even in comparison with other countries? Is this the result of a lack of development in your network?