…but that would have to be the Swisscom Box IP2000, because only this one has integrated speakers….
You can submit suggestions for the home app here:
[https://homeapp-faq.swisscom.ch/hc/de/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=114094003533](https://homeapp-faq.swisscom.ch/hc/de/requests/new? ticket_form_id=114094003533)
….keep on rockin'
Thanks for the numerous answers. I actually have the Swisscom Box IP2000 but I don’t want its speakers to wake me up.
The background is as follows: in my youth I had a wind-up alarm clock with a spring mechanism (perfect in terms of energy technology 😂) then I bought an electromechanical timer that switched on my portable Grundig radio (the decline in energy technology began ☹️). After various stereo systems, I finally ended up with an incredibly expensive B&O system, which provides entertainment throughout the house. This system is now 25 years old and still serves its purpose perfectly today; I can also program the alarm function on it. Six months ago, my cable provider stopped providing VHF signals, so I actually had to throw this system away. Now I had the crazy and, in terms of energy technology, crazy idea to wake myself up with my antiquated B&O and the Hitech Swisscom Box IP2000. That’s why I was looking for an appropriate solution here. But since this is obviously not possible, I will have to buy another spring clockwork alarm clock at a flea market that is technically perfect from an energy perspective.
I wish you all a nice weekend (but I’m still grateful for a targeted solution).
Kind regards
It’s a shame that the radio function doesn’t work. But the solution with the myStrom switch probably won’t work either, it would be controlled by the Swisscom Box and this would then be without power and couldn’t send the command or am I making a mistake? I am not familiar with the Swisscom smart home.