
Sorry, I don’t know where I can edit the post yet. An error occurred during the speed test. It’s exactly the opposite. Sorry for the mistake and I hope I can find the edit or someone will help me and tell me where it is 😂

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Thanks for the support. But after a closer look, I think everything is okay. It’s already late and after more than an hour on the hotline you can get a little confused. Nevertheless, I still look forward to your support. It has now taken a year and more than 3 hours on the hotline to register here. And I also had to create a new Swisscom login. I don’t understand any of this anymore 🤔

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Hi @RemoSchober76

8 days ago @Roger G from Swisscom here wrote the following:

You cannot (yet) use the booster with g.Fast

In a few months (or the beginning of 2024) you should be able to put the booster back into operation, as g.Fast will then be supported. So you can benefit from the fast line plus 5G signal.

I would be very surprised if something has already changed 😉



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4b 65 69 6e 65 20 4d 61 63 68 74 20 64 65 72 20 6c 65 67 61 63 79 20 49 50 21

Hello everyone

Since I was able to double my download and upload speed thanks to the booster, I’ll post my values ​​for your information.

  • my subscription is Internet M
  • The 45-year-old copper cable to my house connection is 200 meters long
  • The in-house cabling is correct with an uninterrupted new cable from the basement to Internet box 3
  • The satellite antenna is 550 meters away with limited line of sight
  • The booster is not attached to the outside of the window, but is located inside directly next to the Internet box 3
  • The PC and the TV are connected with the original Swisscom LAN cables

There seems to be an improvement in sight in the near future, as one community member wrote:

You could also wait, the new booster platform should go online soon (in 2023?) with better support for many services. E.g. tcp and not just udp, probably also blueTV and others.


IB3 Diagnose.png



IB3 Kupfer-Booster.png

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Hello everyone

Yes, I think I’ll leave the booster unplugged until there’s news about it.

Maybe the new platform will come soon.

Thanks for your help and see you next time

LG Remo

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6 days later

Hello again everyone

Just out of interest. Does anyone know when it will definitely work with g.Fast or when?

the new booster platform starts?

According to Swisscom there should have been more speed for a year…

@Roger G maybe you can help me or give me information?

p.S sorry, I didn’t know how to reduce the size of the image. Guess I need to practice more😂

LG Remo

[https://www.swisscom.ch/de/about/news/2021/11/18-1gb-schweizweit.html](https://www.swisscom.ch/de/about/news/2021/11/ 18-1gb-switzerland-wide.html)

Swisscom statement.jpg

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  • WalterB has responded to this post.

    @RemoSchober76 wrote:

    Hello again everyone

    Just out of interest. Does anyone know when it will definitely work with g.Fast or when?

    the new booster platform starts?

    According to Swisscom there should have been more speed for a year…

    @“x”#223975Perhaps you can help me or give me information?

    Unfortunately I can’t. Unfortunately, there are technical delays because not only do you have to integrate the new backend, but you also have to change the router firmware. It looked easier than it really is (which is actually normal). I expect the rollout in Q1/24.

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    Roger G.
    Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, Product Manager Wireline Access

    Okay, thanks anyway.

    Then I will no longer connect the booster until the new platform is available.

    And thanks to Swisscom for a recommendation that was actually unnecessary.

    Then let’s see what happens next.

    Thank you for your support 👍 and see you next time 😊.

    LG Remo

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    3 months later

    Hello everyone

    What does this topic currently look like in January 2024? At my home, around 400 Mbit/s down and 90 Mbit/s up should be available via g.fast. In reality it is around 10 Mbit/s down and 2 Mbit/s up. I would therefore like to ask whether it will be possible to combine an Internet Booster with g.fast in 2024?

    Thanks for your answers!


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      @Wiflieya80 wrote:

      ….I would therefore like to ask whether it will be possible to combine an internet booster with g.fast in 2024?

      It should happen sometime in 2024…

      The year has only just begun and will last 51 more weeks…

      Although I’m assuming “sooner” rather than “later” until that happens. Although “earlier” could only be in Q2….

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      ….keep on rockin'


      Are the 400/90Mbit/s the information from Swisscom Checker? Because if this is the case, you will have very big problems with your installation, because it is certainly not G.Fast. Your speed test is incredibly slow and the latency is way too high.

      Can you upload a screenshot of the InternetBox statistics?

      You have to access the IB via the browser and then click on the first green dot. It should then look something like this:

      IBPlus 04-20-2022.png

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      Gruss TomatoTec

        Hi @Wiflieya80

        There’s something not right about your management

        @Wiflieya80 @TomatoTec I suggest we discuss again in [Unknown Anschluss (DSL)](https://community.swisscom.ch/t5/Festnetz/Unknown-Anschluss- DSL/m-p/801772#U801772) further - can me It’s easy to imagine that something went wrong/was broken from the start.



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        4b 65 69 6e 65 20 4d 61 63 68 74 20 64 65 72 20 6c 65 67 61 63 79 20 49 50 21

        Wiflieya80 I don’t know what kind of screenshot this is at which address, because the Anschluss that is registered to you has a measured speed of 584/134!! And that without a booster (which is not available there).


        But you have connected all devices and also the WLAN-Box wirelessly to the IB3 (i.e. as a repeater not as an access point). This is anything but optimal.

        The screenshot from the router doesn’t seem to come from this Anschluss, does it?

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        Roger G.
        Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, Product Manager Wireline Access

        Hello @Roger G, thank you very much for your answer, but this is a photo of my Anschluss. It turned out that the UP is defective and needs to be replaced. The order is already out. Unfortunately I can’t connect the WLAN Box 2 as an AP because I don’t have any LAN sockets, so I can only use it as an amplifier.

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        • Roger G has responded to this post.

          It is no problem at all to use a WB2/3 as a repeater. That’s what it was designed for. With Wifi 6 and 4*4 Wifi, data rates of over 200 Mbit/s can still easily be achieved.

          You just have to place the WB2/3 correctly. Always halfway between the router and the place where the end device needs WiFi.

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          Wiflieya80 wrote:

          Hello @Roger G, thank you very much for your answer, but this is a photo of my Anschluss. It turned out that the UP is defective and needs to be replaced. The order is already out. Unfortunately I can’t connect the WLAN Box 2 as an AP because I don’t have any LAN sockets, so I can only use it as an amplifier.

          When I look into the router I see:


          This does not match your data. A current speed measurement and in-house analysis also shows that the UP and the line are completely fine. And how can a UP be defective? These are simple screw terminals that can eventually corrode, but then we would see this in the form of malfunctions. I don’t see anything here, everything is absolutely fine. Only yesterday and on December 20th, 2023 someone simply unplugged the cable or did something else and thus provoked an interruption. As a result, the router was offline for a while yesterday. So nothing that indicates a UP defect. But if it helps, then that’s ok (even though I don’t see a ticket either… that’s strange)

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          Roger G.
          Swisscom (Schweiz) AG, Product Manager Wireline Access