Missing channels on Swisscom TV
To properly inaugurate the new forum, I suggest you summarize the channels available from other TV operators and which are currently unavailable from Swisscom. You never know if someone in charge reads the new forum:smileyhappy:
To start with the free French DTT channels which are missing on Swisscom TV even though they are free and royalty-free for Switzerland:
Gulli (Available since 05/27/2010)
Virgin 17~ (Available since 05/27/2010)
W9 (Available since 05/27/2010)
I Télé~ (Available since 05.27.2010)
Canal+ (unencrypted programs)~ (Available since 05.27.2010)
HD1 (Available since 07.17.2013 French Bouquet+ HD)
L’Equipe 21 HD~ (Available since 07.17.2013 French Bouquet+ HD)
6Ter (Available since 07.17.2013 French Bouquet+ HD)
Number 23~ (Available since 07.17.2013 French Bouquet + HD)
RMC Découverte~ (Available since 07.17.2013 French Bouquet+ HD)
Chérie 25~ (Available since 07.17.2013 French Bouquet+ HD)
Then the low pay and pay channels:
13ème Rue~ (Available since 12.09.2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Action (Available since 09/27/2010)
Boomerang (Available since 04/27/2011)
BFM Business~ (Available since 02/21/2012)
Boing (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Cartoon Network~ (Available since 04/27/2011)
Hunting and Fishing~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Sport)
Cine FX~ (Available since 09/27/2010)
Ciné Polar~ (Available since 09.27.2010)
Ciné + Premier~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Ciné + Famiz~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Ciné + Frisson~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Ciné + Club~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Cinema + emotion~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “The+”)
Ciné + Star~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Ciné + Classic~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Comedy +~ (Available since 09.12.2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Cuisine TV +~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Discovery Channel~ (Available since 09/13/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Disney Junior~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Disney Channel~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Disney XD~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Disney Cinemagic~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Dorcel TV
Equidia Live~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Sport)
Equidia Life~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Sport)
Encyclopedia (Available since 09/27/2010)
ESPN America~ (Available since 01.11.2010 Bouquet Teleclub Sport)
Game One
History (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Infosport+~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Kids Co~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Kombat Sport HD
LCI (Available since 06.09.2012)
Manga (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
My sports channel~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Sport)
MCM France
Tele Melody
Montagne TV~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
MTV Base
MTV Dance
MTV France
MTV hits
MTV Idol
MTV Pulse
National Geographic France SD~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
National Geographic Wild SD~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Nickelodeon FR~ (Available since 11/15/2010)
Piwi +~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Planète +~ (Available since 09.12.2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Planet + Justice~ (Available since 09.12.2012 Bouquet Teleclub “The+”)
Planète + No Limit~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Planet + Thalassa~ (Available since 09.12.2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Rouge TV~ (Available since 09/27/2010)
Seasons (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “The+”)
Stylia (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
SyFy (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
TCM (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Maison +~ (Available since 09.12.2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
Teletoon +~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “Les+”)
TV Breizh~ (Available since 12.09.2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Vivolta (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Voyage (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
HD channels:
13ème Rue HD~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
TF1 HD~ (Available since 05/04/2011)
FR2 HD~ (Available since 11/15/2010)
M6 HD~ (Available since 04.05.2011)
Eurosport HD~ (Available since 15.11.2010 French Bouquet + HD)
Eurosport 2 HD~ (Available since 02.27.2014 French Package + HD)
My HD sports channel~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Sport)
My sports channel Well-being HD
My Extreme HD sports channel
My sports channel Tennis HD
MTVN HD~ (Available since 11/15/2010 French Bouquet+ HD)
Nat Geo HD~ (Available since 11/15/2010 French Bouquet+ HD and Teleclub Premium)
Nat Geo Wild HD~ (Available since 11/15/2010 French Bouquet+ HD and Teleclub Premium)
Disney Cinemagic HD~ (Available since 11/15/2010 French Bouquet+ HD and Teleclub Premium)
Disney Channel HD National Geographic France SD~~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Disney XD HD~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Disney Junior HD~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Classica HD~ (Available since 11/15/2010 French Bouquet+ HD)
Deluxe Lounge HD~ (Available since 11/15/2010 French Bouquet+ HD)
i-concerts HDAvailable since 11/15/2010 French Bouquet+ HD
Discovery HD~ (Available since 09/13/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Discovery Science HD~ (Available since 07/17/2013 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Mezzo Live HD
Paramount Channel HD~ (Available since 04/08/2014 Teleclub Premium Package)
Ushuaia HD~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
SyFy HD~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
TCM HD~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub Premium)
Trace Sports HD
Trace Urban HD~ (Available since 02/26/2014 French Bouquet+ HD)
Trace Tropical HD~ (Available since 04/08/2014 French Bouquet+ HD)
Canal + Sport HD~ (Available since 06.09.2012 Canal+ Package)
Canal + HD Cinema~ (Available since 06.09.2012 Canal+ Bouquet)
Canal + Décalé HD~ (Available since 06.09.2012 Canal+ Bouquet)
Canal + Family HD~ (Available since 06.09.2012 Canal+ Bouquet)
Ciné Premier HD~ (Available since 09/12/2012 Bouquet Teleclub “The+”)
ESPN America HD~ (Available since 11/15/2010 French Bouquet+ HD)
Travel HD