@Roger G Thank you very much for the useful and very informative background information. Exactly, as you said, it’s an unfortunate situation, but on the other hand we have VDSL, which is better than hanging on an overhead line or an ADSL Anschluss somewhere.
And regarding the property on which the PUS is located, I cannot, with the best will in the world, imagine that the property owner (possibly a farmer) will unilaterally terminate the ‘lucrative’ contract with Swisscom 😉
Unfortunately, the PUS was built about 100 m too high up as the crow flies. If it had been built further towards the lake, it might have been called into question with the revised nature conservation guidelines for Lake Pfäffikersee (stronger moor protection).
I thank you anyway. Patience is in order here, at least we were also “in focus” of the SC.
N.B.: Nice photo that you documented there; You have chosen a nice place for the PUS 😉
Nice WE,