@Deujaustauch30 wrote:
This new Swisscom policy is becoming truly detestable. After the TV subscription with a x3 price, here comes the email box. But where will the arrogance of Swisscom managers stop? They seem to forget that the people and the main shareholder through the confederation!!!!
This is unacceptable.
Hi Deujaustauch30
This is unacceptable, because your comment gives the impression of being in the comments of the 20 minutes, without having taken the trouble to read the solutions proposed to avoid paying the 2.90 per month. The different options for benefiting from free access are clearly indicated in this discussion thread.
Cordialement Doremi
Good morning,
It is absolutely incredible and pitiful what Swisscom is doing and how it is doing it:
Currently I pay a certain monthly montant for internet, TV, landline and mobile phone and free email with 5 addresses.
For the same monthly montant I therefore see my services DECREASE from 5 addresses to 1 email address.
I spent a good part of my career in marketing for large companies and I have never treated my clients by asking them to pay the same for less services!!!
This is something that cannot be done… unless you are prepared to see customers disappear and go to other services like Google or others.
I must add that I have been a customer of Swisscom since the 70s and that I have always been loyal to Swisscom, but this is not working.
Please: put your Light subscription with 5 addresses… and current customers who do not want 15 GB of memory etc. can stay with you. Make migration to the new service optional, not mandatory.
If you want to reduce the memory in Light to 1GB (instead of 5GB per address currently) it’s up to you, but keep at least the 5 addresses.
Kind regards.
I have been a customer of theirs since their beginning, until now the evolution was always significant and qualitative, but over the last few years it has really become rubbish, especially at subscription prices.
you will tell your boss that he is just a poor guy and a damn liar, because with all these prices it is still us, the consumers, who pay the billions for your acquisition.
Maybe, but frankly he’s exaggerating, he had guaranteed no increase with their purchase, but since then they’ve been adding fees all over the place.
I’ve been with them for 30 years with my 5 email addresses, the calendar etc, and now I have to pay 2.90fr for that, sorry but it’s taking these customers for idiots…, so I deserve it insult.
@Pruthetti15 wrote:
You are Really scammers!!!!
More and more incredible!!My Salt account will suddenly be more used!!!
ABE 😤😤😤
Hello, everyone has received an email regarding this change, which specifies that email is no longer an integral part of Swisscom direct subscriptions. To avoid paying the 2.90 CHF, you must have less than 1 GB of storage and switch from Bluewin basic email to Bluewin light email, which allows you to pay nothing. However, the Light subscription includes advertisements. To get around this, it’s best to use an external program like Thunderbird, Outlook, or the Mail app on Mac. You also have the possibility to configure email on native smartphone applications.
Cordialement Doremi
- @Doremi! Fake and fake! I didn’t receive an email! If it was supposed to be sent, let swisscom check the shipment… I discovered this by chance because I hang out on the forum from time to time and I was intrigued by the title of this topic
Indeed, this new Bluewin version is a scam. To keep what we have today (example 3 email addresses) we have to pay almost 36.- per year…..
Thank you for the respect of Swisscom customers, we are indeed taken for pigeons.
For me, it is actually time to leave the pigeon hole and move to another service provider with all my Swisscom contracts (currently 4 contracts). Goodbye ladies and gentlemen, I’m going to do some promotion for my loyal friends to this day at Swisscom.
@stevensonjr Same for me!
I’m still in basic and I don’t pay anything 🤔
I don’t really use them. It serves as my Apple ID and I forward emails. So my boxes are empty.
Good morning,
I was able to test the new interface this morning:
1 I was not warned
2 I had 2 old email addresses deleted without the possibility of recovering them according to the technical service!!!
3 no longer possible to have external email addresses!! customers should be warned
4 it costs too much!!!