Back to the actual expansion topic, for the external locations of a pol. Community (which may have several ‘towns’ scattered around a certain perimeter). You mentioned in your post above that renovation projects could happen quickly… Well, when you talk about the ‘devil’, what a coincidence. In my case, I have now received a letter from the building administration in the municipality , and it refers to the renovation of the factory lines in my locality. Do you know anything about it? According to a request to the President of the Construction Administration, all stakeholders are informed in advance of construction projects. I now suspect that SC was not informed or was informed too quickly?! 😞
It would be ideal, after the opportunity was missed a year ago when renovating Schulhausstrasse, not to use the open “street holes” again to insert the empty pipes or fiber optic cables/feeders if necessary! That would be sub-optimal, even annoying, and questionable from an ecological point of view if the roads had to be torn up again at a later date. 😉