Der erste Laptop für mein Kind: 4 Tipps für Eltern

Your child’s first laptop: four tips for parents

Digitalisation has become the norm both for us and our children. Including at school, where many kids will need their own laptop from an early age. But how do we protect our children from the dangers of the Internet? And how do they learn healthy digital media habits? Find our tips below.

1. Set up a kids’ account

Your user account should be the only one with administrator rights. On a MacBook, we advise setting up a user with parental controls for your children. On a Windows laptop, you can use the Family features to create a kid’s account with restrictions already applied. The settings can be customised as required.

2. Ensure safe surfing and age-appropriate content

Block inappropriate sites, games and programs to keep your kids safe online. To do this, go to the Screentime settings (MacBook) or Family features (Windows laptop). We recommend selecting a dedicated kids’ search engine, such as Kiddle or KidzSearch, as the default search engine.

3. Set healthy and reasonable screen time limits

In the laptop settings, you can define a maximum screen time and restrict access to specific days and times. Be sure to inform your child of the time limit and explain the reasons behind it.

4. Speak openly with your child

Experts advise against being too strict, and encourage parents to trust their children and have honest discussions. Maintain an open dialogue with your child and be prepared to negotiate more lenient rules from time to time. Using the laptop to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of digital media can help lay the foundations for a healthy relationship with technology.

Show original language (German)

Liebe Grüsse / Salut et à bientôt / Ciao e a presto / Cheers, see you soon!

Illustration image of a woman with a laptop

thank you for this post.

a few more ideas…

- On Windows, use a local (standard) user account and not a user account connected to the Microsoft cloud (no MS parental controls); an example of how to do this:

- use an anti-porn DNS, some of which are mentioned on this page:

- activate a function that does not allow online advertising to be displayed (in general), which does not necessarily require a plugin to be installed! for example:

- If the personal computer doesn’t have to be moved, buy a “non-portable” one.

- Do not use this office suite, which is very common in Switzerland:

- use an e-mail provider for children (such as, in several languages) or one based in Switzerland.

- Search the Web from a discreet site such as and

- On Windows, use a tool like this:

- From a certain age, take a typing course.

Show original language (French)
changed by merinos
12 days later

@“x”#1102538Thanks for the insights 😉

Still have childs in the low ages, but I will try to do my best to educate my children to have a safe browse over the internet 😉