Super user and community privileges

Anyone who is particularly committed to the Swisscom community and solves the concerns of other users with valuable tips will be named a Super User by us. This status comes with some privileges:

#Superpowers: Super users receive special rights to help moderate the community.

#MyCommunity: Super users tell us what’s going well in the community and where there is room for improvement. In this way, they actively shape the community.

#SuperUserEvents: Swisscom super users and specialists come together at regular meetings and exchange ideas.

#CoCreation: Super users test Swisscom products and services - in collaboration with product managers. In doing so, they help to improve them.

#VIPUserLounge: In the Super User Lounge, Super Users exchange ideas with community managers and specialists from Swisscom and receive advance information.


You want to become a Super User? Anyone who is particularly committed over a long period of time and solves a lot of problems will be asked by us to become a Super User. To do this, we regularly check possible candidates. So there are no exact rules or specific levels as a requirement. Just stick with it and who knows – suddenly we’ll knock on your door. 😉

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