iOS apps on non-Swiss app store

  • I believe that I can only download the Home and My Swisscom apps on the Swiss App Store. Is there any reason for this? I have the SBB, Migros, Coop and countless other local apps on my iPhone (all available in the UK App Store) - why not Swisscom??

    • jbovet likes that.

    • @DomiP wrote:

      There’s no point in discussing it with you anyway. I suggest that the issue be escalated further via @ThomasS. He certainly has contact with the relevant agencies.

      Hey there

      I talked to the product manager.

      He told me that there have been several internal discussions. The legal department has made an analysis last autumn.

      Together with the board Swisscom has decided to focus on offering Apps in Switzerland. The costs and legal risks outweigh the value currently.

      I hope this answer provides some clarity.

    Hi Davy,

    why should a UK-Citizen use a App, that is specially for Swiss People?

    Please explain which app, you would like to use at the UK-Store.

    Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

    SBB, Migros, Coop are companies with an international vision, their services go well beyond Swiss borders

    Conversely, would it make sense to load a British phone service on a Swiss mobile?

    otherwise you have to be equipped with a satellite mobile to overcome the constraints of borders

    Meilleures salutations de la Communauté francophone

    Customers help customers

    Hi @DomiP, @Black Mamba

    I am British, but I live and work in Switzerland. I have a Swisscom iPhone on a Swisscom contract. When I moved to Switzerland from the UK my Apple ID was associated with the UK App Store. All of my music and apps were in the UK App Store and I didn’t want the hassle of migrating everything so I stuck with the UK app store. No big deal.

    Migros, Coop, SBB, P+R, Parkingpay, QuickZoll, SwissCovid - all of these apps are only for use in Switzerland, and are available in any App Store. I have all of them and use them regularly. My question was simple - why doesn’t Swisscom make the “My Swisscom” and “Swisscom Home” apps available in all App stores? The Swisscom Storebox, My Cockpit B2B, Swisscom Skimovie, Swisscom RA iOS apps are all available in the UK App Store - why not My Swisscom and Swisscom Home? It is clear that it is possible.


    @davy3c okay i understand.

    Thats a problem i see; but i dont know how to solve this and who is responsible in the Community. Maybe @AdrianW could help us regarding the MySwisscom-App?

    Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

    14 days later

    Hi @davy3c

    Thanks a lot for reaching out. AND thx @DomiP for connecting. This is great! 😉

    It is indeed the case that if the app is also available in German, French, etc. Store, the legal framework of the respective country would have to be considered. The effort involved outweigs the value.

    Interestingly enough I received several requests in the recent past to losen this rule. Can you write us at app(dot)myswisscom(ät)swisscom(dot)com? Maybe we can help. If so, we can post the answer here. 😉



    Product Manager My Swisscom App

    Thank you for the followup and explaining how/why the App Stores are selected. I will send an email as you suggest.

    Hey @davy3c

    Great. Thx.

    Sorry here is my real account. Somehow it took a test-account.

    Nevermind. The message came across. 😉



    a year later


    I have the same issue, is there any way to solve it?



    thank you for this interesting relaunch contribution 😁

    >… I have the same issue, is there any way to solve it?…

    it is very likely that by simply reading the messages that precede

    the miracle solution and long awaited which is already amply described there

    which seems normal because the same issue often has the same way to solve it 😀

    Christmas D-7 🎅🎄 🤶

    The solution is “send an email”?!

    My family lives in another country and it would be an issue for some apps I.e. Apple Music

    usually apps are not available due to some copyright, but for Swisscom it just doesn’t make sense in my opinion

    @LeylaG is there any intention from Swisscom to distribute the Swisscom Apps also in other Apple Appstores, like the UK oder Ireland Appstore? Especially the Home App, as for mySwisscom there is good workaround (actually I personally use this more than the App) on the PC:

    Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé

    Hi @Gaeilgeoir

    The Swisscom Home app is only available in the CH App and Play Store until further notice. There is the possibility to change the store location.



    @DeanZ Thank you for the answer, it is not for me, I would proceed in that way, -> switch to the CH App store and after the download back to the UK App store

    Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé

    8 months later

    Dear User - Victim of SwissCom

    In the case you use a different applestore than Switzerland, please follow the procedures:

    You can change the country at iOS as follows:

    1. Open “Settings”
    2. Tap your name, then tap “Media & Purchases”
    3. Tap “View Account”. You might be asked to sign in
    4. Tap “Country/Region”>“Change Country or Region” and choose Switzerland
    5. Tap “Agree” in the upper-right corner, then tap “Agree” again to confirm.
    6. Select a payment method and enter your new payment information and billing address, then tap “Next”

    You can change the country in Android as follows:

    1. Open the Google Play Store on your mobile device
    2. Tap the three dash Account Country and Profiles menu
    3. Tap the country you want to add an account to
    4. Select a new payment method and enter your new payment details and your new billing address

    After Installing the SwissCom APP you can switch back to your previous country/region.

    Please, be aware that sometimes this procedure does not work if you have some $ left in the balance. In that case, please look at apple store to find a solution regarding changing region/country.

    Best Regards


    Please, do not waste your time sending a e-mail.

    Follow these steps

    You can change the country at iOS as follows:

    1. Open “Settings”
    2. Tap your name, then tap “Media & Purchases”
    3. Tap “View Account”. You might be asked to sign in
    4. Tap “Country/Region”>“Change Country or Region” and choose Switzerland
    5. Tap “Agree” in the upper-right corner, then tap “Agree” again to confirm.
    6. Select a payment method and enter your new payment information and billing address, then tap “Next”

    You can change the country in Android as follows:

    1. Open the Google Play Store on your mobile device
    2. Tap the three dash Account Country and Profiles menu
    3. Tap the country you want to add an account to
    4. Select a new payment method and enter your new payment details and your new billing address

    After installing the SwissCom App you can switch back to your previous Region/Country.

    Thanks @Chieniekop22 for your walkthrough.

    But is it really necessary to post this solution twice? As you might have seen, this post is almost a year old…

    Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

    5 months later

    This “solution” is not really a solution for the major overlying problem.

    If you have have an Apple Fitness+ subscription you cannot change your App Store Region at all unless you cancel it and wait for up to one year. This is of course an Apple issue, but the region lock is a major oversight by Swisscom.

    How do you explain how your budget competitor Yallo where I can get mobile service for 30% of Swisscom’s price manages to get this right? This is a disgrace. Period. You have been aware of this issue for over two years and have done nothing to fix it.

    Fact is that every major developer of every App here is Switzerland is able to do this, but while my subscription at Swisscom is 1000+ CHF per year, you can’t even provide me with an app? I think it’s time to swap my provider yet again…