Internet Booster 5G - what happened on Tuesday 12/3 at 00:00?

  • Hello,

    Last Tuesday (11 March 2025) at 00:00 an update to the firmware on the 5G internet box was deployed and since then it has no longer provided the expected service.

    A savoir

    The web ui is functional and has a new look and feel, but you can no longer activate/deactivate Bluetooth or the status LED.

    • No stable 5G connection, on reboot it tries to connect 2-3 times for 1-2 minutes, then nothing.
    • Poor 4G connection
    • But above all, no more link with the internet box and therefore no more bandwidth aggregation.

    I’ve restarted everything (Box + Booster) to see if any VLAN settings have changed with this update and if the two boxes need to realign; but nothing works. I’m posting this message as a reminder if other members of the community have the same problem. For my part, I’m going to call support as there’s certainly something they can do.

    Have a nice day!

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    • zorglub1 has responded to this post.
    • zorglub1 Well, as I don’t like to fail, I plucked up the courage and carried out a “soft reset” from the booster’s WebUI. You can access this option, as well as the LED and Bluetooth settings, by clicking on the text: Fastmile 5G Receiver under the admin user. And now my booster is up and running again, and perfectly recognised by my box. However, my admin and superadmin accesses have been lost, apparently the credentials were changed with the update. So I won’t be able to help myself next time :-( It would be nice if a member of the community or a Swisscom technician could send them to me by PM. I wish you all a good weekend.

      zorglub1 As usual, I investigated further before contacting Swisscom support, and I’ve come to the following point:

      • The VLANs used by the booster are the same (699 and 700) as on the previous firmware version. I’ve monitored the ethernet traffic with Wireshark and there are no other vlans circulating, apart from 1977.
      • The behaviour of the booster in relation to 5G is different. It only connects to the base station if there is traffic (Speedtest from the booster), whereas before it was always connected.
      • One thing is certain: now Internet Box 3 doesn’t send anything to the booster even though they’re connected (VDSL2-LTE status in the IB3 diagnostic), the box considers that there’s a problem with the booster, so I think that’s why it doesn’t send any traffic to it.
      • To eliminate any influence from intermediate network equipment, I connected the IB and the booster directly without my TP-LINK layer2+ switch.

      I will call swisscom support on monday with these elements in hand in order to solve this “booster error” problem which is preventing the whole system from working properly. Some screenshots of my tests.

      Have a good weekend.


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        zorglub1 Well, as I don’t like to fail, I plucked up the courage and carried out a “soft reset” from the booster’s WebUI. You can access this option, as well as the LED and Bluetooth settings, by clicking on the text: Fastmile 5G Receiver under the admin user. And now my booster is up and running again, and perfectly recognised by my box. However, my admin and superadmin accesses have been lost, apparently the credentials were changed with the update. So I won’t be able to help myself next time :-( It would be nice if a member of the community or a Swisscom technician could send them to me by PM. I wish you all a good weekend.

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          WalterB Unfortunately the original packaging was thrown away 3 years ago when the booster was purchased… yes, the lady doesn’t like kennels. Isn’t there a way of retrieving this information from Swisscom’s remote access (TR069)? If I was able to manage with the previous version it was because the password “superadmin” was circulating in the forums. From a security point of view I understand that it has been changed with this release, and it’s even desirable; but a limited distribution on request by PM to experienced users would be good.

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          • WalterB has responded to this post.


            Yes, only the technical support can help, we normal users do not have this data.

            You can try this, but each 5G booster probably has its own password.

            Name: admin Password: 46a492c9b2

            Show original language (German)
            changed by WalterB

            Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

              zorglub1 I don’t see any traffic via the booster. Carry out a speed test to determine the actual speed.
              Important: DHCP must be activated in the IB3 and the IP range should be set to standard (from

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              Roger G.
              Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, Product Manager Wireline Access