E-Mail Design

  • Hello Bluewin Mail / Swisscom Webmail

    I’m very annoyed that when I read my email I can only use half of the screen. The top half of the screen consists of advertising. I would like to be able to read my emails on my entire screen and not just on the bottom half of my computer. May I ask you to find another solution for placing these unnecessary advertisements. Or do you have a tip on how I can adjust it in the user profile so that my emails appear on the entire screen?

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      Pluprade71 You can either use an email program such as Outlook or Thunderbird for Bluewin mail, then there will be no advertising, or you can take out an additional subscription for 1.90 / month, then the advertising will go away. There is no other option with webmail.

      Create a free Bluewin email address now | Swisscom


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      Agus fágaimíd siúd mar atá sé


      It’s been around for almost over a year!

      [https://www.verbrauchentenschutz.ch/general/2022/09/werbung-auf-bluewin-mail-von-swisscom-das-koennen-sie-tun/](https://www.verbrauchentenschutz.ch/general /2022/09/advertising-on-bluewin-mail-from-swisscom-you-can-do/)

      Here is the link to the Thunderbird email program.


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      Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

      Thanks for the link to the consumer protection article. What strikes me:

      Use of an email service such as Outlook, Thunderbird, Apple Mail, etc. When using such a service, there will still be advertising in your inbox, but no advertisements (banners). Some of these programs are subject to a fee.

      I know Outlook (on the iPad), Thunderbird (Linux PC) and Apple Mail (iPhone). I don’t have any advertising in my inbox for any of these programs. And all of these programs are free.

      Another statement that makes me frown is:

      Use Ad-Blocker (programs for blocking advertisements). These programs can block advertisements, but not advertising emails in your inbox. Consumer protection has not investigated which ad blockers have an impact on bluewin.ch.

      If the author of the article had investigated this, he would have found out that 99% of the advertising banners are no longer visible, but are simply white. But you don’t gain any additional space. So the ad blocker advice is pretty much worthless.

      But basically it’s like this, it’s best to use an email program. Anyone who absolutely needs webmail (I don’t understand how someone can be so masochistic) will have the most success if they just pay the 1.90.

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        For me, the ad blocker in the picture below has been active for a long time and Thunderbird is the email program, even though MS Outlook 356 is available.


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        Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.


        Hello @WalterB

        Does uBlock Origin work for you? For me, the advertising is hidden, but no additional space is released in Firefox. Well, that doesn’t bother me because I only use webmail when I want to look up something. Like now because of this thread.

        Without ad blocker:

        Workspace 1_911.png

        With ad blocker:

        Workspace 1_913.png

        I’ve now taken the same image section twice.

        In addition to uB, I also tried Ghostery and Adblock Plus. Exactly the same result.

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        • WalterB has responded to this post.


          No, you will not get a free space on WEB-Mail with an ad blocker.

          I also normally use Thunderbird on all systems.


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          Installationen, Netzwerk, Internet, Computertechnik, OS Windows, Apple und Linux.

          • Werner has responded to this post.


            I don’t have any advertising or white space on Web Mail, even though I only subscribe to Webmail Basic.

            Unfortunately, I can’t say exactly why displaying advertising for Swisscom doesn’t work for me, because my “anti-advertising concept” is multi-level and starts with filtered DNS servers that are only integrated with encrypted queries and continues Pi-Hole in your own network and only at the end, in some cases, the ad blockers that may also be integrated into the various browsers.

            What I’m also not sure about is whether Swisscom webmail advertising is also influenced by individual data protection settings, which you can still influence individually on your own Swisscom account using various opt-out options.

            In my account settings, I simply selected all opt-out settings to benefit me and not Swisscom:


            As a result of all the countermeasures, I finally almost completely got rid of annoying advertising, but which combination of settings ultimately causes this is difficult to determine in individual cases, as is now the case with web mail.

            P.S.: I think restricting the use of data from the Swisscom account is generally a good idea, regardless of the web mail advertising topic 🙂

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            Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom

            Hi @Werner

            I don’t have any advertising or white space on Web-Mail, even though I only subscribe to Webmail Basic.

            Unfortunately, I can’t say exactly why displaying advertising for Swisscom doesn’t work for me, because my “anti-advertising concept” is multi-level and starts with filtered DNS servers that are only integrated with encrypted queries and continues a Pi-Hole in your own network and only at the end, in some cases, the ad blockers that may also be integrated into the various browsers.

            Funny, I have exactly the same “problem” 😉.

            I’ve now played around a bit and found out that, at least for me, advertising or the white bar only appears with “Bluewin E-Mail light”, but not in Basic.

            What I almost regret is taking a look at the source code afterwards…

            The advertising is loaded between the header and emails via iFrame. If you remove this from the DOM, the emails remain at the bottom because the positions of the UI elements are statically set in pixels using the CSS “top” attribute.

            So that webmail can still be used in windows of different sizes, all elements are moved via Javascript every time the window is resized. For me, the elements jump around briefly after each resize. However, the advertising is factored into the positioning - regardless of whether it is there or not. Hence the white bar.

            By the way, the Ext JS framework used dates back to 2009 - the last patch was installed on April 3, 2013 - so it was able to celebrate its 10th birthday this year! Extended support was discontinued in 2018.

            I’m excited to see what happens next, I can’t imagine it being updated. This is IMO a problem in the “rewrite” category.



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            @r00t wrote:


            By the way, the Ext JS framework used dates back to 2009 - the last patch was installed on April 3, 2013 - so it was able to celebrate its 10th birthday this year! Extended support was discontinued in 2018.

            I’m excited to see what happens next, I can hardly imagine that this will be updated. This is IMO a problem in the “rewrite” category.



            It really doesn’t sound very future-proof 🙂

            What I can’t estimate myself:

            Does the use of these ancient components beyond their expiration date actually pose unnecessary security risks, or does it “only” make maintainability and possible further development more difficult?

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            Hobby-Nerd ohne wirtschaftliche Abhängigkeiten zur Swisscom

            Hi @Werner

            It really doesn’t sound very future-proof 🙂

            Never change a running system or anything 🤣

            Does the use of these ancient components beyond their expiration date actually pose unnecessary security risks, or does it “only” make maintainability and possible further development more difficult?

            One problem, for example, is that not only the framework but also its dependencies are getting older. If a gap is found there, you as a developer may not even notice it.



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            5 months later

            r00t, Werner,

            Good point - old frameworks, libraries with vulnerabilities, nobody who takes care on maintenance, enhancements and that from such a provider.

            @Swisscom: How about a modern webmail standard module (also for the administration of forwarding, creating and deleting mailboxes, etc. pp).

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