Lousy scam: more expensive subscription without asking

  • Hello everyone,

    I want to warn you about a pretty bad scam. A Swisscom employee called me and wanted to give me a Disney Plus subscription. I told him I didn’t have time right now because I was at work and I already had Disney+.

    He then told me he would send me the offer by email.

    In the evening I discovered that my Blue TV had been upgraded to the second most expensive XL subscription for a fee! There was never a single word about this on the phone. In addition, my contract was extended by a minimum term of 24 months.

    I can do without such lazy gifts! I wouldn’t have thought that Swisscom needed such lousy tricks.

    It took several phone calls to cancel everything!

    I advise you to just hang up if someone from Swisscom calls you without asking!

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    • @camello

      I have switched off telephone contact in mySwisscom and have therefore never received calls like this from Swisscom.

      I immediately cancel calls from other call centers with “not interested”. This way, “misunderstandings” can never arise.

    You usually have the right to withdraw from a contract within 14 days. With this in mind, you can simply contact the hotline, describe the situation and then request that the previous subscription be reinstated with the previous conditions.

    People were probably talking past each other…

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    Kærar kveðjur - herzliche Grüsse

    @DomiP wrote:

    People were probably talking past each other…

    Are you sure? This seems to me to be more of a sales strategy from somewhat overzealous agents.

    You read about exactly such cases here in the forum from time to time.

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    • Doc likes that.

    @kaetho wrote:

    @DomiP wrote:

    People were probably talking past each other…

    Are you sure? This seems to me to be more of a sales strategy from somewhat overzealous agents.

    You read about exactly such cases here in the forum from time to time.

    Thanks. No, we didn’t talk past each other. I said; “I don’t have time now. You can send it to me by email.” The Swisscom employee then said that I would have to sign the new terms and conditions on my cell phone if I wanted to accept the “gift”.

    I never signed anything and yet my subscription was changed shortly afterwards. Unfortunately, the email only said that the contract was extended by 24 months. Only later did I realize that it had not only been extended, but also upgraded.

    It seems to me that they are consciously trying to ensure that customers don’t notice that they are not only getting something “for free”, but that they have also been foisted on them with a more expensive product (here TV XL instead of L).

    And just by the way: I don’t need the right to withdraw from a contract that I didn’t even sign. This is what you learn in the first lesson in contract law!

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    @camello wrote:

    And just by the way: I don’t need the right to withdraw from a contract that I didn’t even sign. This is what you learn in the first lesson in contract law!

    That’s exactly why. Probably didn’t pay attention well in the first lesson.

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    that’s exactly why. Probably didn’t pay attention well in the first lesson.

    A contract is created through mutual, consistent expression of will. So what is missing in this case?

    Always interesting how often seemingly normal users fervently defend this company’s anti-customer behavior in this “customers-help-customers” forum.

    To me, many super users behave like writers hired by Swisscom…

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    Why are you reporting to the community if you are assuming here that the SU only supports Swisscom.

    In your case, I would report to the link below if you feel like you have been cheated by Swisscom.

    We all don’t know exactly how your conversation went and it’s one statement against another.


    N.b. SU help with technical problems or questions about installations, which mainly concern Swisscom products and are mostly customers like you and me and help as much as possible for free.

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    Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

    That’s exactly why I’m writing here, so that critical opinions are also represented in this forum.

    It is very noticeable that as soon as this company’s behavior is criticized, a super user is immediately there to defend Swisscom.

    You yourself write that the super users are only “for the most part” ordinary customers. Apparently Swisscom employees are also among them. And I know from a direct source that super users are specifically fed information etc. by Swisscom.

    So what’s the point of this game of hide-and-seek?

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    Swisscom employees here in the community have a note in their logo and are usually active when there are sensitive problems or when you are called with a PM (personal message).

    Su are represented here mainly because you yourself carry out some installations with Swisscom products or, like me, help many families or older users to become familiar with today’s products, be it telebanking, buying tickets or operating TV boxes, Internet boxes, etc.

    I will also help you order the right subscription or device.

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    Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.


    So… now we’re drifting quite far away from the actual topic. Just to clarify! In this case, we are also normal customers who have to pay their bill every month. Of course, critical reports can and should also be found. We don’t always like everything Swisscom does and we say so! However, there are also many posts here in the forum that are no longer constructive, i.e. they are simply about venting frustration. Unfortunately, there are people who need something like this to make them feel better.

    Without advertising for us, but… Without the SuperUsers, this forum would only be worth half as much. By the way, these people do a lot of work and time here, day and night including weekends — voluntarily. You just can’t forget that!!!

    Yes, we have some insider knowledge. And why? We test new products and applications that have not yet officially appeared on the market. We have an area in the forum that is not publicly visible where we can exchange ideas. Currently, the release of the new Internetbox 5 Pro, which has been available since last week, but which we have had in operation since the beginning of the year.

    What happened to you, i.e. suddenly a new subscription and contract extension, is very unfortunate and shouldn’t be like that, period! I’m with you there. However, in this case you must contact the hotline immediately and clarify the matter. This is the wrong place because we SuperUsers cannot cancel your contract either.

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    I have switched off telephone contact in mySwisscom and have therefore never received calls like this from Swisscom.

    I immediately cancel calls from other call centers with “not interested”. This way, “misunderstandings” can never arise.

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    Lesen, was auf dem Bildschirm steht.

    Hello @camello

    As @GuidoL correctly writes, you can set the contact channels. Yes, it’s not that easy to find. On the profile page https://www.swisscom.ch/myswisscom/myprofile you scroll down and select Data protection => Settings => Swisscom offers

    You can generally deactivate offers in the top box. Then you shouldn’t complain if a promotion or loyalty gift never comes.

    In the second box you can set how Swisscom can contact you. And I know from my own experience that this works very well.

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    @GuidoL wrote:


    I have switched off telephone contact in mySwisscom and have therefore never received calls like this from Swisscom.

    I immediately cancel calls from other call centers with “not interested”. This way, “misunderstandings” can never arise.

    Thanks. This is a very helpful answer. In fact, all contact options were still allowed for me, even though I had already told Swisscom support on the phone that I no longer wanted such calls in the future.

    There was also no reference to this setting option in the online profile.

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