Partial block Internet

Swisscom has been disrupting our internet connection for about 3 months now. This means that the internet and wifi work, but gaming no longer works, neither on the PS5 nor on the PC.

PS5 is a closed system, so it cannot contain viruses/malware…

PC has already been scanned several times with different programmes… no viruses or malware found…

New internet box installed… theatre continues…

Does anyone know what this is all about?

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Everything else works, except gaming.

The PS is completely blocked and can no longer access the network, at the same time TV works without a problem, all PCs and mobile phones can access the network, even the one where gaming is blocked…

That’s why I know that only the games are blocked

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  • kaetho has responded to this post.


    ok, but that can have a number of causes, it doesn’t necessarily have to have been deliberately set up on your game console by Swisscom.

    The first thing I would do is replace the Swisscom DNS addresses in the router with, for example, and see if that improves things. If so, I would first ask myself whether the online connections you need for gaming are really the ones you think you are using.

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      There is definitely no block “only for gaming”. Either the Internet is blocked as a service or not.
      This can happen due to outstanding invoices or spam / viruses etc.. But then nothing works at all and there are the corresponding messages.

      So there must be something else wrong with you.

      I would go first:

      • Delete the DNS cache on the router or better yet…
      • Reset the router to reset all settings
      • Do not accept any “better gaming this way” settings from any websites (port forwardings etc…)

      …and then take a look further.

      If you are stuck, MyService may be able to help you.

      Show original language (German)
      changed by StefanSch

      Ich bin ein als Privatkunde getarnter Swisscom-Mitarbeiter im Bereich Service Continuity.