@CapsLock wrote:
Until today I got 33/10 Mbit/s, from today only 31/6 Mbit/s.
Absolutely nothing has changed for me, should we expect that the Swisscom values will even continue to deteriorate for no reason?
Not yours - but maybe your neighbor’s…
This just happened to me: I had 33/10 speed for 2 years, suddenly from one day to the next it was only 25/5. The reason is that another customer in the same MFH has had VDSL switched off. Now in the cable bundle, where several VDSL connections are already running, there is another one that causes interference due to electrical crosstalk and the system (grooming) switches down the profile for safety reasons in order to avoid failures/interferences.
True to the motto: Better a stable, slower speed than fast with disruptions/dropouts.
The “funny” thing is that the checker now shows a higher possible speed than before:
-The speed crashed from 33/10 to 25/5
at the same time
-The checker now shows possible 50/15 and instead of the previous 44/10
….keep on rockin'
Thank you @POGO 1104 for your answer.
I just asked the neighbor (a company) and your guess is correct, they switched from isdn to ip yesterday.
But I don’t find that funny at all.
The information download max and upload max is not customer friendly!!!
A minimum guaranteed speed should definitely be specified.
Therefore, all Swisscom information means nothing and remains a huge lottery as long as no Minimum guaranteed speed is clearly stated as information.
I’m not at all satisfied, and what about the expansion speed information for next year?
So again a max statement and the lottery continues nicely?
Minimum guaranteed speed ratings are a must.
As part of the statutory basic service mandate, Swisscom must provide every household in Switzerland with a minimum internet speed of 2000/200. This means that the minimum guaranteed speed is de facto stated…
[https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/internet- Fernsehen-festnetz/abos/grundbedarf.html](https://www.swisscom.ch/de/privatkunden/internet- Fernsehen-festnetz/abos/ basic care.html)
….keep on rockin'
Me neither, but now it has happened to me too - and you can be sure, we are not the only ones… with the current AllIP changes this will happen quite often…
But I assume that the large group of 0815 customers (>90%) won’t even notice such a change…. (They wouldn’t notice an increase in speed either 😉 )
….keep on rockin'
Yes, you’re right @POGO 1104:smileywink:
But it hit me like a blow because I’m also impatiently waiting for the expansion next year in August with 100/20 Mbit/s and now I have to find out that this information will just be another lottery against the bottom and I’ll have this 100/20 ** NEVER** will receive.
I’ll have to see what other options are on the market, maybe an unlimited data subscription with 4G from Salt with Zattoo or back to the largest cable operator as before.
@CapsLock: only 1 provider has the universal service mandate, and that is Swisscom. And show us a Swiss provider that guarantees a minimum speed. You’ll soon find something like this in the business area, and it will cost accordingly.
With DSL you will always have customers who get less. But it’s not a lottery, it has to do with the distance to the control center/PUS/mCAN and with your house cabling (and if without vectoring then obviously also with the neighbors).
Even your cable provider can’t guarantee you speed - if the channel is full, it’s full. If the provider manages this well, you won’t notice it, but the cabler won’t guarantee you the full 400 or 500 MBit either.
That’s why: Welcome to DSL, the broadband slow train. No Vectoring, Super Vectoring, G.Fast or G.Fast 2 changes anything. If you want to be sure that you get the service you purchased to the central office, then there is only one thing: fiber optic. And since only 30% of households get fiber from Swisscom, you can either try to have the community build it yourself or move.
@doom2|Before I came to Swisscom a year ago, I had a 250 Mbit/s subscription and in a speed test even more.
With a 250/25 subscription, even a loss would be easy to cope with and I would still be assured that I could work from home without having to move.
Which is not the case with Swisscom.
Until today I had 33/10 from today I have 31/6 and soon maybe my neighbor will end up at SC or Sunrise, and then? Then I have even less, so it remains a lottery.
Try video editing, I’m not talking about html5, H264, … but raw files like prproj, aep, etc., you’re definitely not going to get very far with your 5 Mbit/s upload.
As you can see, we are not talking about the same work, Skype and stuff can also be done with your smartphone.
And your 5 Mbit/s upload is only provisional and therefore a lottery until it gets even less.
But of course everything can be glossed over. But in 2 months I won’t care.
But I’m glad for you @hed that 5 Mbit/s upload is OK for your work.
This will always be the case until the Swisscom network is expanded across the board so that another competitor can currently offer higher Internet performance and in such a case the customer has to decide for himself what is better for him, also when it comes to the other offers, TV etc .
N.B. what did support say about your problem?
Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.
Look, @POGO 1104 described it very well above, as he is also affected, and it was exactly the same for me.
My house installation was checked by an SC technician last year and everything is OK, so a call to support is unnecessary.
But trying to make it credible that support can change the situation, except perhaps handing out discounts, is an illusion, otherwise everyone who has little upload would have to call support immediately.
caps Lock
And why did you come to Swisscom at the same time, that would be interesting to find out, because it is well known that Swisscom messes with its telephone cables and, depending on the location, can only offer the bandwidth announced by Checker.
Otherwise the UPC would also lose internet customers, as this large bandwidth is one of the reasons NOT to switch to Swisscom. But beware if you have a need for television, then many people would switch immediately.
Your need may be great, so you just have to choose the provider who can offer it. Most Swisscom customers are TV customers, and you can get HD from 10 Mbit and the upload is not crucial.
You have now drawn the right conclusions and are going where your needs are met. At the moment my TV needs are only really satisfied by the SC (replay, saving in the cloud, season management), so I certainly won’t switch, even if I only have 12 Mbit.
Because of false statements that fiber will be available in my city by the end of this year.
They were all false promises. Then the “good” news about a month ago that at least 100/20 is coming next year, again window dressing because I will NEVER get 100/20 for myself.
In addition, a Vivo-M SUBSCRIPTION has to pay 129.- for 30/6 Mbit/s, but but.