
  • Iscrizione
  • Livello1
  • Punti30
  • Post4
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  • @DomiP my friend you’re adding nothing of value to this conversation. Everything you say has either been said before or is plain false.

    When you don’t want me or anyone from Europe as a customer, you’re a lost cause. 40% of Swiss residents are foreigners. That’s almost half of your customer-base mate.

    This is a much requested feature.

    For example, there is another post on the exact same topic where once again the problems of changing your region are summarized. Then there is yet another post with the same topic. And that’s just the vocal users who are willing to put up with this garbage. Additionally there is this post where you have suggested to download a dubious APK for another Swisscom app from a “mostly secure” website. It seems Swisscom now wants to install viruses on their user’s devices.

    This is not your decision my man. Ask a manager if 40% of possible customers is “worth the effort”.


  • The address of residence is nothing to do with it. The issue is losing data, music,etc. when you change App Stores. If you scroll back through this thread you will see that many, many Swiss companies makes their apps available in international app stores, and even some of the other Swisscom apps are available internationally!!!

    I still do not understand why it is so difficult for Swisscom to make this change and serve your customers!

