@Pieldari75 wrote:

But since it’s already after 1 p.m., it’s probably over. Thank you for the quick responses.

Only new registration via the link in the first post is no longer possible.

Since you registered beforehand and received the emails for the Appcenter, you are included.

In order for your colleagues to be able to help you, they need to know in more detail which step is going wrong and why… So what kind of message do you get (possibly with a screenshot), etc.

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Liebe Grüsse / Salut et à bientôt / Ciao e a presto / Cheers, see you soon!

Hello Thomas

In step 3 of the instructions, after entering the email address, the following red text appears:

Sign inThis username may not be correct. Make sure you entered the name correctly. Otherwise, contact your administrator.

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But be careful!

As far as I understand, you don’t have to register with a direct login. It is sufficient if your login (ergo: your email address) corresponds to the entry from the Forumlar (or the forum whose inbox received the invitation).

For example, if you have the address “hans.muster@bluewin.ch”, you can log in with a Google, Microsoft, GitHub or Facebook account that is also linked to the address “hans.muster@bluewin.ch”.

This error shouldn’t actually have anything to do with the AppCenter itself - it simply appears because you entered the password for one of your accounts incorrectly or don’t have an account there.

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Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

Thank you. This is exactly where things got tough. Unfortunately, the MS login is so old that it was created without an email address in the name. With the appropriate login, it went through the instructions without any problems. Now play around with the new app.
Thank you again.

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It would be interesting for the testers if this discussion didn’t die down and we got an echo from the makers. What’s next? Are there any updates for the testers? How are the updates downloaded?

Thanks for further information. 😊

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@Chips I think a test with just one release without updates wouldn’t be a test… But good things take time - because only good things break through and stay on top.

The updates will certainly be distributed again via the app center. There are always release information included - so another location would certainly be less suitable…

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Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

To add to this, I would like to report two pretty persistent bugs:

Problem Description:

As always, if you log in to the MySwisscom app, all information is displayed for the customer. If you want to view the billing details (such as cost breakdown or proof of connection), the MySwisscom website opens normally in the in-app browser.

If you want to view the PDF, which is considered the “official invoice”, it is not possible to download or display it.

Steps for Reproduction:

Hardware / Software

Device: Huawei Mate 20 (not PRO or LITE)

Android version: Android 10

Android derivative: EMUI 10, official

Installed app: MySwisscom “Beta”

Version: Latest available version

Connection: via WiFi or 4G from Swisscom


Start the “MySwisscom” app

Log in if necessary

Tap on “1 invoice overdue” (appears because I have LSV)

Tap “December 2019”.

Tap on “Details and further actions”.

--> The in-app browser opens

Tap “Invoice as PDF” under the invoice amount

Problem: No invoice opens or a download starts in the background. The hyperlink is selected, but nothing happens.

Desired result

The invoice is downloaded as a PDF in the background. After downloading, a popup will appear where you can choose whether the PDF file should be opened in the system viewer for PDF files.

Alternatively, a JS-based implementation of the PDF viewer (e.g. pdf.js:https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js/). to display the invoice cleanly as a separate website in the in-app browser.

Problem Description:

When you start the app, you usually have to manually click on “Login” and either log in with a password or with a fingerprint and password.

Steps for Reproduction:

Hardware / Software

ditto as above.


Start the “MySwisscom” app

Tap “Login”.

If fingerprint is activated, press on with your finger

Enter password

If no fingerprint is activated, register with Swisscom login

with username and password

Problem: If I log in initially, it shouldn’t be necessary for me to have to log in again all the time. It is clear that to be on the safe side, a login would be necessary after perhaps 3 or 7 days, but not several times a day.

Desired result

Store login information in encrypted form in the cache. If it is a web app (e.g. with Angular or React), the data could be stored in LocalStorage or as a cookie via a hash generated by the Swisscom server.

I wish you a nice evening and look forward to the next update,



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Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

Hello everyone, Hello @Chips / @DomiP

Wow, really working hard again! Thank you very much for the feedback. We are truly a bit overwhelmed. This is because we also test the app with employees. If my/our answers are a bit sparse, please don’t take it as a lack of interest. We have to process this internally.

@DomiP Yes, today you have to log in very often. We are still discussing this at the moment.

With the PDF thing, does this also happen with documents under “Activity”?

@Chips Yes, good questions. In principle there is an update every two weeks. Next update is planned for the middle of next week. 😉

I’m on vacation next week so I won’t respond. Ev. finds @CamielC some time. He will definitely read along. 🙂

I thank you for your comments.

Best regards


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Hello @AdrianW,

I don’t know how to get to the activity point right now… Do you have a little direction for me? 😅🤔

Happy holidays ✌️🌏

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Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

Hello zäme @Jean-Pierre_Feron and @AdrianW

ah okay… thank you very much Jean-Pierre!

I’ve now tested it and the result is almost worse than with the invoices themselves: If I try to open an entry where a document is attached - i.e. one with a paper clip - the app crashes completely. 😐

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Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

@AdrianW wrote:

I’m on vacation next week so I won’t respond. Ev. finds @CamielC some time. He will definitely read along. 🙂

It’s really cool how you’re putting in the effort here. This shows wonderfully how much additional eyes and perspectives can bring here :-) AdrianW is actually currently on vacation (he’s blessed…). However, the feedback will be monitored and he will report back here after his vacation.

Thank you everyone for your active participation and keep it up!

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Liebe Grüsse / Salut et à bientôt / Ciao e a presto / Cheers, see you soon!

Hello ThomasS

Since you added me as a tester, some initial feedback:

  1. My settings in the ‘Profile’ are not implemented:
    > Don’t want e-mail push notifications, but I still get them - that’s annoying.
    > I want to delete an “unread post” but it doesn’t work:Access denied.png

  2. Cumbersome login:
    > Why do I have to request an SMS code in addition to the username and password? I don’t want any confidential data, I just want to read or write posts…

  3. The forum pushes forward too much:
    > It’s called “customers helping customers”, but it bombards me with push messages: “You’ve received a like” - “You’ve got a new badge” - “You’ve moved up in the hierarchy”…
    > That only serves one’s own ego, as Facebook abuses it, but misses the objective of the forum…
    > The current status can simply be displayed in the header, then those who want to see it will be happy and the others will not be overwhelmed with emails that constantly prevent them from working… 😲
    > Many users (like me) are just looking for tips from other users and don’t want to chat.
    > Separation into ‘factual topics’ and ‘chat topics’ would be helpful:
    > If you would like to chat, you should have an area designated for this purpose. Maybe it already exists, I just haven’t found it yet?

Now I have to finish up so I can continue working! 🤑

Greetings from Graubünden,


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That’s right, I was in the wrong movie, I thought it was about Kundencenter…

But how do you know that I don’t have the app???

Because I have them… 😁 😂 😜

…and I just tried it again: Whow! Very well laid out for the small phone screen!

> Even the network overview is displayed well.
> If I switch on the expert mode, I can easily get to the desired settings 😃

> I also saw the parameters of my new Internet-Box 2 😎

> I was able to see and edit both the central phone directory for the handheld devices in the house and my mobile phone directory; I then transferred my Natel directory to the Internet box - great 😍

Briefly summarized:

I like the function of the MySwisscom app better than the Kundencenter! 🤣

Now I would just like to know from the test manager where I can post information about Kundencenter…

Greetings from Graubünden 🤓

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@eho-ems just by the way, where did you download the app?

The Kundencenter has not yet been put into beta status for us testers - still the same as back then. Therefore your feedback is a bit dubious…

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Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse