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How to check the amount of ADSL data used per month ?

Level 1
2 of 4

Hi ,


Where is the information about the Total of Data used this month ? (ADSL/VSDL subscription)


How to check the amount of data used per month ?


I'm a returning customer and I remember being able to access that information a couple of years ago ,


But now with that new Dashboard, please help me to locate where I can access the information about used volume of data .


Thanks in advance for your valuable help and your time


Best regards

E. Simond

3 Comments 3
Level 1
1 of 4

Q: How to check the Total Volume of Data used per month please?


Hi ,


Back @Anonym with an ADSL/VDSL cable subscription.


Where on/in the Dashboard  is the Data Volume used ?


How to check the amount of data used per month ?


Thanks in advance for your cooperation and your time!


Best regards

E. Simond

Super User
3 of 4

Hi @EmanSimond ,


i moved your other Message to the secured part for Moderators to avoid doubled posts.


There is no dashboard for monitoring data used in ADSL. Maybe you can build a monitor for that itself: Raspberry Pi Network Monitor with a Dashboard for Traffic (technicallywizardry.com)


I hope this can help you.

Chi ha prescha perda seis temp. Resta pachific!
Gruess, Cordial salids, Cordialement, Cordiali Saluti, Cheers!

Chi ha prescha perda seis temp. Resta pachific!
Gruess, Cordial salids, Cordialement, Cordiali Saluti, Cheers!

Black Mamba
Super User
4 of 4



thanks for the contribution


> How to check the amount of data used per month ?




to complete the answer / solution of @DomiP 


in the space Residential customersMy Swisscom > Bills @ Costs > Analyses : Cost developement and analysis

see reports available

Swisscom Customer Center : Bills & costs - Reports


in the management of the router / internet-box

it is possible to see part of the traffic over 10 minutes or at a time T


Changing settings

You can easily manage your Internet-Box settings via the web portal. You can change your WLAN access data, configure Parental Controls and access an overview of all connected devices.

 On computers

Type in your internet browser http://internetbox.home or Please note that you can only access it if you are connected to your Internet-Box within the network. Log in with your existing admin password. If you do not know the password, click on "Set new password" to create a new password.

On smartphones

You can access and change your main settings at home on your smartphone via the Home app.


Saving and restoring configurations

Once you have set it up, save your Internet-Box configuration. This lets you restore preferred settings after replacing a device, for instance. To do so, go to the web portal > Internet-Box > Save configuration.



for example :

  • Expert mode on> Diagnostics > Internet-Box > Downstream and Upstream over the last 10 minutes
  • Expert mode on> Diagnoctics > LAN > Bandwidth details for each connection a time T
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