Hi @DomiP, @Black Mamba
I am British, but I live and work in Switzerland. I have a Swisscom iPhone on a Swisscom contract. When I moved to Switzerland from the UK my Apple ID was associated with the UK App Store. All of my music and apps were in the UK App Store and I didn’t want the hassle of migrating everything so I stuck with the UK app store. No big deal.
Migros, Coop, SBB, P+R, Parkingpay, QuickZoll, SwissCovid - all of these apps are only for use in Switzerland, and are available in any App Store. I have all of them and use them regularly. My question was simple - why doesn’t Swisscom make the “My Swisscom” and “Swisscom Home” apps available in all App stores? The Swisscom Storebox, My Cockpit B2B, Swisscom Skimovie, Swisscom RA iOS apps are all available in the UK App Store - why not My Swisscom and Swisscom Home? It is clear that it is possible.